See How We FIRST Met Kolchak and Godzilla- It's a "Night Stalker"/ "Godzilla, King of the Monsters" Double Feature- Tonight!

Posted on October 21, 2023

Tonight on MeTV, our “Svengoolie’s Halloween BOO-nanza” doubles down on first encounters of the weird kind- with the showing- at last!- of the made-for-TV movie that introduced us to the beloved- and somewhat disheveled- reporter Carl Kolchak, who can’t avoid the supernatural- and the atomic-spawned kaiju that began a film legacy- it’s “The Night Stalker” followed by “Godzilla, King of the Monsters”!

The very first Kolchak story- which viewers have been asking to see for a long time- has the reporter covering the news in Las Vegas- when some mysterious deaths occur- in which the young female victims have been drained of their blood! Kolchak, called back from a vacation by irascible managing editor Tony Vincenzo, finds it suspicious that the local police authorities, the district attorney and even the FBI seem to be covering up facts on the bizarre story. When Kolchak reports that the killings are being done by a super powerful madman, Tony reads him the riot act!

Eyewitness reports finally reveal a description and a car-whose license plates reveal the owner used a false name and address. While Tony insists the story must be kept under wraps to avoid causing a panic among the populace, Kolchak keeps digging, sure that the killer is someone who THINKS he’s a vampire. His opinion changes drastically after a face-to-face run-in with the killer- but, again, the authorities want to keep things quiet, promising Carl that he will have exclusive rights to the story- IF he keeps the info to himself- but- will they honor that deal?

Things get intense when Kolchak finally discovers the lair of the blood-sucking suspect- and it becomes a deadly battle of man versus monster!

This 1972 Dan Curtis production sets the stage for the sequel ( which we will present next week!) and then the TV series starring Darren McGavin and Simon Oakland. We’ll introduce the rest of the cast- including Carol Lynley- and talk about the background of the movie and subsequent Kolchak appearances- bring you a song and some “Svensurround”- and- get a visit from our new frightful female friend, Gwengoolie!


Right after the first feature, we head to Japan- for the first appearance of “Godzilla- King of the Monsters”- in this 1956 film which has a decidedly more serious tone than many of the sequels.

We find reporter Steve Martin ( Raymond Burr-yes, “Perry Mason”-and, yes, it is ironic that the character is named Steve Martin, long before we all became aware of the banjo-playing comedian ) – hospitalized and in serious condition, having been brought to an over-crowded medical facility loaded with other victims of a horrible catastrophe. We learn what has happened via a flashback- with Martin arriving to investigate some strange unexplained naval disasters.

When a lone survivor of one of these mysterious events washes ashore at a small island, Martin joins military investigators to check out the island- and where natives believe in the existence of a legendary gigantic sea monster- and the investigation turns up traces of radioactivity- and- unbelievably gigantic footprints!

The origin of these is discovered when the mighty Godzilla actually appears! Dr. Yemane, a renowned expert, explain his theory that this gigantic creature has been awakened from ages of hibernation by man's atomic testing (a theme that will be reused in countless future movies). Martin seeks out the scientist pal he came to visit, Serizawa, who he thinks may have more insight, but is told that he is far too busy. Coincidentally, Dr. Yemane’s daughter is scheduled to marry Serizawa- but when she attempts to break up with Serizawa,she discovers a horrible discovery he is hiding from the world- for its own good!

Suddenly- in the first scene of its type, due to be echoed in many more films- Godzilla appears in Tokyo Bay and heads onshore to cause horrific destruction to the city! Any defensive system plans fail miserably- and Godzilla's rampage seems unstoppable! Martin does his best to provide live coverage of the damage being done- only to be injured as the devastation continues- and we are brought back to the present where the movie started.

Circumstances end up pointing towards one single dangerous way to end Godzilla’s attacks- involving the secret discovery of Serizawa’s. There is major disagreement about whether or not this should be utilized- but, at this point, can anything, known or unknown, provide even slim hope that the monstrous creature can be stopped- before it's too late?

We’ll have a lot of information for you- regarding the movie’s history, how Burr was inter-cut into the original all-Japanese cast, and we’ll pay our respects to the man who was inside the Godzilla suit. Plus- watch for our friend Jamie Farr- as well as a song, a guide to movie dubbing, a vintage promo for a dubbed game show that was a big hit on cable, and a memorable visit from years ago by two legendary women whose cartoon voices you know very well!

This double feature begins at 8 pm eastern/pacific, 7 central time. During both movies, you are encouraged to live-Tweet on (where else?) Twitter- but make sure to use the hashtag #svengoolie. Be watching after tonight’s double feature for a brief trip to the “Twilight Zone”-followed by a marathon of -yes- Kolchak episodes! Locally this morning, our Chicago viewers get an encore of the ever-popular “Abbott and Costello Meet Frankenstein” at 11 am on CW26.

Tonight- if you are in the Chicago/Elgin area, I will again be a guest at the amazing zombie-infiltration street festival “Nightmare on Chicago Street” in Elgin, IL. Check for info under the “appearance” tab here on our website- and a word to the wise- please know that they have only scheduled a brief autograph signing/photo time for me- so check the time, and get in line early if you want to see me before I host the finals of the always-amazing costume contest!

We also want to thank our viewers for making the Sven inflatable lawn decoration a big success- after being put out for sale, they sold out in about seven hours! Be watching for more Sven-related merchandise coming soon!

For now, we have gotten a terrific response to our “BOO-nanza” double-features- so join us tonight for the next one, with two historic first appearances!

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 during show

MacBreck 16 months ago
Darren McGavin was also was the original Mike Hammer on TV, 1958-1959.
Katink 16 months ago
I took a friend/neighbor to the ER tonight. It was so busy that they didn't have treatment rooms to send patients to after triage. So being "almost" a full moon must be close enough. . .😨
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RobBarnes Katink 16 months ago
Damn Katink, I'm sorry to hear thats how your dad went out. We simply do not heal the same nor do we have the same sense of balance or coordination in our advance years. I guess in a sense I'm lucky that my dad went out fairly quickly with a heart attack.
SphinxCowgirl Katink 16 months ago
I’m sorry that you lost your dad so long ago.
Katink RobBarnes 16 months ago
Thanks, Rob. He had so many health issues at that point.
Katink SphinxCowgirl 16 months ago
Thank you, SphinxCowgirl. I used to say that having aging parents isn't for sissies. Now that my folks are both gone, I've revised it to aging isn't for sissies.
abc123 16 months ago
Good thing I checked my videos before uploading. the audio was messed up on one. Also, the video for Night Strangler is different from the fan photos, and was shot at a place they mention, but as far as i could tell, was not a filming location.
Cartoondave 16 months ago
I've got to finish my Munsters DVD set all I have left are the 2 movies to watch I'll probably watch one tomorrow after I get home pumpkin fest in laconia, NH I'm hoping to be back before Sven starts. I was showing my cousin Patti all my Svengoolie gear her favorite was the attack of the rubber chickens tee so I think I'll wear that one tomorrow either that or the Svengoolie one with all the monsters on it?
RobBarnes Cartoondave 16 months ago
I got the set with both seasons and all 3 Munster movies and then I bought Rob Zombie's version of The Munsters separate.
Drang 16 months ago
Good night, Bull.
Jack Drang 16 months ago
Svenboy 16 months ago
Watched 1925 the phantom of the opera with lon chaney tonight for the first time tonight. I liked it. An effective silent horror flick.
Jack Svenboy 16 months ago
Congratulations! Did you see the version with the color segment?
Svenboy Jack 16 months ago
Yes I did!
Jack Svenboy 16 months ago
Wonderful! Double congratulations!
Svenboy Jack 16 months ago
Thanks jack!😀
Svenboy 16 months ago
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RobBarnes Svenboy 16 months ago
I get that it is a classic just like a few other very early horror films but I just find it difficult to watch silent films especially if its grainy from a poor transfer.
Cessna1960 16 months ago
For all those participating in the race for the coveted 1st blogger atrophy , err I mean Trophy , I salute you !....after watching Christopher Lee sink his fangs into London I shall retire to my bed with Garlic and Crucifixes placed just so !
Jack Cessna1960 16 months ago
I hope you let the housekeeper off for the night, so she doesn’t inadvertently “tidy up” the garlic, etc.
Cessna1960 16 months ago
Hello all !....I can't pass up Hammers 1958 "Horror of Dracula " tonite !...Christopher Lee was one heckuva Dracula...even though he dreaded being typecast in the role he always returned to it...
Cessna1960 Cessna1960 16 months ago
I did read where Christopher Lee said one role he would love to play was from one of his favorite book series "The Lord of The Rings " ...he got his wish when he was cast as Saruman in Peter Jackson's epic re-telling of the Trilogy !
RobBarnes Cessna1960 16 months ago
He was custom made for that role especially with his towering height and his commanding voice.
Klaatu 16 months ago
Kenneth Toby starring in a schlock movie “The Vampire”. From a great movie “Thing From Another Planet” to this…just goes to show you, no one reads the script before they sign on to a movie.
Cessna1960 Klaatu 16 months ago
Hiya Klaatu, hope all is well with you and yours !
PARANORMA 16 months ago
Surely Vincent Price is gory, Corman proved that fact to me. But for little Peter Lorre, I would... Oh. Um. Carry on.
Carl_N_Brown 16 months ago
Yesterday afternoon


Tomorrow is officially the Hunter's Moon. It's been really bright.
Carl_N_Brown Carl_N_Brown 16 months ago
Earlier this week

Klaatu Carl_N_Brown 16 months ago
Have you heard any howling??
Carl_N_Brown Klaatu 16 months ago
Not yet, but tomorrow night is officially the full moon on my calendar from Boys Town.
MrsG Carl_N_Brown 16 months ago
YAY ~ fabulous full moon fever Carl ~ thank You O_O
deadringer42 16 months ago
Want some for fire water?
Klaatu deadringer42 16 months ago
Nice! But what’s water without an ABV of 40% or more?
deadringer42 gabste 16 months ago
Hi gabs. Hope all is well with you and hubby.
Cessna1960 deadringer42 16 months ago
Hello Deadringer...hope you are doing okay
deadringer42 Cessna1960 16 months ago
Ok here. We are on baby watch as our daughter is getting close to delivery. All else is trivial. Nothing like the birth of life to give you new energy. Hope to be heading to the Seattle area in the next 2 weeks.
Cessna1960 deadringer42 16 months ago
Good deal! are so right!....The miracle of a new life in yalls life ! I know you will be proud grandparents!
Wish your daughter all the best from me !...
gabste deadringer42 16 months ago
We're doing great ! Traveling with his Brother and wife ❤️ hope you're well and enjoy your new Grandkid !
Carl_N_Brown 16 months ago
The makers of FROM HELL IT CAME missed an opportunity to cash in on TRILOGY OF TERROR by retitling their movie and re-releasing it as TREE-OLOGY OF TERROR "Tabanga the Walking Stump of Horror".
Klaatu Carl_N_Brown 16 months ago
Ugggh. From Hell It Came…a 3-Martini movie just to get you to the end🤣
Svenboy 16 months ago
Watched the original mummy today with karloff and the first dr phibes movie today with Vincent price. Seen both before. I remember when sven Showed both dr phibes movies with Vincent price.
1MikeM 16 months ago
Don't know what the theme dinner will be for tomorrow night's movie, pizza perhaps but the attire will include a plaid flannel shirt for that grunge look since the movie takes place in Seattle.
1MikeM 16 months ago
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Klaatu 1MikeM 16 months ago
I’m making Orange Chicken stir fried with Bok Chou, baby Broccoli mushrooms & sprouts. It doesn’t have a connection with the movies, but it’s darn good👍. Yum 😋
Klaatu Jack 16 months ago
When I was in Oregon going to the Eugene airport, the billboards announced everywhere “Eugene: Home of Weed”.
1MikeM Klaatu 16 months ago
Sounds good, Klaatu! I've had some orange chicken a few weeks ago.
1MikeM 16 months ago
"The bluest sky you ever seen, in Seattle. And the hills the greenest green, in Seattle."
Drang 1MikeM 16 months ago
Lies, all lies.
FKrueger Drang 16 months ago
"What a bright, sunny day" said no one in Seattle ever
FKrueger 16 months ago
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PrattnWhitney 16 months ago
Ahhhhh Vincent Price Icon-a-thon on Movies. Yay!!!
Klaatu 16 months ago
•Last night the internet stopped working so I spent a few hours with my family. They seem like good people.
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