Stalk Like an Egyptian-There's Doom in the Tomb When "Dr. Phibes Rises Again"-Tonight!

Posted on November 16, 2024

Tonight on MeTV-find out what gets a rise out of Vincent Price’s disfigured “dead-again/live-again” villain- as we pick up where last week’s movie left off- only a few years later- when the killer keyboardist is restored to life- and sets out on a quest to return his beloved wife to the realm of the living- while racing against an anxious adversary to a certain spot in Egypt that promises eternal life- as “Dr. Phibes Rises Again”!

After a brief recap of the last film ( narrated by Garry Owens), we pick up three years after that- when the position of the moon sets off the revival process that releases Phibes from the grave! He now feels the time is right to use a manuscript he has in his safe to find a hidden temple through which flows the River of Life- which can restore his wife Victoria and provide him, as well, with eternal life. He again has the assistance of his female accomplice Vulnavia ( with no excuse given for why she is alive and beautiful as ever after her dousing in deadly acid in the previous film!)


There is only one problem- the manuscript is gone! Phibes realizes there can only be one man behind its disappearance- one Biederbeck, who has the same pressing need to find the River of Life, after having stayed alive for centuries thanks to the use of a unique elixir- but his supply of the elixir is running out!

Naturally, the cunning Phibes regains the manuscript, in his usual devious and deadly manner, and sets out across the sea to Egypt- with Vulnavia and his wife’s comatose body in tow- but Biederbeck and his beautiful red-haired love, Diana, are aboard as well making the journey to remote Egypt. A strange shipboard mishap clues in Phibes’ old adversary, Inspector Trout, that the fiend is back- and soon he and his superintendent Waverly head out to the desert in pursuit!

Biederbeck already has a crew hard at work at the mountain that is supposedly the site of the temple- in which Phibes sets up a new headquarters upon his arrival! Phibes must find the key that will open the gates to the River of Life- returning to his old ways, but this time, instead of using Biblical plagues to defeat his enemies, using methods inspired by Egyptian mythology! Time is running out for Biederbeck- as well as the lives of his associates- as he and Phibes face off -with the lovely Diana’s life used as the ultimate bargaining chip!

This film, released in 1972, the year after “The Abominable Dr. Phibes”, continues the saga with the same black humor of the original. Vulnavia actually was not going to be a part of this film- for obvious reasons- but American International demanded she be in it- though the original’s actress, Virginia North, was pregnant at the time, and so Valli Kemp was cast as Phibes’ silent associate. We’ll talk about others in the cast, including Robert Quarry as Biederbeck- and several actors returning from the original film. We’ll add some behind the scenes information- plus lead you through one more round of our drawing game “Too Drawn Out”, a tabloid TV-type expose of the undead Doctor, more info about what caused the conflict between Robert Quarry and Vincent Price, and more!

“Dr. Phibes Rises Again” will arise on your TV tonight at 8 pm eastern/pacific, 7 central time. For those who may not be able to get MeTV via over the air broadcast or on cable or dish, we should remind you that MeTV streams in real time on the FrndlyTV app- where you can also have a DVR to save the show. Please know that there is a nominal monthly charge. Viewers will again be active on Twitter during the show, live-Tweeting about the program, and you are invited to do the same- make sure you add the hashtag #svengoolie . Chicago area viewers can get an encore of the first part of this series, “The Abominable Dr. Phibes”, at a special time- starting at 10:30 am ( due to high school football quarter finals) on our main local station, WCIU-the U!

We want to thank you all for the overwhelming reactions to our new Freddy Cannon song “Hey Svengoolie”! We heard from so many of you about how you love the music video, and how amazed you were by some of the celebrity cameos!  If you missed the video last week, see it now on YouTube!  Then visit Yikesgeist to see if you spotted all the celebrities.

We had an amazing experience last Saturday night at the iconic Auditorium for the North American premiere of “Bram Stoker’s Dracula” with live orchestral accompaniment by the Chicago Philharmonic. We especially enjoyed the many fans who came to say hello at the VIP meet and greet. Tonight, it’s a different kind of event- the big birthday bash for the beloved retro diner Ed Debevic’s here in Chicago! You can meet me tonight from 5 to 7 pm for pictures and autographs- not the mention the great food and the wise-cracking wait staff! This event is for customers only, and you’ll find more info under the “appearances” tab here on our website.

Join us tonight when Dr. Phibes returns from the crypt, proving that you can’t keep a bad man down!


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 during show

4thtroika 3 months ago
No whiner here. Sparkling Apple Cider!
TheKodakKid 3 months ago
Did everyone get sent to the cornfield? Don’t ever remember a Saturday morning, when NO ONE had posted since the night before.
LadyAngie TheKodakKid 3 months ago
Hi Kodak Kid! Happy Saturday! I have been looking forward to tonight’s show all day, in fact, since last Saturday
The1Butler 3 months ago
Watching TIWM at 1130pm and Bill says" Good Morning "
Mikeyyy The1Butler 3 months ago
Is it a rerun??
The1Butler Mikeyyy 3 months ago
Yes ,its this morning's show.
daleuhlmann 3 months ago
Yet one other movie that Sven has not shown in awhile is MONSTER ON THE CAMPUS. This had happened to have been the last movie that he had shown in his old 10 pm time slot on Me TV, on September 2, 2017, before having switched to his present 8 pm slot the following week. Set on a college campus, that movie had taught us all one valuable lesson: never wear high heels when trying to run up a steep hillside while fleeing from a monster!
The1Butler daleuhlmann 3 months ago
Has it been that long! I know i didnt like the time change at first.
Mikeyyy daleuhlmann 3 months ago
I knew that about high heels! Also have to watch out for grates and cobblestone streets
daleuhlmann 3 months ago
It's interesting to note that three out of the five movies this month have featured Vincent Price: THE ABOMINABLE DR. PHIBES, DR. PHIBES RISES AGAIN, and ABBOTT AND COSTELLO MEET FRANKENSTEIN (which showcases his voice, at least)!
Svenboy 3 months ago
Saw my new pcp today. So nice to be Back to the st Jude facility where my pcp before the house dr was located. He is new to st Jude and completed his residency in 2024. He didn’t want any bloodwork since I just had it and wants to see me in a month for a physical. He wants to see me next week so he can re do the gi referral so I can get the colonscopy. This dr is young and high energy. I liked him- he’s Great. He did a non urgent cardiology referral and podiatry referral And is ok with telehealth. So much better than my previous pcp and the house dr. I seem to like younger drs these days-I need Thier high energy and are usually up to date on the newest stuff.
Klaatu Svenboy 3 months ago
It’s great for you to have a good Doctor who wants to look out for you. A good doctor is literally a Life-and-Death decision.
daleuhlmann Svenboy 3 months ago
Glad you've gotten a good doctor you like, Svenboy 👍!
PARANORMA Svenboy 3 months ago
So good to hear things are moving along so well and that you've got a doctor who's such a great fit! 🩺
Svenboy daleuhlmann 3 months ago
Thanks so much dale! I am happy I found a dr that I like too! Hope all is well with you!😀
Svenboy Klaatu 3 months ago
Yep. It’s important to find a good dr!😀
Katink Svenboy 3 months ago
What wonderful news, Svenboy!
LadyAngie Svenboy 3 months ago
Awesome news! 😊
Jack 3 months ago
Sad news. Alice Brock stepped on a rainbow. And right before Thanksgiving.
PARANORMA Jack 3 months ago
Hope she gets anything she wants...
Lynn Jack 3 months ago
Thank you, Jack.
MrsG Jack 3 months ago
Sweet memories ~ thank You Jack 🦃 ~_~ 🎶
FKrueger Jack 3 months ago
You remember Alice
Here's another Classic for the Sven Roster....
CrazyK 3 months ago
Gabste, I got your hello and said hello back but you would have to scroll sooooooo far back to see it, you might even need a…
“Wayback” machine to get there! 😂
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CrazyK Catbat 3 months ago
Stay strong 💪 Sven sister, always rootin’ for ya!
CrazyK 1MikeM 3 months ago
What happened to “Rostov?” 😝😂
Good to see you MikeM
Katink CrazyK 3 months ago
Hey there, CrazyK!
1MikeM CrazyK 3 months ago
Hunter told him "It's time."
Aceman2 3 months ago
I thought you might want to know: Deer in the Czech Republic do not cross into Germany, a behavior passed down through generations due to an electric fence that guarded the border during the Cold War.
VanGooliac Aceman2 3 months ago
Deer learn their lessons better than most humans.
Jack Aceman2 3 months ago
So many possibilities: Were there fences at any of the other Czechoslovak borders, e.g., Poland, Austria? How good was the forage in Saxony? How hungry for red meat were the East Germans compared to say…the Poles?
Jack VanGooliac 3 months ago
That fence was to keep people in, not deer out.
Drang Aceman2 3 months ago
Do German deer similarly respect borders?
To all my fellow Svensters.....HAVE A GREAT DAY!
NoPersonalChicks 3 months ago
I am sending out an urgent, virtual welfare check to a certain absorbent cloth enthusiast in the Greater Western Commonweath.
MrsG NoPersonalChicks 3 months ago
Mad Love You cwazee cwazee Monster Kid ~
💛 ^_* 🖤
CrazyK MrsG 3 months ago
You guys are still doing much better than us and our
“Shanahanigans” 🍀😂
Hello MrsG 👋
MrsG CrazyK 3 months ago
There You are ! Found You at last SvenBuddy 🖤*_*♥️
Jack 3 months ago
It the spider head thing from _The Thing_ (1982), but it’s a Funko POP!, so it’s cute, right?
PARANORMA Jack 3 months ago
I. Want. This.
Catbat Jack 3 months ago
Funko Pops are always cute.
Klaatu 3 months ago
Tis’ the season for my Christmas Cactus to bloom👍
Jack Klaatu 3 months ago
One of my cats severely pruned both of mine, so blooms for Khanike are unlikely.
Catbat Klaatu 3 months ago
Catbat Catbat 3 months ago
My Mom's has been putting on quite the show.
PARANORMA 3 months ago
Amid the anticipation for "Nosferatu", mustn't forget Guillermo del Toro's "Frankenstein". Though dates TBD, will be where one can watch it and chill, and also a theatrical run. Have only gotten to see one still from it, but it ĺooks stunning.
Further hype on classic themes, there's "Wolf Man" 🐺out 17 January. Curious what the general reaction will be to a storyline that treats a Regular Guy's slide into lycanthropy very much like the tragedy of Seth's transformation in "The Fly". 🪰
VanGooliac PARANORMA 3 months ago
But without David Cronenburg’s genius.
PARANORMA VanGooliac 3 months ago
True (sigh). What I've heard doesn't strike me that they're at all going deliberately for the gross out factor vs his normal world coming apart, but one can never be totally sure they can balance.
No matter what, I kindasorta think it'll be better than "Werewolves" (6 Dec -- love it when all the holiday movies start coming out). The creatures are freakin gorgeous, but...meh.
abc123 3 months ago
Storm took out power Tuesday. Got it restored Thursday. Still no TV or internet. Unless that changes, no A&C meet anyone for me...
Klaatu abc123 3 months ago
I looked into a Tesla battery backup for my house and cost was like $12-$18,000😳. I’ll suffer if power goes out.
Drang abc123 3 months ago
Ours was out for almost exactly 24 hours, and came back in time for Mrs. Drang to return from Salem Wednesday night.
NoPersonalChicks 3 months ago
[image= john.jpg]
Klaatu NoPersonalChicks 3 months ago
Sad 😢 day, that was.
Jack NoPersonalChicks 3 months ago
I’m tempted to post a picture of the Comedian kneeling next to a fence with a rifle, but it’s still too soon.
Vaughn Meader's Career died on that date.....
Drang 3 months ago
Aaaand, up us in time to catch the end credits.
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