That's No Easter Egg- It's "This Island Earth"- Tonight!

Posted on April 11, 2020

Tonight on MeTV- it's big problems for our big blue marble brought about by some big-headed aliens- as odd encounters result in the world's top scientists being summoned to a strange research compound – only to learn they are pawns in a galactic battle- that could lead to the conquest of "This Island Earth"!

It all begins when Dr Cal Meacham, a nuclear physicist, is flying his small plane home when it is enveloped in a greenish glow- taking the plane out of his control! Miraculously, the plane lands safely, but no logical reason can be found for the phenomenon. Returning to his lab, a second mystery is unveiled- his assistant Joe explains that. instead of the resistors he had ordered, they've received some sort of odd new solid-state type, unlike anything they've ever seen, with amazing unheard of capacity! Puzzled, Meacham wants to order another batch from the same mysterious company- but, instead of another batch of these odd resistors, he receives an entire shipment of unfamiliar parts, along with instructions on how to build them into some sort of machine whose function he can only guess at. He and Joe decide to get to work building the contraption- discovering it is some sort of communication device called an “interocitor”. It suddenly picks up a transmission from an odd looking individual with an impossibly high forehead named Exeter ( no, the forehead isn't named Exeter, the whole guy is...). The mysterious figure on the screen congratulates Meacham- saying that, by successfully building the device, he has “passed the test” – and proven himself worthy of becoming part of a special top secret project!

Following instructions, Cal boards an unusual - and unmanned- aircraft alone, and is brought to a remote research compound. He is met by fellow scientists- including Ruth, an expert on nuclear power, who claims she has never encountered him in the past- yet Cal knows he has met her before ( after all, he has a pretty good memory for attractive women)! Once onside the compound’s main building, he finally meets Exeter and his similarly-high-domed cronies-and joins the group of recruits- an international amalgam of scientists transported there just as he was. He bonds with Ruth, that female scientist and a fellow we recognize –(he's Russell Johnson-the Professor from “Gilligan’s Island”)-  a fellow scientist who's also curious and suspicious about what this place is all about. The three of them scheme to uncover what Exeter and his boys are actually planning, besides supposedly having the scientists attempting to create new forms of power. They soon learn that they are constantly under surveillance, and actually prisoners in the compound! They agree that they must escape, but their attempt results in Meacham and Ruth being captured and transported -via a spacecraft unlike any modern science has yet to create- to the far-off planet Metaluna ,which is quickly deteriorating -under siege by a powerful alien race. Along the way, they behold bizarre and dangerous mutants, used by Exeter's people as a slave labor force. As bombings by their enemy progress, and the battle seems lost, the leader of Exeter's group- the Monitor- reveals a new plan- to take over the earth as their new home, and reprogram the earth people's brains to remove their free will- and they will start with  the two visiting earthlings! Will Cal and Ruth become pacified pawns, forced to pave the way to the earth's conquest?

This 1955 Technicolor film is considered a landmark science fiction film, with a fairly sophisticated story line and quality special effects for the time period, and is best remembered for the big headed “Metaluna Mutants”- which are pretty much the prototype for the space creatures of the 50s labeled “bug-eyed monsters”. The cast includes leading man Rex Reason, the sultry Faith Domergue, and Jeff Morrow as Exeter. We'll talk about the cast, and provide some background on the film, as well as trying out our own Interocitor along the way. You will see our old set and coffin in this vintage Sven program, as well as a new segment with Kerwyn- working from home!

"This Island Earth" beams to your TV sets ( no Interocitors required) tonight at 8 pm eastern/pacific, 7 central, or, check for time and channel where you live in your local listings, or at . Don't forget that MeTV invites you to Tweet along during our broadcast on Twitter- just use the hashtag #svengoolie . We continue to be among the top trending topics being commented on nationally every week. Chicago area viewers can enjoy a second round of "The Mummy’s Tomb" at 11 am on the U!

A few things- we hope you are all staying home and keeping well in these trying times. Our Sven crew is fine so far- and anxious to be able to return to producing new programs as soon as the “all clear” sounds. And, to all of you who voted in the Rondo Awards this year- your votes brought us TWO awards- one for favorite horror host, and the other for “top event of 2019”- the city of Chicago’s celebration of my 40 year anniversary. My sincere thanks for your wonderful support-your kindness and loyalty are so appreciated! Finally, we hope you find some way to observe Easter and the Passover season in spite of the unusual circumstances. As our MeTV friends have been saying- we’ll make it through all this together- while staying apart.

Please join us tonight for the big broadcast, featuring big heads and ( hopefully) some big laughs!

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 during show

1MikeM 54 months ago
Charlie the deputy just wanted to say "Arrivederci!"
Berwyn1979 54 months ago
Egore! This is Berwyn1979! Here what you do. Go to the home page and look at last post. To see who one (hint it’s me)
Egore 54 months ago
Helloooooooooooo.... it's like the world just came to an end. I guess they all went to that other place, whereever and whatever it is. Oh well, at least I can get my sandwich now.
Egore 54 months ago
No more chatter, this is very spooky.
deadringer42 Egore 54 months ago
Back out to main page and go to new blog. I feared you might get left behind.
Egore 54 months ago
My clock says a minute after, I wonder if I'm all alone on here now.
Islander 54 months ago
And the Kentucky Derby theme begins.
Egore 54 months ago
I can't leave now, with only minutes left, do we have a count down, like at New Year's Eve?
Egore 54 months ago
I don't have the stomach for this, I'm going to go make a sandwich and let the rest of you fight it out. When I come back, I'll see who the survivors are.
Islander Egore 54 months ago
Ha ha ha
deadringer42 Egore 54 months ago
To quote catbat, welcome to our sandbox of fun.
Islander deadringer42 54 months ago
Well said
Egore deadringer42 54 months ago
I've heard of this one you call the Catbat, she must have powerful mojo.
deadringer42 54 months ago
20 minutes to go, start your keyboards bloggers.
MADave deadringer42 54 months ago
And your fingers
Egore deadringer42 54 months ago
I still don't understand, what exactly do you have to do to be in the horse race when this bizarre ritual starts?
MADave Egore 54 months ago
No purchase necessary just have quick fingers
Islander Egore 54 months ago
Just be the first to get a comment posted on new blog.
Egore Islander 54 months ago
What do I get if I win, a toaster?
Islander Egore 54 months ago
A virtual trophy from Catbat and the admiration and praise from fellow Svenheads.
deadringer42 Egore 54 months ago
A very valuable trophy from catbat.
Islander 54 months ago
Nothing closes. Just the new blog for the week starts at midnight. You can still go back to old blogs.
Egore 54 months ago
What happens when whatever it is closes, do we all go in the bit bucket when this whole thing resets?
deadringer42 Egore 54 months ago
Relax, it just starts a new blog. You can still see it if you look back at the main Sven page.
deadringer42 Egore 54 months ago
Sven drops his intro to the new show at midnight and a new blog thread is started.
MADave Egore 54 months ago
Actually it goes into a link called Sven’s blog which is on the bottom of the main page and you can click that in case you missed something or just go back and read them
Egore MADave 54 months ago
This place is a world of it's own.
Islander 54 months ago
Betting windows for first blooger are about to close. I've got $50 on Bill to win and $20 on Dale and Dave to place.
deadringer42 Islander 54 months ago
I'll take that trifecta.
Egore 54 months ago
I'm a newbie on here, so I don't know much about nutin and there's a lot of code words on here like the easties and westies (are there middies?). People keep mentioning a blog on here, is this the blog that we're on now, or is the blog a separate thing that's completely different? Expiring minds want to know.
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Islander Egore 54 months ago
Hmm.....I'll submit that to committe and get back with you.
Jack Egore 54 months ago
Technically, a middie, but we let the easties watch the broadcast simultaneously with us (Weigel Broadcasting is based in Chicago—Berwyn—no, Chicago). I don’t know what the Mountain Time Zone does.
Egore Islander 54 months ago
There's a Committee!
PatS Egore 54 months ago
For many of us "the blog" is this blog -- the only one we care about. Easties and Westies are time-zone residents -- the two main showings of Sven, EST and PST. (Yes, some of us could be called Middies, but it hasn't become a faction yet.) Easties try not to post 'spoilers' (important plot points) before Westies have had a chance to see the flick.

Yes, have fun! And be kind. And play nice.
daleuhlmann 54 months ago
On tonight's Carol Burnett Show, she introduced Ernie Anderson, who was the show's announcer; he was sitting in the audience. Of course, as most of us know, he was the iconic Cleveland horror movie host Ghoulard from 1963-1966 before moving out to California. Later, he became ABC's national booth announcer.
MADave daleuhlmann 54 months ago
Yes what a voice he had I miss those days of introductions to tv series on ABC
daleuhlmann MADave 54 months ago
So do I, Dave!
1MikeM 54 months ago
…..and dat was This Island Earth.....and dat's da name of dat tune.
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Egore gabste 54 months ago
I remember it as a phrase actor Robert Blake used to use on the TV show Baretta, but it was probably around long before that.
deadringer42 Egore 54 months ago
Didn't he go away for murder? Or am I thinking of someone else.
Jack MADave 54 months ago
Nice rendition of the “Jeopardy Song”!
PatS deadringer42 54 months ago
Robert Blake (Mickey Gubitosi) was found not guilty of the murder of his wife in a scandalous trial.
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