The Classic is Back- the One with Drac! Lugosi IS "Dracula"- Tonight!

Posted on September 18, 2021

Tonight on MeTV- since it is “back to school” time, we decided it is also “back to Drac” time as well! We are happy to again present one of the cornerstones of Universal horror-the movie that placed Bela Lugosi into most people’s minds as the embodiment of Bram Stoker’s vampire count! It’s one of the most atmospheric and captivating legends of all time- as Lugosi leaves his Transylvanian home to bring terror to London in  1931’s original version of "Dracula”!

It starts out almost whimsically, with  real estate solicitor Renfield in a crowded carriage on a bumpy journey to Transylvania ( one of his travelling companions is , in actuality, Carla Laemmle, daughter of Carl Laemmle, founder and head of Universal studios). Renfield is all business- he is on his way to the castle of a certain Count Dracula to get him to sign the lease for Carfax Abbey in London. When the carriage stops at an inn, and Renfield insists he must continue to Castle Dracula, locals get nervous just hearing where he is headed, and try to talk him out of it. Ignoring their warnings, he continues on to meet with the Count- totally unaware of what the future holds!

Renfield meets Dracula, and his overnight stay in the castle results in him falling under the spell of the Count. Completely under his control, driven out of his mind, and living only to do his bidding, he helps his master make his way to London- only to end up in Dr. Seward's sanitarium, while Dracula takes up residence in the nearby abbey. The count soon walks among the city’s people, from whom he claims some prey. The Count meets Dr Seward, on a night out on the town, along with his daughter Mina and her friend Lucy- both of whom are fascinated by the mysterious gentleman.

Meanwhile, Renfield's strange behavior prompts the sanitarium staff to call in Professor Van Helsing to consult on his case- a shrewd and learned man who realizes that it is a vampire that plays a part in the proceedings. He soon discovers just who that vampire is, and just who is endangered by his presence! Fearing that Mina is next in line, he enlists her fiancé, Jonathan Harker, in the battle to defeat this undead menace!

Bela Lugosi shows such amazing presence in  this movie, followed closely  by Dwight Frye’s incredible performance as the deranged Renfield. Also in the cast- David Manners, Helen Chandler- and a man who appears in several of Universal’s original core of horror films- Edward Van Sloan. We'll talk about the cast and the production, and, of course, provide Sven shtick- and, once again this time, since we have gotten a great reaction to it, we will be showing the version of the film featuring the musical soundtrack that first accompanied the film on its French dvd version. The score, composed with stock library music, offsets some of the usual “film hiss” on the original movie soundtrack, which often seems amplified by the original’s lack of background music. Honestly, at times, some added sound effects seem a bit overbearing, but overall,we think this version provides an interesting viewing experience- especially for those of us who have seen the film in its original state so many times.

A side note- our good friend  David Dastmalchian, who played Polka Dot Man in the “Suicide Squad” movie, and will also be in the upcoming version of “Dune”, is actually in Europe working on a film about the treacherous ship journey that brought Dracula to London!

The classic "Dracula" rises from his coffin tonight on MeTV-8 pm eastern/pacific, 7 central, and, if you’re unsure about channel and time in your area, check your local listings or at . Don’t forget that many fans are live-Tweeting during the show on Twitter, using the hashtag #svengoolie – and again, thanks for putting us among the top ten trending topics during last week’s show! Meanwhile, in Chicago, viewers get one more look at “Abbott and Costello Meet Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde”- featuring Boris Karloff- ( whom you will be seeing more of next month- hint-hint!) at 11 am on our main local station, CW26.

It appears that the Sven zip-up hoodie is a huge hit- so much so, that all but the smallest sizes have sold out! Our store is in the process of restocking- please be patient, and keep an eye out here and in the store ( yes, I have a store!) – we will let you know when they are available again!

Please join us tonight on MeTV for“Dracula”- with special musical accompaniment! Those children of the night- they actually DO make some real music in this version!

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 during show

Shayla 35 months ago
Love Bela Lugosi!! No one can match him!
Thereman 36 months ago
Jack, this one's for you! Vlad III appeared on Romanian currency, postage stamps, and multiple other places. So it came as no surprise to hear your former neighbor had furniture with a Vlad stamp on it. I'm fairly sure it wasn't THIS stamp, however:
Drang 36 months ago
Before we leave Dracula (for now; I'm 100% certain Sven will be running it again on the more-or-less near future!) here's something I've been pondering.

The movie seems to have been set in the current period that is, the 1920s or early 1930s.
So how did Dracula and Renfield get to Vesta? Not exactly a calm, peaceful period in eastern European history...
And why a 3 masted schooner? What port did she sail from? Whitby is i the north of England, so did they make their way overland to, say, Gdansk and thence to Blighty? Upstream along the Danube to Germany and then overland to...? Down the Danube to the Black Sea, and through the Med?
Jack Drang 36 months ago
If the novel _Dracula_ is a guide, the schooner—here named _Demeter_—was a Russian vessel sailing out of Varna on the Black Sea. That suggests passage through the Bosphorus to the Sea of Marmara, the Aegean, the Mediterranean, then out into the Atlantic skirting the European coast and dashing through the Channel to the North Sea coast of England. I’d think that sailing up the Danube to the Ludwig Canal—which was open 1846 to 1950—to the Main and then the Rhine to the North Sea would’ve been simpler, but would require changing ships for the North Sea passage. These rivers also flow through officious Germanic countries that prob’ly keep a close watch on river traffic.
Kergooliewyn 36 months ago
Looking forward to tomorrow night. Right now it's way past my bedtime. See everyone tomorrow. Movie looks fun. Love lady vampire movies. Night All.
Klaatu 36 months ago
Congrats to whomever posts first on the new Blog. T-Minus 1hr. I’m working late tonight but I’m off early next Friday and I’ll try then.
Aceman2 36 months ago
Good evening everyone. I shall be unable to join you this weekend as Mrs Aceman and I are attending a wedding.. The bride is the daughter of a dear friend; I have known him for 60 years and he was my college roommate. Here we are in 1986 with our first born children. I’m on the left in the gray shirt
Kergooliewyn Aceman2 36 months ago
Have fun at the wedding. Aceman2.
Katink Aceman2 36 months ago
Awwwww, that is really sweet, Aceman! Hope you and Mrs. Aceman have a lovely day at the wedding.
Thereman Aceman2 36 months ago
Enjoy the moment, Aceman!
abc123 36 months ago
1h45m to new blog. Video uploaded. Photos uploaded. Links and verse saved to a document, and copied to memory. See you all soon!
MrsG 36 months ago
I see that new avatar Katink ~
Love the fangs and the fishnets !
Katink MrsG 36 months ago
What, this old thing? 😁😁😁
Drang 36 months ago
To Boldly Go...
William Shatner to go to space in Jeff Bezos’ Blue Origin rocket ship
PatS Drang 36 months ago
Does just 15 minutes really count?
daleuhlmann 36 months ago
One of my former students was a woman who had grown up in Romania under the Communist regime. She said that among the books banned by the Communists was DRACULA. That still didn't stop her friends and her, though, from smuggling the book into school whenever they could get away with it.
Drang daleuhlmann 36 months ago
Not surprising. For all that he may have been a brutal ruler, Vlad Tepes was a Romanian (Wallachian) patriot, and the communists did everything they could to suppress knowledge of such that they couldn't portray as proto-commies.
daleuhlmann Drang 36 months ago
Exactly, Drang, and she had alluded to that very fact in class one day as well.
Jack Drang 36 months ago
Certainly wouldn’t want the youth to have any heroes other than Ceaușescu!
daleuhlmann 36 months ago
As I had mentioned in my movie review last week, DRACULA was the first Hollywood film to depict supernatural events without explaining them away at the film's conclusion by logical means. Similarly, it was the first film to present an authentic supernatural vampire as a character. Prior to that movie, American audiences only associated the word "vampire" with a much different kind of bloodsucker: a woman who seduced wealthy, older men in order to drain them of their finances. Silent screen actress Theda Bara was most responsible for making the word "vamp" a part of the popular lexicon and culture through her movie portrayals of such a character.
Jack daleuhlmann 36 months ago
Admittedly the pose is fairly vampiric, but Americans were prob’ly aware of the bloodsucking kind even before 1931, even if they weren’t literary enough to make the connection from _A Fool There Was_ to the Kipling poem “The Vampire” to the Philip Burne-Jones painting that inspired it. Several times between 1793 and 1892, rural New Englanders—and some Swiss immigrants in Scioto County, OH—sought to end outbreaks of tuberculosis by exhuming suspected vampires and dealing with the corpse as prescribed by folklore.And then there’s this from the _New York Times_ 5 November 1892...Why is it always Ohio?!
daleuhlmann Jack 36 months ago
Why Ohio? Why not?
Islander 36 months ago

This mysteriously showed up in my mail the other day. I pray it's not a ME TV promo telling me that The 5000 Fingers of Dr. T is coming up soon.
Mikeyyy Islander 36 months ago
Islander Mikeyyy 36 months ago
Lol. Ohhhh...that could be. Maybe The Addams Family is coming to Saturday night. Wish something would hit the 7 to 8pm slot.
Klaatu Islander 36 months ago
Get Smart airs on a MeTV sister station. Maybe once it runs it’s course there, MeTV can air it.
JournalJeff3 Islander 36 months ago
Must be a big, dirty piano key that the hand is sticking out of.
MrsG Islander 36 months ago
Well some kind person is trying to give you a hand !
abc123 Islander 36 months ago
I received mine today also. I have a hat I can attach it to, I will post a picture tomorrow.
MADave 36 months ago
Hey group I just received a letter in the mail from the medical group which I am a patient my doctor that I have gone to for the last few years has passed away on September 15th I will miss him very much and he also had a good sense of humor his name was Dr Pickul please I need good vibes
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Kergooliewyn MADave 36 months ago
Good vibes from this gal MADave.🎶🎶🎶🎶
MADave deadringer42 36 months ago
Thanks dr42
MADave Aceman2 36 months ago
Jack 36 months ago
Yeh, *that* Rod McKuen! He and McFadden were partners in crime in the late 1950s, including _Songs Our Mummy Taught Us_. McFadden’s other monster credit was as the voice of Milton the Monster from 1965 to 1968.

I’m not sure about cha-chas and polkas—I’d expect csárdáses and slow horăs, but I’ll defer to PatS.
Thereman Jack 36 months ago
David Peele with Vulcan ears! I almost like it!
Jack Thereman 36 months ago
It also looks like he lifted some Romulan or Klingon eyebrows!
daleuhlmann Jack 36 months ago
The cover is obviously a send-up of THE BRIDES OF DRACULA.
JournalJeff3 Jack 36 months ago
There is a Polka for everything.
TheKodakKid JournalJeff3 36 months ago
Mikeyyy 36 months ago
Just checking in to see if there any get rich quick posts here. I need to make enough to get me a new tv on Black Friday....

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Mikeyyy Jack 36 months ago
One of my fav Christmas movies
Mikeyyy Thereman 36 months ago
Every sat night at 8.
Mikeyyy Jack 36 months ago
I know he realy thought he had something!!
Mikeyyy TheKodakKid 36 months ago
It’s easy online. In person Frankenstein talks more than me
Thereman 36 months ago
On this eve of Sventurday, we turn the page from one vampire story to another. “Dracula” is a fictitious character that has become a household name, in large part because the work of Bela Lugosi cast such a long shadow. So how did we arrive at this point? There have been a few postings earlier this week about Vlad III (1431-1476- again, maybe), better known as Vlad the Impaler (Vlad Tepes) or Dracula. As Jack pointed out, “Dracul” indicated a member of the Order of the Dragon, which his father was; the added “a” simply meant “Son of…” Vlad himself certainly seems to have possessed the utter cruelty of a vampire. The earlier post showing the famous woodblock carving of Vlad eating lunch amid the suffering of numerous victims epitomizes the legends surrounding the individual. The story goes that when Vlad got word of an impending attack by the Ottoman army, he ordered thousands of people impaled on a hillside, and while this atrocious “entertainment” went on had lunch brought to him at the top of the hill. When the Turkish army showed up on the other side of the valley, they took one look and turned in retreat.
There is little question the man himself was an iron handed ruler, with understandable cause. He experienced torture and imprisonment as a young man, and did witness the murder of his father and two brothers. He lived in Wallachia, a part of Romania that literally faced hostile military threats on all of its borders. He dealt with competing rulers who were also known for their violence and cruelty. All of this during the Middle Ages, a time when military conquest and its violent fallout were the means to the end of political gains.
Vlad was also smart, handsome and clearly charismatic. He was well educated and could read and write, which were incredibly rare skills among his own people. He married twice, (legend has it he had his first wife murdered) and had 3 sons. His military victories are still cited as the works of a brilliant battle field tactician. By the end of his time, he was regarded as both a hero and the “Dread Impaler.”
Whether he actually had the over the top penchant for cruelty that the stories tell will be debated ad infinitum. His legend certainly benefited from technology: Shortly after his death came the invention of the movable type printing press. The result was that Vlad becomes the first mass media subject of what were essentially “penny dreadfulls” of their time. So the legend becomes bigger than the person it was based on.
All the elements of Stoker’s character are here: An educated, charismatic nobleman who has a dark side. A VERY dark side…Given a few centuries of myth and story retelling; goodness, who knows what might come of it?
Jack Thereman 36 months ago
Trying to find a readymade translation of the _Dracula wayda_ text, I came across a scholarly paper that cited the German-language Dracula narratives as the first mass media publications. I’ll post the link if I can locate it in my history.

A year or so after we were married, Debbie and I moved out of high-rise married student housing into an older apartment building on Oak Street in Evanston, IL. The building had just be divested by Northwestern—unbeknownst to the residents—and a live-in super moved in across the hall from us with his wife and inlaws. They were originally from Romania. As they were moving in, some of their furniture was waiting in an alcove to the hallway, chairs and tables stacked upside down on other chairs and tables, so that you could see their unfinished undersides. On many of them was a pyrographic stamp proclaiming “Made in Romania.” In the center of the stamp was a portrait of Vlad Ţepeş.
LarryTheTrainGuy Thereman 36 months ago
A large amount of the story of Vlad was propaganda he himself put out there to scare his enemies and insure loyalty from his people
The whole idea of the ruler being a badass was not uncommon in the Middle ages. The ruler could not show any sign of weakness or he would be a target for somebody who wanted his place. Sort of like Mafia Dons who had stories of doing outrageous violence to their enemies, beating someone to death with a frozen fish or other such things .It gave them power and fear to anyone who would try to unseat them. The same with Vlad.
daleuhlmann Thereman 36 months ago
Good post, Thereman, on the legacy of Vlad Dracula (AKA Vlad tht Impaler). Many historians agree that Bram Stoker most likely knew nothing about the real Vlad, but only selected the name Dracula because of its appropriately sinister meaning.
Drang 36 months ago
And, once again, awake WAY too early!
On my day off.
And I can't even blame it one a cat this time.
Drang Drang 36 months ago
OTOH, I never saw "Jackwabbit and The Beanstalk" before.
Drang Drang 36 months ago
"He can't outsmart me, cuz I'm a moron!"

Management material!
JournalJeff3 36 months ago
Happy Friday!
Have a Great Day & Take Care!!
Lynn JournalJeff3 36 months ago
Howdy, Jeff!
daleuhlmann 36 months ago
As we prepare to leave Castle Dracula and Whitby Sanitarium, did anybody ever wonder why the Count's first victim, the flower girl, did not become a vampire herself after Dracula had drained her blood? Similarly, in the sequel, DRACULA'S DAUGHTER, Countess Zaleska drains the blood of both a young man whom she lures and attacks and Lilly, the girl who agrees to pose as a model for a portrait the Countess says she wants to paint. Similarly, we never learn if they passed into the ranks of the undead or not.
MrsG daleuhlmann 36 months ago
Hmmmm ? You sure make us think , and want to see it again ~ there must be something in the folklore, or vampire hx , to explain that ~ or is the interpretation of art left in the eye of the beholder ?
MADave daleuhlmann 36 months ago
I've been searching my head on that one too dale even when I was watching my Dracula collection DVD from the boxset I have and I've never seen BLOOD OF DRACULA
MADave MADave 36 months ago
Sorry that's scratching not searching
Jack daleuhlmann 36 months ago
Mebbe it’s a class thing… Vonny sodny aristo vampires!
daleuhlmann MADave 36 months ago
It is indeed unexplained.
daleuhlmann MrsG 36 months ago
Very possibly, Mrs. G. For that matter, Hollywood horror movies have often been inconsistent even when following their own story rules.
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