The Legend is True- There IS a "Curse of the Mummy's Tomb"- Tonight!

Posted on July 13, 2019

Though the current  weather don’t exactly lend itself to being wrapped up- other than in a beach towel- tonight on MeTV ,we’ve got a chilling tale wrapped up in the legends of ancient Egypt ! It’s another horror epic from the Hammer Studios- in which a greedy showman’s disregard for the traditional warnings attached to the sacred interment of Egyptian nobility inflicts  London  with the “Curse of the Mummy’s Tomb”!

In the year 1900, Professor Dubois brings a team of Egyptologists into the desert to help evaluate  a mummy and its artifacts recently uncovered. John Bray, Sir Giles Dalrymple, and Dubois’ lovely daughter  ( and fiancée of Bray) Annette are bossed around by the overbearing showman who has backed the expedition, the boisterous Alexander King- whose plans for the find are contrary to the wishes of his party and the Egyptian government. Some  Egyptians have already taken action against the professor, feeling he has desecrated something holy. King plans to put the artifacts and mummy on display in a big travelling show, rather than giving them a dignified exhibition in the homeland museum. King feels all the talk of a curse upon anyone who tampers with the treasures or dares to open the mummy’s sarcophagus is just nonsense- even after deaths occur before they board the ship bound for England.

On the overseas journey, they meet a wealthy patron of the arts, Adam Beauchamp, who has some fair knowledge of ancient Egypt. While on board, Sir Giles, whose failure to keep the treasures out of King’s hands, and is thus bound to be banned from any further expeditions in Egypt, drowns his sorrows in alcohol- even as thieves try to disrupt the journey!

Finally, back in London, King is setting up his exhibition with dollar signs dancing in his eyes. John and Annette accept the hospitality of Adam and stay in his mansion while preparations are made for the public unveiling of the mummy. Still ignoring the idea that anyone who witnesses the opening of the mummy’s sarcophagus will die, King does a rehearsal where he pries open the lid, revealing the wrapped remains of Ra-Antef, son of Rameses. Along the way, Adam regales and enchants Annette with the story of how Ra was forced into exile by his jealous brother-  of a medallion he possessed that supposedly has the power to return the dead to life- and how the evil brother sent assassins to kill his sibling! It soon seems that Annette is falling under the spell of the charming Adam- of which John is certainly taking notice. Adam also takes notice of a medallion that Annette’s father had given her. It is decided that Giles and John should work on deciphering the ancient script on the medallion to determine its purpose.

Some mysterious attacks precede the big opening night of King’s exhibition- where his dramatic build up to the opening of the mummy’s casket is ruined when- the mummy is gone! This is only the beginning of his bad luck- as the curse is soon being gradually fulfilled by- the mummy!

This 1964 full color Hammer  film is unusual in that their two most famous horror players- Christopher Lee and Peter Cushing- are not among the cast- and this mummy is not Im Ho Tep or Kharis, searching for his lost love. This film has no connection to any of the other Hammer mummy films. No tanna leaves are involved either! Regardless, it is a beautiful production in the Hammer tradition and- warning- also contains a few grisly moments.  It takes a while for the Mummy to become active, but when he does, it’s well worth it! We’ll talk about the cast, introduce you to a new weight-loss method, ply you with some Egyptian-based jokes, and, of course, serenade you with  a new song- and , no, it isn’t a “rap”- or a “wrap” –tune! Plus- quite coincidentally- an interview with the wonderful artist who drew the Svengoolie satire in the periodical whose days seem numbered- Mad magazine!

“Curse of the Mummy’s Tomb” will be revealed to you on  MeTV tonight at 8 pm eastern/pacific, 7 central. If you need to find the information of time and channel in your area, please check local listings or  at   Once again,you can join thousands of Sven fans who live-Tweet during the Saturday night show on Twitter, using the hashtag  #svengoolie ! Viewers in the Chicago broadcast area can again face the shock of “Mr. Sardonicus”   at 11 am on WCIU, the U.

Thanks to everyone who ordered the special  40th anniversary version of the “It Came from Berwyn” t-shirt, selling it out in just over a week. There will be three more anniversary- themed shirts being released, one each month for the next three months- and there will be more anniversary goodies coming up!  Check in here at the blog and under our store tab soon for the next special item!

Join us tonight for horror unleashed from an ancient Egyptian tomb – and we warn you- do NOT ignore the curse!

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 during show

WILLOUGHBY 60 months ago
I understand that Catbat is organizing, "Storm Gilligan's Island." Thankfully the professor and Mary Ann will quash that idea.
Catbat WILLOUGHBY 60 months ago
Well I'm up for turning the robot into a frige. Where else would I keep my Blue Moon?
TheKodakKid WILLOUGHBY 60 months ago
How did Dr. Clayton get into a picture with Gilligan, Ginger, and the Professer?
Oscar Catbat 60 months ago
Now that made my mouth water hahaha
JournalJeff2 60 months ago
Hi, it is to hot for me.
While I liked the 1st song I posted, this one is closer to being "on topic"
JournalJeff2 60 months ago
Happy Svengoolie Eve!
I have a song for our dancing ducks in tomorrow`s movie.
daleuhlmann JournalJeff2 60 months ago
Good call, Journal Jeff!👍
PatS JournalJeff2 60 months ago
Dancing with the duck...
Until morning, I'm dancing with the duck...
(No that's not this week's satire.)
daleuhlmann 60 months ago
Like most of the rest of the nation, Ohio is experiencing a heat wave, with extreme heat warnings running through Saturday evening.
Jack daleuhlmann 60 months ago
May I suggest _It Came from Outer Space II_, starring Elizabeth Pena and Brian Kerwin (Berwyn!) no, Kerwin! It's also a Universal Horror film.
daleuhlmann Jack 60 months ago
I wasn't aware of this one. Thanks, Jack,!
Carl_N_Brown daleuhlmann 60 months ago
1996 tv movie
DrClayton 60 months ago
Wait! What's that I hear from yonder room! Fake Parisian cafe accordion iicks... the siren song of Charlie's Angels is calling me!
DrClayton DrClayton 60 months ago
Or is that the Harmonicats??
daleuhlmann DrClayton 60 months ago
Bosley is actually having a romantic fling in this episode, with gorgeous Pat Crowley.
Jack daleuhlmann 60 months ago
*Enh-henh-henh!* 🇫🇷🗼🥖(Comedy French chortle)
Carl_N_Brown 60 months ago
As we leave and close the doors of the Mummy's Tomb and Castle Sardonicus behind us and prepare to face the shocking truth about Go-Go Dancing Ducks, I have one last question:
Didn't Mr. Sarconicus' daddy look like a mummy?
daleuhlmann Carl_N_Brown 60 months ago
Ha- ha, Carl! That reminds me if an exchange in ABBOTT AND COSTELLO MEET THE MUMMY, in which Bud tried to explain to Lou that some mummies are men, and some mummies are women. Lou then asks Bud if he ever had a mummy. When Bud answers no, Lou asks, ""What did your father do? Win you in a crap game?"
Catbat 60 months ago
Happy Svengoolie Saturday Eve Afternoon All!
MADave Catbat 60 months ago
Hi Catbat it’s 90 degrees feeling like 98 tomorrow 100 feeling like 110 I’ll probably be staying in and keeping cool and drinking a lot of water
PatS MADave 60 months ago
Smart moves! We stocked up on lots of food that doesn't need to be cooked. A good time for gazpacho.
daleuhlmann 60 months ago
Hey, group, today is National Daiquiri Day. How many of you on the blog will drink (and klink) to that? More importantly, how many daiquiris would it take to satisfy our giant teens tomorrow night?
PatS daleuhlmann 60 months ago
Mmmmm... but I think they're beer drinkers.
daleuhlmann PatS 60 months ago
DrClayton daleuhlmann 60 months ago
Pronounced "dah-KEE-ree," it sounds like yet another Kaiju...
daleuhlmann DrClayton 60 months ago
Yes it does, albeit a raspberry or strawberry Kaiju.
PatS DrClayton 60 months ago
I found out Daiquiri was a town in Cuba, producing the rum used in the traditional drink of rum, sugar and lemon or lime juice. (And if you grate a hickory nut on top, you've got a hickory daiquiri, Doc!)
JournalJeff2 PatS 60 months ago
LOL good one Pat
Hi Dale I will take 2
🍹🍹 I needed!
Hope all is well hi Catbat 🙋‍♀️
Love to you from the kids 👦👧👩🏻‍⚕️
Stay cool 🌊⛵🌊
CarrieLynnCastro 60 months ago
Happy Friday 🎩
I sure do need a Sven
fix 😱

My grandkids leaving
for home tomorrow will miss my kids very
much 💞
But they had a great time on vacation 🎉
I think they are ready to go home.
They start school in mid Aug. I will miss there hugs and noise of children in the house
👦👧👩🏻‍⚕️ but with the news of my brother and the kids leaving already
it's going to be a few sad days for me 😔

But I will be okay but anyway back to the🙄 norm of things and I
will keep busy with things 👩‍🌾

My son might stay back
and live with us but not
for sure yet 😊

Looking forward to the show tomorrow 📺🍿
It will help get through
a few tough days for
me 🤖

Have a great day⛵

Catbat CarrieLynnCastro 60 months ago
Big hugs Carrie
Lynn CarrieLynnCastro 60 months ago
Hang in there, Carrie!
CarrieLynnCastro 60 months ago
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Matt 60 months ago
Happy Sci-fi Friday everyone !!!
daleuhlmann Matt 60 months ago
Happy Sci-Fi Friday, Matt! Are you ready to storm the Village of the Giants tomorrow night?
Jack daleuhlmann 60 months ago
How 'bout a musical about some oversized, baseball-playing, psychic teenagers that terrorize a town? _Village of the Damned Giants_!
daleuhlmann Jack 60 months ago
Svensational idea, Jack!
DrClayton daleuhlmann 60 months ago
daleuhlmann DrClayton 60 months ago
A bit redundant, but still super-sized!
MADave Matt 60 months ago
Did somebody say Friday?
JournalJeff2 60 months ago
Good Morning & Happy Friday!
Bring on the giant chickens.
Have a Great Day & Take Care!
CarrieLynnCastro 60 months ago
Hi 🙁
My brother is in bad shape...3 arteries
99percent closed,90 and the other 60 percent ☹

He is special needs the Dr. said he maybe would not live through a 3-by pass surgery he is not a big person very thin.

So he can be on medication and diet and be checked. His heart in back of it another arterie is pumping blood to his heart.

Have to wait and see what will happen through the experts.
We are shocked and
sad so not really good options but treated
with medication instead
of a big surgery his Dr.
does not think he would live through something
like that 😔

So we wait for another appt. to see.
We have been at the hospital since 2:30.
It's 8:00 have not had dinner yet my son is on his way to pick me up.

Thank you for the goid vibes 💝
See you later 👻
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Carrie: Disappointing news, but it's good that a healthy lifestyle and medication can help your brother. All my love and good vibes to Mike, you, and your entire family.
Carrie, you are welcome. It seems your brother and me have some similarities. I will turn 62 on July 31. I, too, as a child had a fever that they claim caused some of my heart problems. As I said, I will keep Mike and you and your family in my prayers. Best Wishes
Islander CarrieLynnCastro 60 months ago
Carrie, best wishes to your brother Mike. I hope the meds and diet will enable him to maintain quality of life. Good luck.
MADave CarrieLynnCastro 60 months ago
God bless your brother, you and your family as well
Tygercat 60 months ago
Hey, everyone- came across this item today, on a neat website called "Atlas Obscura", a compendium of weird and wonderful places. This particular one is the "Archie McPhee Rubber Chicken Museum" in Seattle, WA, run by the fine folks who supply (fly?) Sven's rubber chickens. Here's the link:
If you look at the picture in the story, you will notice a familiar face in the exhibit- Sven, right next to one of his signed rubber chickens. Cool!
Jack Tygercat 60 months ago
Attendees of the 2018 Big Blog Cast III signed the centerfold of Archie McPhee's fall catalog, which featured their Deluxe rubber chicken, and sent it with a convention swag bag to Svengoolie. BBC III was held in August, and the rubber chicken centerfold was shown in the Svengoolie letters section later that fall.

Since, they supply the rubber chickens for the show--as you mentioned--I guess it's kosher to mention that not only rubber chickens, but rubber chicken enamel pins, rubber chicken socks, rubber chicken car air fresheners, and other rubber chicken merch are available from Archie McPhee.
daleuhlmann Jack 60 months ago
ThIs might be the biggest rubber chicken of all, from THE X FROM OUTER SPACE.
Oscar Tygercat 60 months ago
Thanks for the tip Tygercat.
Jack daleuhlmann 60 months ago
That's one scary rubber space chicken! What happened to its head? It looks as if Ultraman crashed into it after he paid his debt to Hayata.

According to Wikipedia, the rubber space chicken is called "Guilala." I wonder if there's any connection to that new Alfa Romeo? Mebbe it's a form of speaking in tongues that sounds like Italian car names?
Jack 60 months ago
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Jack daDoctah 60 months ago
Doctor Who featured alien blancmanges? Must be an English thing! 🎾🍮
Islander 60 months ago
Even though this post will probably disappear soon, i want to give everyone a shout out from Florida Lynn. Got an email from her and she is still having problems signing on to the blog. She wants to say hi to everybody and feels bad she can't blog.
WILLOUGHBY Islander 60 months ago
Tell Lynn that the Wolf Blog is the depository for misfit Svenbloggers and it can be reached by visiting my website at:
Islander WILLOUGHBY 60 months ago
Hey, will do !
daleuhlmann Islander 60 months ago
Thanks, Islander. We chatted through email with each other this weekend.
Jack Islander 60 months ago
Willoughby is like King Mark of the Island of Misfit Toys (a Rankin/Bass Production).
PatS Islander 60 months ago
Thanks for the update, Islander. I wrote to her a couple weeks ago, no reply. Glad she's in touch with y'all.
JournalJeff2 Islander 60 months ago
Hello Florida Lynn!
JournalJeff2 60 months ago
I think Sven played these movies out of order. Should have been:
1. Mr. Sardonicus with his foot long smile.
2. Village of the giants with 30 foot tall teenagers.
3. Attack of the 50-foot Woman (obvious).
Something to think about for next year.
DrClayton 60 months ago
Goodness snakes alive on Charlie's Angels!
daleuhlmann 60 months ago
I'm watching right now another movie to featuring Fred Clark, DR. GOLDFOOT AND THE BIKINI MACHINE, starring Vincent Price. Price had earlier worked with Darryl Hickman in THE TINGLER; in BIKINI MACHINE, he works with Darryl's brother Dwayne, Of THE MANY LOVES OF DOBY GILLIS fame.
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daleuhlmann Catbat 60 months ago
Speaking of laundromats, remember this parody of "Leader of the Pack?"
daleuhlmann Lucyc 60 months ago
Lucyc daleuhlmann 60 months ago
I knew it had something to do with bikini-wearing exploding female androids.
daleuhlmann Lucyc 60 months ago
That's it in a nutshell, Lucy!
Lucyc 60 months ago
Good afternoon, gang.

Well, just a couple of days to go until it's Sven day again.

Sonic Drive In had a special on hot dogs yesterday in honor of it being Hot Dog Day, so I went and got my son and I a couple of chili dogs for a dollar each. You had to use their phone qpp to get the price, and then you can also get half price drinks, so It was a win-win.

Interesting that the subject of the Invisible Man came up, as I had, literally, just read that Universal will indeed be making a new version. It will be a stand alone movie, as they have(wisely, IMO)decided to give up on their idea of creating a new Dark Universe involving the iconic monsters. When I first read the premise of the new movie, I thought, "Oh, good, they just can't resist making it similar to other more current stuff." Then I thought, to be truthful, I don't really know anything about the older movies-as well as the original story-so I decided to do a little research. It seems that the newer version will actually have more in common with the original that I would have thought. They apparently cleaned up the original so it would pass muster with the earlier 20th century American-and possibly British-audience by making the Invisible Man more sympathetic than he was in the original story. Of course, as usual, the more sequels they made the more the stories became divorced from the original idea.

The new movie is supposed to come out about sometime in 2020.

Check y'all later.

daleuhlmann Lucyc 60 months ago
I can hardly wait to "see" it--ha-ha!
Lucyc daleuhlmann 60 months ago
Well, hang on for another nine months or so, and then you can, hopefully, "view" it.
daleuhlmann Lucyc 60 months ago
PatS Lucyc 60 months ago
It's worth it to get the original (H. G. Wells?) version, like from the library. Thick British prose, lots of scenes that never made it to the movie, different insights to the character and what it would mean to be invisible (worries about smog, for one thing). Look forward to whom they have picked for The Voice -- as with Claude Raines and Vincent Price, the most important qualification for the lead actor.
daleuhlmann PatS 60 months ago
I think that Leon Errol's Cowardly Lion-like character in THE INVISIBLE MAN'S REVENGE was probably patterned after the Professor Marvel huckster in the Wells novel. IMO, there was a little but too much of him in the movie. Comedy relief in horror films can be very effective, but it can also be overdone.
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