The More You Fear-the More It's Here! Vincent Price Battles "The Tingler"- Tonight!

Posted on June 1, 2024

What a way to start off the month! Tonight on MeTV- it’s a favorite film from the scary gimmick-laden world of William Castle! None other than Vincent Price is startled to discover a creepy creature that supposedly lies patiently dormant inside us all- until a strong fright unleashes the power of- “The Tingler”!

This 1959 horror introduces us to Dr. Warren Chapin, (not to be confused with child actor Lauren Chapin from the old “Father Knows Best” series). He’s a pathologist who is in a constant struggle between continuing his research on the effects of fear on humans and his stressful interactions with his beautiful, unfaithful and scheming wife. Fortunately, he gets at least some comfort in the more pleasant relationship he has with his wife’s younger sister, and her boyfriend, who helps Chapin in his work.

Dr. Chapin does an autopsy on a man who went to the electric chair- and he is shocked (no, not like the victim!) to find the man’s spine has been shattered?! Mere electricity would not do that, so Chapin theorizes that something tied in with fear itself made that happen. Playing off the fact that one’s spine “tingles” in situations of fright-he names that mysterious something “the Tingler”.


He has met the executed man’s brother- Ollie- a weird little man who runs a theatre specializing in silent films. Ironically, Ollie’s wife is also silent- a deaf mute. While visiting them, the doctor accidentally cuts himself, and the woman faints dead away at the sight of his blood! Chapin theorizes that she does so as the only means of release from her fear, since she is unable to scream. This makes him wonder if it is screaming that diminishes the Tingler’s power.

He heads home, only to observe his wife cheating yet again with some other man. Struck by the idea that he has a chance to check his screaming theory, he stages a confrontation that will definitely trigger fear in the horrid woman. After the faux frightful encounter, he x-rays her, which reveals that some bizarre centipede-like creature grows on the spine when fear sets in- ladies and gentlemen, he has discovered the actual Tingler!

Chapin, eager to learn more about fear, subjects himself to an LSD trip (the first time such a thing was ever depicted on film!)- but it reveals nothing to him, other than a “bad trip, dude”. Meanwhile, at the apartment of Ollie and his wife- she is in for a more devastating trip, as she awakens to all sorts of unexplainable horrors- which lead the poor mute woman to DIE of fright! Ollie brings her body to Chapin, who performs an autopsy- and he finds the now-enlarged live Tingler on her spine! He removes it and, after some slight turmoil, imprisons it in a box. Of course, the Tingler escapes, and ends up on the loose again and again- eventually in the silent movie theater, where Chapin’s theory that the only defense against the creature is screaming gets put to the ultimate test!

This is another film that Sven fans have asked to see again- and both those familiar with Castle’s films and first-time viewers will enjoy the exploitative horror. Just as we explained the gimmick used in Castle’s “13 Ghosts”, this time we explain how Castle’s presentation of his process for this movie called “Percept-o” worked-and also discuss the appearance of some color in the black and white movie- about which there are all sorts of theories, some incredibly far-fetched! Of course, we will introduce you to our cast, which includes an actor who just passed away- Darryl Hickman -who plays Vincent’s sister-in-law’s boyfriend. He had a long career, after starting out as a child actor, was the brother of “Dobie Gillis” star Dwayne Hickman, appeared in TV, movies and on Broadway- and, yes, was on “Perry Mason”! Our show was already recorded when we heard of his passing, but fit in a brief memorial. Also in the program, we offer you a home tutorial that will tickle your tonsils, encore one of our visits with Vincent Price’s daughter Victoria, as well as an encore of what we think was our late friend Gilbert Gottfried’s very first visit to our dungeon studio. We’ll be bringing you a song, find out how our Sven Squad would defeat the Tingler ( good luck), and present a brief obituary tribute to the iconic producer and director, Roger Corman who passed away last month (expect a longer one when we run a Corman classic in a few weeks).


"The Tingler” starts tingling tonight on MeTV at 8 pm eastern/pacific, 7 central, or if you’re not sure of when we run in your area, check time and channel in your local listings or at MeTV reminds you to join the legions of Sven fans live-Tweeting ( X-ing?) during the show on Twitter/X- and make sure to always use the hashtag #svengoolie – which usually puts us among the top trending topics nationally. This morning our Chicago area viewers can again thrill to “Destroy All Monsters” at 11 am on our local station, CW 26- soon to revert to its original name- “WCIU-the U”!

Speaking of which- if you want the chance to see “Destroy All Monsters” on the big screen- you will have the chance on June 10th at Chicago’s famous Music Box Theater- as part of their week-long Godzilla festival. I will be there on that day, signing autographs before introducing the film- so come join us for the giant monsters at full size! For more details, check out the “appearances” tab here on our website. And- the Sven 45th anniversary celebration begins this month- make sure you check the blog, the appearances tab, and the store as we celebrate on through the whole year! This is also a great time to check in on the items we have that would make great gifts for dads and grads- including the new embroidered hats!

And- if THAT sends a tingle of excitement down your spine- tune in to MeTV tonight- and be ready to scream for your life!

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 during show

Rick 9 months ago
I finally got to watch this one, and have to say Nostalgiaferatoo talking about Suzanne Pleshette just slayed me.
Mikeyyy 9 months ago
Katink, I hope we don't have the same quote!

not many to choose from
Katink Mikeyyy 9 months ago
I'm using a bitmoji this week, Mikeyyy! So no worries😀
Mikeyyy Katink 9 months ago
Ohh I luv your emojis!
abc123 9 months ago
Looks like i will be having the same snack three movies in a row. Monster Popcorn. It still fits, so it really isn't a bad thing... I didn't get a chance to hunt down rock candy that i wanted. See you all on the new blog in a few.
Mikeyyy abc123 9 months ago
Have a cookie for luck...
Katink abc123 9 months ago
I found some rock candy, and we have rocky road ice cream. Might try to find Rolling Rock beer if we have time.
Katink abc123 9 months ago
Abc, you could add Pop Rocks to your Monster Popcorn for a little extra pizzazz!
Svenboy 9 months ago
I watched the 1980 film alligator for the first time tonight. It was okay! Looking forward to this weeks movie which I have seen and Knotts on Sunday.
VanGooliac Svenboy 9 months ago
That was a fun one!
I hope it made people think twice before flushing their pet baby alligators
Katink Svenboy 9 months ago
I've never seen that one, Svenboy! Maybe Sven can get it at some point.
Svenboy Katink 9 months ago
I hope so. It’s short enough to so it should fit in his time slot.
Svenboy VanGooliac 9 months ago
I bet!😀
Cartoondave 9 months ago
So what is everyone looking forward to once Metv toons arrives on the 25th? For me my cable provider will not be carrying it just yet but once it does (,hopefully) I will be probably most likely be watching Casper, Mr Magoo, Underdog, and most of all my all-time fave Scooby Doo
RobBarnes Cartoondave 9 months ago
Yah Dave, I haven't really seen a Mr. Magoo cartoon since I was a kid, thats a good choice.
PARANORMA Cartoondave 9 months ago
The Supermarionation, for one thing. Otherwise I don't know that I can narrow it down yet!
Mikeyyy Cartoondave 9 months ago
I don't know if it'll be in my area yet. im on antenna so hopefully or I might have to get the frndly app on my tv.
TheKodakKid Cartoondave 9 months ago
I’m a little bummed. On the new toon channel, “Johnny Quest” is scheduled for Saturday at 10AM. Same time as “Wild Wild West” on MeTV.
abc123 Cartoondave 9 months ago
I remember way back in the 1990s, when i started to pay for the cable tv, i called the provider to make sure i was getting the package that had a new cartoon only network, because I wanted to watch Johnny Quest. Did not care that it was on at 1am. I watched.
RobBarnes TheKodakKid 9 months ago
Is it the 1960s or 1980s Jonny Quest? (not to be too picky, but there is no "h" in Jonny for Jonny Quest). I'm just assuming its not "The Real Adventures of Jonny Quest" 1996-97.
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9 months ago
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9 months ago
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Engineer_Poelzig 9 months ago
Grow Giant Monoliths...
Those were awesome !
Katink The1Butler 9 months ago
They really were!
Cartoondave 9 months ago
Hey everyone just arrived in laconia, New Hampshire at my sister's a short time ago bikers are already out for motorcycle week it's gonna git noisy
The1Butler Cartoondave 9 months ago
Live to ride !
RobBarnes Cartoondave 9 months ago
Party Time! Are we talking Daytona, Sturgis or somewhere else? Lots of interesting sites to enjoy between the H-Ds and the gals. R U ready for a new tattoo or at least a T-shirt?
RobBarnes The1Butler 9 months ago
and Ride to Live! When I lived in Michigan you could only ride comfortable 4-5 months out of the year, but here in Florida its more like 10-11 months for this Weekend Warrior.
RobBarnes RobBarnes 9 months ago
I mean the size of the event not the location as you stated NH.
The1Butler RobBarnes 9 months ago
Did you ever ride to Baldwin for the Blessing of the Bikes in MI ?.
RobBarnes The1Butler 9 months ago
No, Just Daytona a bunch of times.
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9 months ago
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9 months ago
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RobBarnes 9 months ago
I'm thinking if they are ARMLESS then they should be fairly HARMLESS, unless of course they just happened to be imbued with magical properties.
PARANORMA 9 months ago
There's that, or unless they like, fall on you without warning...? (And got to watch out for the ones in the red hats)
NoPersonalChicks 9 months ago
Eric Idle wrote a song about it.
NoPersonalChicks 9 months ago
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BEATNGU2 9 months ago
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Jack NoPersonalChicks 9 months ago
Which Eric Idle song?
Open Pub on a Friday? Sure! I'm down for a pint or two with me mates! I wonder if their Fish & Chips are worth writing home about?
Svenboy 9 months ago
Watched 1957 blood of Dracula. I remember when sven showed it. Remember, never do a scavenger hunt in a cemetery!😀
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RobBarnes HoneyBee456 9 months ago
Especially if you have already paid a cover charge just to get in and buy stuff. The worse part, IMHO, alot of these "celebs" don't hardly need an extra $1K or 2. These are the fans who helped to make them famous and rich.
Svenboy RobBarnes 9 months ago
The frame is 10 dollars but I will also get a digital copy. I am hoping the frame Says midsummer scream. I may be able to get the autograph. My dad said he will give me some money for the convention to spend. I bought the ticket and photo op and almost the autgraph.
Svenboy RobBarnes 9 months ago
You are absolutely right. Cassandra Peterson’s net worth is over a million dollars like rich koz so she definitely doesn’t need the money. I heard that Sven doesn’t charge for photos and autographs.
Svenboy HoneyBee456 9 months ago
Glad to hear you are doing well. I will definitely post the photo and send it to Sven too! I may be able to get the autograph. My dad will be giving me some money to spend at the convention. I have been having fun!😀I love Knotts and of course classic television and movies and sven!😀
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DrSerizawa 9 months ago
I had some petty cash laying around and I just had to have it.
PARANORMA 9 months ago
Moments lately when I would spring $525k for *that*, actually...
9 months ago
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9 months ago
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RobBarnes 9 months ago
Ironic isn't it that Boba Fett started out as just another background figure (a Bounty Hunter for hire by the Hutts or the Empire) now he is one of the main overall characters in the OT ans as a youngin in the PT and Clone Wars not to mention his own series on Disney+. If there are only 2 in existence, then my guess is that it was a proto-type that was rejected. I wonder how many people who were involved in his design, creation/manufacturing are kicking themselves for not snagging one back in the day?
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HoneyBee456 9 months ago
I like cats, dogs and birds
9 months ago
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PARANORMA 9 months ago
They *are* pretty, though -- notwithstanding it looks like somebody's nan spent days sticking individual little hard candies to their backs...
Klaatu 9 months ago
Someone got caught trying to climb a Monolith Monster
Jack Klaatu 9 months ago
The worst part is when he tries to go down the other side…bear can’t run downhill.
VanGooliac 9 months ago
Why did it have to be two headed snakes?
VanGooliac VanGooliac 9 months ago
According to conservationists, caretakers had to make modifications to the conjoined identical snake twins because they were never completely separated.

“Both heads want to eat, but they share one esophagus,” Alison Bleich, MDC Interpretive Center Manager, said. “Staff will put a small cup over one head while the other eats, then switch. Otherwise, both heads would try to grab the same mouse.”
Klaatu VanGooliac 9 months ago
Could we sing the Offspring song “Come Out And Play” with the lyrics “keep ‘em separated “?
HoneyBee456 VanGooliac 9 months ago
Eeek I don’t like snakes, but it is interesting. Never seen one like that
Klaatu 9 months ago
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VanGooliac 9 months ago
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daleuhlmann 9 months ago
Today is National Doughnut Day, which should make Toony very happy🍩! BTW, alhough "donut" has long been the preferred American spelling, the correct spelling is still, technically, "doughnut."
Mikeyyy daleuhlmann 9 months ago
My dad worked for Dunkin’ Donuts for many years I’ve eaten many many over the years.
daleuhlmann 9 months ago
One of my favorite scenes in THE TINGLER allowed Vincent's Dr. Chapin the opportunity to get in a really choice, nasty "zinger" against his unfaithful, murderous wife, Isobel. In reference to the caged black cat that he had originally intended to use as his fear test subject, he asks her, "Have you two met before, in an alley, perhaps?" Very "catty" of him, don't you think? See what I did there?😂
Jack daleuhlmann 9 months ago
You were thinking in Vincent’s voice when you wrote that, weren’t you?
Drang Jack 9 months ago
Just like we all read it in his voice.🤣
daleuhlmann Jack 9 months ago
Oh, naturally!😂
HoneyBee456 9 months ago
This is a good show
daleuhlmann HoneyBee456 9 months ago
Classic, iconic show, to be sure!
ElizabethBoop daleuhlmann 9 months ago
Quality falls off a little when John Hart takes over the lead role, but he was doing the best he could. (He was better at disguises than Moore was; not Ross Martin good, but good nonetheless.)
PARANORMA ElizabethBoop 9 months ago
Somehow makes me think of that ep of "Monk" where his lawman hero finally showed up at his birthday party.
daleuhlmann 9 months ago
Here's a classic bit of old theater-style promotion that, sadly, has been long gone from our local newspaper ads.
HoneyBee456 daleuhlmann 9 months ago
I love the way things used to be
daleuhlmann HoneyBee456 9 months ago
Some things, definitely, yes.🙂
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