The Next Debate: “Frankenstein Meets the Wolf Man” Tonight!

Posted on March 12, 2016

Alert the media- these two candidates for top monster are about to devastate the party (as long as it's the party celebrating the Festival of the New Wine)- it's the classic "Frankenstein Meets the Wolf Man"!

The story begins with one of the most eerie scenes possible- a foggy graveyard at night- as two grave robbers break into the Talbot family burial vault- hoping to reap the rewards  of rumored valuables that were buried with Master Larry. These two criminal geniuses make a couple mistakes- one, they remove the wolfbane  covering Talbot's body, and two, they neglected to notice that it's the night of a full moon!

Before long, an injured man, discovered on a street in a far away town, has been hospitalized- and, upon his revival , tells the doctor that he is Larry Talbot. When the authorities check on his past- they tend not to believe him- since records show that Larry Talbot is dead and buried!

Regardless, Larry knows who he is- and that he needs help that the hospital cannot provide. He escapes the institution, and searches out the one person who knows all about his condition and curse who might be able to help him- Maleva the gypsy! She feels that his werewolf condition is beyond her help- and suggests that there have been stories of a great doctor who might be able to supply some answers- one Dr. Frankenstein!

However, answers are  not to be found- for their search ends in the village where Frankenstein's creation caused horrible mayhem-the doctor is dead- and all that remains of his legacy is the rubble of his former castle. There, however, an accidental discovery is made- the Frankenstein Monster is entombed in the frozen catacombs beneath the castle- and he still holds a spark of life!

Larry feels there is still a chance that he can locate the late doctor's laboratory notes- and seeks out Frankenstein's daughter Elsa to see if she can offer any help. Their meeting coincides with the village's Festival of the New Wine, which Larry begrudgingly attends (and has to sit through the beloved song bellowed "Fa Lo La, Fa Lo Lee!" Personal note : I know many places state that the correct title is "Fa-RO-La..."-but to my untrained ear, it sounds like "Fa-LO-la"...)  More unfortunate coincidences follow- as a doctor  from the hospital Larry escaped from has tracked Talbot - and a certain monster decides to stroll into town! More trouble is on the horizon, as the doctor and Elsa try to help Larry- but the lure of restoring the Monster to full power proves to be too enticing!

This 1943 film serves as a combination sequel to “Ghost of Frankenstein” and “The Wolf Man”- and features Bela Lugosi as the Monster- which makes some sense, since he played Ygor, whose brain was transplanted into the Monster at the end of “Ghost…” We'll talk about how the preview audience's reaction caused the studio to make some significant changes in the film .We'll also talk about the rest of the cast, share some Sven shtick, and another look at one of our road trips!

"Frankenstein Meets the Wolf Man" steps up to the podium tonight on MeTV at 10 pm eastern/pacific, 9 central, or check your local listings- or for your local channel and timeslot. In Chicago, we welcome viewers back into the sewers for a second look at "Phantom of the Opera" on our sister station, WCIU, the U, at 11 am.

If you're in the Chicago area next weekend, remember you can come meet me at the big C2E2 comics and entertainment convention on Saturday, March 19! (Yes, there is an entrance fee- but I will be signing for free from 11:30am- 1:30 pm!) Also, please make sure you vote for your favorites in the national Rondo Awards- I'm proud to be nominated among other fine horror hosts in the "favorite horror host" category- you'll find the ballot and full instructions at

My thanks to everyone who has taken the time to wish me a happy birthday! It's so amazing that the wishes started pouring in almost a week ago! As I've said, I'm happy to still be here with you all. Your kindness is truly overwhelming!

Oh- and, as most TV stations remind us as a public service- don't forget to move your clocks forward on hour tonight! (You know the old saying- "SPRING ahead- FALL on your back...")

So, tonight I'll blow out the candles- but not the villagers' torches- when "Frankenstein Meets the Wolf Man"! (And- lose an hour of sleep- d'oh!)

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