The Occult Makes Things Difficult-Thanks to the “Ghoulies”-Tonight!

Posted on July 8, 2023

This week on MeTV, we have something ’fraidy from the 80s- in which the descendent of a powerful warlock finds himself getting caught up in dangerous supernatural rituals that end up releasing some major evil- aided by some tiny terrors known as – “Ghoulies”!

This 1985 scarefest begins with a Satanic ceremony in which the warlock, Malcolm, is about to make the unholy sacrifice of his own small child- but, fortunately, the baby’s mother interferes, saving the innocent tyke, who is whisked away by a concerned cult member.


Years later, with Malcolm dead and the cult dispersed, that child, Jonathan, now grown up, is named as the inheritor of his father’s estate, and takes up residence there with his pretty girlfriend Rebecca (ironically, the man who spirited away from that ritual, Wolfgang, is now the caretaker of the estate)! In exploring the house, they find an entire library of tomes about magic- not to mention a basement collection of various occult items. Regardless, the couple decides to stay-but the surroundings seem to be making a change in Jonathan.

To lighten his mood, Rebecca suggests that they have a party at the house, and invite a bunch of wacky friends to join them. When the entertainment lags, Jonathan suggests that they use one of the books and head to the basement, to perform a ritual, just for fun! His friends don’t take it serious enough for his liking, which he thinks has caused the ritual not to work- little realizing that it did indeed bring forth a small sinister creature!

In the following days, Jonathan continues to act strangely, obsessed with working on the house, and forgoing his college studies. Some unearthly attraction lures him to return to the basement and perform another ritual- which causes the materialization of several more Ghoulies, to whom he proclaims himself master, and tells them to stay hidden from everyone but him!

Things get worse for the couple, with Rebecca catching Jonathan in various occult acts, until she finally can take no more and leaves him! He then desperately summons a pair of evil dwarves, who explain that he needs to perform another ritual with seven participants- what a coincidence- bringing in his party pals will total the right number for the strange rite!

Rebecca is compelled to return, and the ritual is performed- resulting in the return of Malcolm from the grave and revealing his true horrifying agenda! Jonathan and his friends become the intended victims of the revived warlock and his ghastly ghoulies!

This famous cult film, remembered by most viewers for the image of a Ghoulie popping out of a toilet, was the first in a series of “Ghoulies” films. We’ll talk about the history, introduce you to the cast- which includes actor/musician Michael Des Barres and welcomes to the screen, in her first role, the lovely Mariska Hargitay, best known for her role in the “Law and Order” series. We’ll also provide a song, a look at a party somewhat like the one early in the film, some scenes in “Svensurround” and more!

You can get into “Ghoulies” tonight at 8 pm eastern/pacific, 7 central time. MeTV invites you to join into the live-Tweeting during the show on Twitter, where the various Tweets using the hashtag #svengoolie continue to bring our show into the highest trending topics nationally every week! In Chicago, viewers will get an additional encore of the motorized mayhem of “The Car” at 11 am on our local station, CW26.

Mark your calendar for July 12 this week- when the new “Svengoolie: Lost in Time” comic book will be available at many comics shops! I will be doing a quick tour of a couple of the local stores offering it in our area- you can check for times and locations in the “appearances” section of our website. Due to time constraints- our signing time will be limited, so, you might want to arrive early. We think our fans will really enjoy this issue of our new print adventure!

Tonight, though, the issue is some supernatural shrimps with mystical murder in mind- make sure you tune in to MeTV!

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 during show

1MikeM 20 months ago
...and dat was Ghoulies...and dat's da name a dat tune!
Aceman2 20 months ago
Tension is building. 😳😳😳!
Will there be a fair fight this week?
Klaatu 20 months ago
Don’t bother trying to be the first blogger. I paid the Administrator $$ to post 30 minutes in advance.
PatS Klaatu 20 months ago
The Admin might not appreciate your diss...
Klaatu PatS 20 months ago
I get it. But, it would be nice if we all got an explanation.
1MikeM Klaatu 20 months ago
I agree!
Cartoondave 20 months ago
There was a contestant on wheel of fortune and his name is Fonzie but he didn't go to the bonus round I guess he sort of lost his cool?
Aceman2 Cartoondave 20 months ago
Katink Cartoondave 20 months ago
Maybe he jumped the shark, Dave 🦈
DrFish28136 20 months ago
Jack DrFish28136 20 months ago
Shannon Wheeler was decades ahead in time and lightyears ahead in concept...
MrsG Jack 20 months ago
Aww I like him ~ 10-Q for the introduction Jack ~
☕️🚬 *_* 🚬☕️
Jack MrsG 20 months ago
There’s also an opera...
Jack 20 months ago
1MikeM 20 months ago
Well Svengang, only 6 hours until the new blog. So what is the trick for posting the first comment? Post a comment now and then turn off the computer and then turn it back on in 6 hours? Send an email with said comment to Dr. Emmett L. Brown and he sends said comment 6 hours into the future? Great Scott! I know Doc, this is heavy!
Klaatu 1MikeM 20 months ago
Inquiring minds want to know! The Sven Administrator should be held accountable! We want answers🥴
Aceman2 Klaatu 20 months ago
There is a fungus among us!
Jack 20 months ago
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1MikeM 20 months ago
Hey he was Chatsworth Osborne Jr.
Aceman2 20 months ago
Good luck bloggers in the race to first blogger ! And sweet dreams!
Klaatu Aceman2 20 months ago
Why worry?…as someone famous asked. Abut the blog I mean, if someone has already figured out how to be first blogger?
Jack Klaatu 20 months ago
Cartoondave Aceman2 20 months ago
What gets me is that Makayla was first two weeks in a row and her post comes up 6 hours ago?
Jack Cartoondave 20 months ago
Curiouser and curiouser...
DrFish28136 20 months ago
MrsG 20 months ago
🇫🇷 Happy Bastille Day 🇨🇦
To our SvenNeighbors to the North *_*
Klaatu MrsG 20 months ago
I call it Happy Vouvray Day👍
VanGooliac MrsG 20 months ago
Thanks MrsG!
Up here it’s really more of a Quebec thing.
MrsG 20 months ago
Too bad none nearby ~ or maybe that’s a good ~

Aceman2 MrsG 20 months ago
Washington PA is only 50 minutes from downtown PBurgh. Open till 11pm!
MrsG Aceman2 20 months ago
C’mon Aceman ~

MrsG 20 months ago
📣 Hear Ye Here Ye ~ ALL good Cowgirls and Cowboys 🤠
Without fluff or fanfare MeTV airs THE GUNSMOKE series finale (S20 Ep24) today ~
And only on MeTV will You find the series begin again tomorrow with 1/2 hour episodes (S1 Ep1)at 1PM 🤠
Catbat MrsG 20 months ago
MrsG Catbat 20 months ago
Yippee ki yay 🤠
NoPersonalChicks MrsG 20 months ago
The IMDb machine reminds me Paul Richards, who plays the outlaw in S1/E1, is in William Castle's 'The Houston Story' with Gene Barry and Barbara Hale, who was in......I forget.
MrsG NoPersonalChicks 20 months ago
Hey how about that ? !
Cops & Robbers almost good as Cowboys & Indians or Lawyers & , , , yeah fahgetabahtit *_^
Cartoondave 20 months ago
Rainy and stormy afternoon here in Andover Massachusetts I'm glad I'm in a nice safe dry work pace talk to you tonight gotta head back lunch is over
Jack 20 months ago
daleuhlmann 20 months ago
(really?!), I'd like to say that its predecessor represents a horror subgenre that promotes a populist view of the occult. In the past, occult leaders in horror movies were either aristocrats or prestigious scholars (often both), largely modeled after real-life occultist Aleister Crowley.

GHOULIES, however, is the type of horror movie that assures us that even a young adult who has decided to put off college for a year or two can become the head of a supernatural cult. In other words, regardless of your humble beginnings, in America,you can become anything you want through hard work and perseverance: even a sorcerer!

If that sounds like a bizarre take on the American Dream, then, it is.
Jack daleuhlmann 20 months ago
Jonathan inherited the estate, occult books and paraphernalia from his father. The Graves family were part of a socioeconomic class that passed wealth between generations.
MrsG daleuhlmann 20 months ago
Hmmm now I wonder if the subgenre has subtexts , , , will need a Twizzler or two to ponder the possibilities ~_~
daleuhlmann MrsG 20 months ago
Well, I'd call it a socio-economic subtext.
daleuhlmann Jack 20 months ago
Well, granted, but he was still just a young schmo with no real name or reputation of his own who started conjuring demons with no specific rank or standing in that society at the time.
Jack 20 months ago
Catbat Jack 20 months ago
VanGooliac Jack 20 months ago
About your cat, Mr. Schroedinger, I have good news and bad news.
Jack 20 months ago
Catbat Jack 20 months ago
Good morning Jack!
Jack 20 months ago
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VanGooliac daDoctah 20 months ago
How come the cat doesn’t count as an observer?
Cats don’t know much, but they know when they are alive.
Jack VanGooliac 20 months ago
The cat observes his own quantum reality inside the box, with its own superpositions relative to the cat.
VanGooliac 20 months ago
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Jack daDoctah 20 months ago
A sleeping cat may actually be a physical system in superposition that is stable in spite of observation. Is it dead of is it alive? Who knows?!
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