The Rain Explained Falls Mainly Causing Pain- “The Devil’s Rain”-Tonight!

Posted on July 30, 2022

Tonight on MeTV- with the hot weather and drought many of us have been enduring recently, we could use a good rain- but this one might be anything BUT good! Join the fight as members of a valiant family must continue to wage a centuries-old battle between good and evil-and withstand the sinister storm of - “The Devil’s Rain”!

Again, we will warn you- there are scenes in this film that may be too gruesome and upsetting for some of our younger and more sensitive viewers- so, your discretion is advised. We also need to point out, once again, since the subject matter of this film includes devil worship- we are not advocating or supporting that. (Let’s face it- our movies pretty much every week contain killings- and we don’t advocate murder!)

We begin the action on a nasty Southwestern night, in which the Preston family is concerned about their missing patriarch. All too soon, we see that their concern is warranted! The Prestons have been the target of an evil cult since their ancestors’ betrayal years ago of a satanic high priest- and mainly because they are now keeping hidden a book that would give the devilish leader great and deadly power. After a raid on the family ranch, Preston son Mark takes it upon himself to meet with the wily cult leader, one Jonathan Corbis, at his ghost town headquarters in the desert. This encounter brings Mark into the midst of the cult, and into a battle of faith that proves too much for him.

We meet more of the Preston family- Mark’s brother Tom and his wife Julie. Julie is noted for having psychic powers that show her confusing and frightening scenes of the past and the future. Preston friend psychic researcher Dr. Sam Richards tries to help them decipher these visions. Tom and Julie decide to search for missing brother Mark- with their search centering on that ghost town-and soon they are under attack, and become witnesses to a black arts ritual that will induct the Prestons into the ranks of Corbis’ minions! The fight continues over the sources of Corbis’ powers and his horrifying transformation into a demonic deity who plans to create Hell on earth!

This 1975 film boasts a big name cast- Ernest Borgnine, William Shatner, Eddie Albert, Ida Lupino, Tom Skerritt and more-and, yes, one performer who barely appears in the film but became a huge box office name shortly after this film! We’ll tell you about them all, along with some of the strange details of the film’s production, and, although the film’s length limits our Sven content in the show, we will include a song and an interview with a significant cast member of the original “Halloween”!

“The Devil’s Rain” begins to fall at 8 pm eastern/pacific, 7 central time tonight. We continue to trend among the top national Tweeted topics on Twitter every week- and you are invited to join in and live-Tweet during the program, using the hashtag #svengoolie. In the Chicago viewing area, local viewers get a second marriage to the “Brides of Dracula” on CW 26 at 11 am.

We are very happy that so many of you are taking advantage of the availability of our new Sven merchandise- including the fun t-shirts with designs by some of the artist-fans of our show (and, yes, there are more to come)! Even more Sven merchandise is in the works- which we will reveal to you when they are ready to appear in our store!

We are getting closer to a full weekend of Sven appearances at two conventions being held in the Chicago area-C2E2 and Flashback Weekend. Check for details under the “appearances” tab here on our website!

Make sure you join us tonight when the forecast calls for rain- and a reign of evil!


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 during show

Sharon 31 months ago
That was the most awful movie. We couldn't watch it. That's the second time it was on. We have movie night every Saturday with Svengoolie, but we couldn't watch that one😬😳
1MikeM Sharon 31 months ago
How do Sharon! The new blog is up. Y'all have a great night!
PatS Sharon 31 months ago
Thanks for commenting. I'm sure lots of people feel the same way, but we don't know unless they post. Hope you enjoy future movies more.
Geo Sharon 31 months ago
I was informed negative comments are against the policies here.🤔
Robert Sharon 31 months ago
The 70s were a big era for "Satanic cult" movies, especially after the popularity of "Rosemary's Baby" in 1968, and "The Exorcist" in 1973. "The Omen" was another biggie, in 1976. Everybody was cashing in on horns and hooves.
PatS Geo 31 months ago
It's okay to make a negative comment -- ONCE. Ideally, commenter is specific about what was not liked, and makes suggestions for what would be more enjoyable. The no-no is *repeated* negative comments.
Drang 31 months ago
Spike and Tyke!
Spike is such a good doggie daddy!
MrsG 31 months ago
🙏 I think our BB7 Crew is safe ~ stay inland ! Great White Sharks 🦈 are sighted at Cape Cod !
CharlesRocks MrsG 31 months ago
Hopefully we will get to see some good pictures.
Jack 31 months ago
So, it this gonna a be a thing, the delayed appearance of the week’s blog?
Aceman2 Jack 31 months ago
They should not have outsourced their IT department to the Elbonians.
PatS 31 months ago
Considering today, August 6, is the anniversary of the bombing of Hiroshima, we might contemplate the ethics of pursuing science and technology not because we Should but because we Can. A question easily transcending Shelly's 1820s time-frame.
Klaatu PatS 31 months ago
Without getting into the social or political aspects of the atom bomb, just think of where we wouldn’t be in the land of SciFi movies if the atomic bomb event never happened🤔?
Robert Klaatu 31 months ago
Interesting point. We also probably wouldn't have had the Incredible Hulk, or maybe even Spider-Man.
Klaatu 31 months ago
OH YEAH!!! It’s Hatch Chili season! Everything (breakfast, lunch & dinner) will involve freshly grilled Hatch Chilis.
PatS Klaatu 31 months ago
By extreme association, it fits the theme as Frankenstein tries to 'Hatch' a Creature?
Klaatu PatS 31 months ago
Ha! I see what you did there😁. Interestingly, the charred shriveled skins on my grilled chilis look like a Hammer Frankenstein face🤣
daleuhlmann 31 months ago
If you can't see my movie review, click on my name and you'll find it.
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daleuhlmann MADave 31 months ago
Thank you, Dave!
daleuhlmann Aceman2 31 months ago
Thanks, Aceman!
daleuhlmann Klaatu 31 months ago
Thanks, Klaatu!
daleuhlmann MrsG 31 months ago
Thank you, Mrs. G
daleuhlmann 31 months ago
My movie review disappeared again, so I reposted it.
MADave 31 months ago
Ok time hit the showers and just do stuff
Bill_K 31 months ago
Good Morning, Everyone:

There is a lot behind the story of tonight’s offering.

Early 1950’s Sci-Fi made its way to England shortly after its initial US release, starting with Lippert’s own “Rocketship X-M” (which opened one month prior to “Destination Moon”).These films inspired Hammer Studios to enter the genre. But early efforts such as “Spaceways” or “Four Sided Triangle” barely qualified. It wasn’t until BBC Screenwriter Nigel Kneale’s “The Quatemass Experiment” was made into a successful serial in the summer of 1953, that England had its first legitimate, adult, Science Fiction property. Few film studios came calling to buy the rights, put off by the possibility of no one under age 16 being able to see the finished product. The payoff was immediate for the screenwriter, a little further down the road for Hammer and slightly further off for an up and coming actor.

One of Kneale’s next assignments was creating the screen play for George Orwell’s “1984”. Only the Queen’s Coronation, two years earlier, was watched by more people. Its Star, Peter Cushing, won the 1955 Emmy for his performance as Winston Smith.

Despite being ordered by their American Distributor, Lippert Pictures, to use Brian Donlevy as its lead, “TQE” was a huge success in England. Teamed with the French Crime Drama “Rififi”, it became the nation’s highest grossing double feature in 1955. The best was yet to come. Lippert could not find American Studios willing to take the film, so they sold it outright to United Artists (who doubled it with “The Black Sleep”). With UA expressing interest (the Studio offered to help finance a sequel), Hammer Executives now went after American distributors willing to work with them on their own terms. One of those distributors. A A P, Inc (You’ve seen their logo on Looney Tunes and Popeye Cartoons for years), sent back a copy of a script they had been given for “Frankenstein”. It would need work.

When Peter Cushing read the press releases on Hammer’s proposed new work, he had his agent express his interest. Producer Anthony Hinds realized it would take an actor the public knew and liked to play the lead. So Cushing was invited to a premiere of “X, the Unknown”, which was a bittersweet experience for the Studio. This film was supposed to be the “TQE” sequel, however, with Kneale so upset over Brian Donlevy’s performance, he refused to allow the character of Quatemass to appear in it. As a result, the film had to be redesigned (By Jimmy Sangster), changing its name and that of a major character. RKO had agreed to distribute the film in America, and, like Lippert, insisted on an American actor, playing the lead. Dean Jagger (1949’s best supporting actor) gave a credible performance but his salary doubled the film’s budget. Hammer would now have a popular and respected star for its new film. Kneale had an intelligent and sensitive actor he’d worked with twice (“1984” and “The Creature”) who might one day play Quatemass.

“Curse of Frankenstein” opening in May (UK) and June (US) 1957 returned 40 times its production costs and made a major star out of Peter Cushing. It put Hammer on the map as a major studio. Kneale would write screen plays for two more “Qautemass” entries (one with Donlevy) continuing his theme of "a new range of gendered fears about Britain's postwar and post-colonial security."

But even Kneale had to see the irony in Donlevy’s Quatemass serving as the template for Cushing’s Frankenstein: “...Both men are brilliant, driven, and tend to disregard morality in the pursuit of scientific breakthrough. Both men do not suffer fools and do not bother to cover their impatience with those they consider to be of lesser intellect.”

Oh, well! Quatemass did inspire “Dr. Who” as well.

CharlesRocks Bill_K 31 months ago
A really good write up, old chap.
daleuhlmann Bill_K 31 months ago
Great article on the movie's background, Bill, and spot-on comparison between Quatermass and Baron Frankenstein.
Klaatu Bill_K 31 months ago
Stop right there Bill_K! All I needed to read were Rocketship XM and Destination Moon…both great movies AND worthy of a Svengoolie showing👍
MrsG Klaatu 31 months ago
Thanks Bill , for an entertaining Hx lesson , and something to think about during tonight’s frightening feature !
I *Liked* Your article twice ~ Blogenstein told me that I “already *Liked* this comment* !
Lynn Bill_K 31 months ago
Thank you, Bill!
CharlesRocks 31 months ago
A pretty good selection of Looney Tunes this morning.
Bill_K 31 months ago
Good Morning, Everyone:

I'm posting at 10 so I know I have your undivided attention...ha ha...

I'll also be out for several hours. Would someone be nice enough to do a cut and paste of it to the new board if it comes up after I am gone?
CharlesRocks 31 months ago
Elmer Fudd and Lex Luthor should team up to take on Bugs and Superman.
MADave 31 months ago
Yabba Dabba Doo it's going to be The Flintstones, The Jetsons and then more of The Flintstones tomorrow
CharlesRocks MADave 31 months ago
I don't know what they have rights to, but would like to see The Jetsons Meet The Flintstones crossover on METV.
daleuhlmann 31 months ago
The characters and drawings in this cartoon all look like they'd stopped out of the pages of THE NEW YORKER.
CharlesRocks daleuhlmann 31 months ago
The cartoon was noted for its Art Deco influence.
CharlesRocks daleuhlmann 31 months ago
This is from Wikipedia, "Will Friedwald writes, "Page Miss Glory marks a rare instance when the two meanings of the word 'cartoon' come into conflict — as audiences understood it in 1935-36, the term could mean an animated one-reeler screened at the movie house or the non-animated but nevertheless lively cartoons found in magazines like Esquire and The New Yorker. Miss Glory looks like the drawings of legendary 1930s New Yorker cartoonists Peter Arno or John Held Jr. come to life... Miss Glory boasts several animated dance sequences that could be described as out-Buzz-ing Berkeley; the key sequences look like someone took the sketches from the fashion designer of one of the Fred Astaire-Ginger Rogers classics and animated them"
vettenoir 31 months ago
Smoking, drinking and burlesque dancing - a true kids' cartoon 😀
CharlesRocks vettenoir 31 months ago
What do you expect from a Tex Avery toon?
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