There’s More Than Sand in the Desert- Watch Out for “Gargoyles”- Tonight!

Posted on September 24, 2022

Tonight on MeTV, for our final show of September, before we are launched into “Svengoolie’s Halloween BOO-nanza” next week-we reprise a "made for TV" horror movie from the early 70s that many of our viewers have asked to see one more time! We take a trip to the desolate desert where an anthropologist author and his daughter skeptically research some so-called mythical creatures- that prove to be all too real, as they are shocked to discover the existence of - "Gargoyles"!

Please put your trays up and your seats into upright position, as the lovely Diana, daughter of Dr. Mercer Boley, writer and investigator/debunker of demonology, is arriving at an airport in the American southwest. Diana will act as the photographer on her father’s new project, the latest book he is working on. They drive off to the next destination for their research, but seem to have taken the wrong route- and end up at what is obviously a “tourist trap”- a desert curio shop that verges on being a sideshow. They decide to check out the place’s inventory, just in case -by some miracle-there are any real artifacts there. They meet its grizzled old proprietor, Uncle Willie, who senses that the pair shows little regard for his inventory and definitely are not taking his artifacts seriously- so he tries to impress them by revealing the bona fide items he keeps in the back of the shop.

He shows them the display of a skeleton of –SOME sort of creature! The doctor scoffs, thinking it’s just a combination of various animal bones, kind of like displays of the mythical jackalope. However, Diana takes note of Willie’s serious demeanor about the skeleton, and begins to think there's some truth to it all-perhaps it isn’t just some ballyhoo to hoax gullible suckers! As Diana records him, Willie begins a far too lengthy history lesson about the area and what he’s found until day gives way to night. As Willie begins describing some ancient Indian beliefs, a strong windstorm unexplainably rises. But-is it just a windstorm? Some ensuing mayhem leads to a huge destructive fire, bad news for Willie and his shop –while dad and daughter barely escape, dragging with them the skull from that odd display of the creature’s skeleton. However, the worst is yet to come, because, as they drive away, their car is attacked and battered by shadowy figures!

They manage to escape the onslaught, and limp their beat-up car to a gas station where the attendant is shocked by the amount of damage the vehicle has sustained. Since it will obviously take a while to fix it all up, they head to the adjoining motel, run by a boozy woman who obviously has not just fallen off the wagon, but possibly been run over by it! When day breaks, Dad and Diana head out to report the previous night’s mishaps to the police- who are currently busy apprehending a pack of local young men on motorbikes (watch for one of the squad cars to miraculously change from a Chevy to a Ford in the proceedings!). The officers believe these same “no-good punks” are responsible for the tragic conflagration at the old museum-but Doctor Boley and his daughter know better. Unfortunately, they are reluctant to reveal the truth of what they experienced, because they just don't think the cops will buy their story- at least not yet.

Back at the motel that night- Diana and Dad get some unexpected visitors- actual gargoyles, seemingly in search of the skull taken from the museum! After some confrontation, the gargoyles escape, but one is killed- and Doc takes it back to their room (there goes the security deposit!), surmising that a it was these gargoyles that were behind the museum incident- and that the skull may have belonged to one of their ancestors!

The next day, Diana decides to go by herself to the police department- hoping to convince the cops that the boys they've locked up are not to blame for the destruction of the shop -but the police and even the guys she's trying to help laugh off her story of the odd creatures.

No good deed goes unpunished, as, after darkness falls, she returns to the motel- as do the gargoyles, intent on reclaiming their dead comrade’s body-and perhaps more! Before long, it’s up the doctor- and anyone he can convince that the gargoyles exist- to protect his daughter- and stop the weird creatures before they launch their sinister plans for the human race!

This 1972 movie’s cast includes big screen star Cornell Wilde, the alluring Jennifer Salt, notable "Dark Shadows" TV show cast member Grayson Hall, and a very young Scott Glenn- plus the late Bernie Casey as the head of the gargoyles. Along with information about the movie, its make-up artist, and its cast, we again bring you a takeoff on a popular 80s TV show, a song based on a tune by a friend (a talented musician whose group got its start in- BERWYN!) -and even more!

"Gargoyles" fly onto your screen tonight on MeTV at 8 pm eastern/pacific, 7 central, or check time and channel in your area in local listings or at . You can help us trend nationally as usual on Twitter by live-Tweeting during the program, using the hashtag #svengoolie. Chicago area viewers are again welcomed to the “House of Dracula"- at 11 am on our main local station, CW 26.

October will bring a limited number of Sven public appearances- including a return to the New York Comic Con! Keep watch on the “appearances” tab here on our website- the schedule should be locked in shortly, and we will post all the information there! Also, keep an eye on our store for new Sven items- and get ready for a full month of scary fun, with the afore-mentioned “Halloween BOO-nanza”, which begins next Saturday, when our show begins ONE HOUR EARLIER – and is followed by the special created by MeTV and our friends from Anomaly Entertainment – “Svengoolie Uncrypted”- with me venturing out on a hunt for some Sven artifacts, and including some notable cameos!

But tonight- be with us at the usual time, as darkness falls – and “Gargoyles” emerge from the night!


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 during show

1MikeM 29 months ago
...and dat was Gargoyles...and dat's da name a dat tune!
Mikeyyy 29 months ago
MikeM go ahead and say it please
1MikeM Mikeyyy 29 months ago
will do!
Drang 29 months ago
PSA: The new blog begins in, um, 2 minutes. I was only kidding!
deadringer42 29 months ago
So close but I'm gonna fall a sleep before the great race starts......
Drang 29 months ago
Woo-hoo, I'm back with the old post count! Hurrah for the Mad Hatter!
Mikeyyy Drang 29 months ago
I was wondering what was going on with your name. The other one had disappeared but could still see the posts
scottieO 29 months ago
Not being able to post on the blog felt something like this...
gabste 29 months ago
The storm was just wind and rain for us. Alot of beach piers fell apart. Lots of flooding. Gotta check on the house tomorrow. I'll check in at toons
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gabste deadringer42 29 months ago
Thank you and yes
gabste Kyle 29 months ago
gabste 1MikeM 29 months ago
Thank youuuuuu
gabste scottieO 29 months ago
Bill_K 29 months ago
Good Evening, Everyone:

Getting ready for my friend's arrival last weekend kept me from posting anything as we drove up to New Jersey for a wedding. Catching Covid while I was up there will keep me from posting this weekend. I should be okay by the start of the week. She stayed a few extra days to take care of me.

Hope you all are doing okay!

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gabste Bill_K 29 months ago
Please get better soon BillK !
Mikeyyy gabste 29 months ago
gabste, are you ok???
gabste Mikeyyy 29 months ago
Yes thank you. No problems for us 🙂
Aceman2 Bill_K 29 months ago
Get well soon Bill_K !❤️‍🩹
1MikeM 29 months ago
Hey Sven gang, it's almost Spooktober! I was just watching THE BRIDES OF DRACULA. I mentioned before that Alan Arkin's sons Matthew and Tony do movie reviews on youtube and they reviewed this one. They said there are no brides and there is no Dracula in this movie but there are girlfriends and a fiancee but no brides. They were right! This movie could have had a different title such as:
abc123 29 months ago
Love it. Did not get Image too Big - Resizing. message when I imported my fan pictures.
Klaatu 29 months ago
So…did I read correctly that the new blog is an hour later tonight? I don’t want to be here for the Early Bird Special.
Klaatu 29 months ago
*whistles innocently*
scottieO 29 months ago
Hi. I hope I'm logged into the right place finally.
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Drang 29 months ago
This comment has been removed.
Klaatu scottieO 29 months ago
How does one communicate with the Administrator? All I ever got was a boot to the cornfield once, and no ability to communicate with him/her.
scottieO Kyle 29 months ago
I just left the cornfield giftshop, ha.
scottieO Klaatu 29 months ago
On the main page of MeTV in the upper right there is a yellow tab "Contact"
Put in your email and other pert info. Select Website/App after you put in Message.
I got a reply not long after I did that. Hope that helps.
The1Butler 29 months ago
At midnight its officially Halloween month 🎃 break out the decorations !
The1Butler The1Butler 29 months ago
Klaatu The1Butler 29 months ago
I’ve stepped over the Halloween decorations and have gone right to the Halloween liquid imbibes:
The1Butler Klaatu 29 months ago
Its a hoppy drink !
MrsG The1Butler 29 months ago
Hoppy OctoBoo Boo 👻
The1Butler MrsG 29 months ago
Thats sayin it !
The1Butler 29 months ago

Are we still in the sand wich zone .
Carl_N_Brown 29 months ago
Maybe a hopeful sign this afternoon.

Faint double rainbow to the right.
The1Butler Carl_N_Brown 29 months ago
Nice 👍🏻
MrsG Carl_N_Brown 29 months ago
You caught it joosta right Carl_N_Brown ~
Good joo joo for sure 🌈
29 months ago
daleuhlmann 29 months ago
Islander update: he answered my email and said Mrs. Islander and he have been in Coshocton, OH. They had asked a neighbor on Kure Island to call and let them know if their home (which is inland, which is good) had sustained any damage. He said they haven't called so far, so he assumes everything down there is okay.
The1Butler daleuhlmann 29 months ago
Hes way inland in OH !
MrsG 29 months ago
🎶 Don’t worry about a thing ‘cause every little thing’s gonna be alright 🎶
Aceman2 29 months ago
"THE BLOB WILL EAT YOU ALIVE" said the movie trailer. Apparently "THE BLOG" can too. I hope it can be fixed. Good luck to those seeking the First Blogger title this evening.
The1Butler Aceman2 29 months ago
The waiting 😖🎃
Klaatu Aceman2 29 months ago
Wouldn’t it be fun if ALL the first Blog posts got deleted and you and I were the only ones left🤔? Kinda like Vincent Price in Last Man on Earth🤣
Carl_N_Brown Aceman2 29 months ago
Beware of the Blog
It creeps
And seeps
And slides
And glides
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