They're Back- and Bigger Than Ever (Literally)! Revisit the "Village of the Giants" -Tonight!

Posted on July 20, 2019

Tonight on MeTV- we’ve brought back a sort of “beach party” movie- minus the beach- featuring some MeTV actors, a favorite singer pal of ours, some colossal cuties and super-sized studs- in a crazy sci fi dramedy from the mind of Bert I. Gordon, king of oversized menace movies! It all begins when a familiar–looking boy genius cooks up a formula that causes BIG trouble in what becomes the “Village of the Giants”!

We meet a group of alleged teens ( some seem a little older than  adolescent) whose car breaks down on the outskirts of a quiet California town- and, after an impromptu dance in a mud pit, decide to go dirty up the local burg- in more ways than one! At home in the town , local gal Nancy is flirting with her boyfriend Mike, while her younger brother- nicknamed “Genius” for reasons about to become evident- is deep in his scientific experiments. His latest creation just so happens to explode, producing some pink foam that- when ingested by some ducks and his dog- makes them grow to titanic size!

Meanwhile, the semi-juvenile delinquents we saw earlier have broken into a deserted theatre to clean up, then  head to a local dance club (where ‘60s sensations the Beau Brummels happen to be playing)! Nancy and Mike are there as well, and have a run-in with these visitors –when the giant ducks created by Genius’ “Goo” show up to astound the teen crowd! The newly- arrived troublemaker teens get wind of the fact  that Mike knows how the birds got so big- and form their own “get rich quick” scheme; they’ll find some way to nab the formula, then sell it for big bucks! A random meeting with Genius by one of the female schemers helps them discover where the growth “Goo” is- and they set out to steal it!

Once they pull off their heist, and reconvene back at their theatre lair- a power struggle ensues, resulting in a dare contest- with everybody challenged to prove how fearless they are by eating a piece of the purloined pink stuff. Brave or fool-hearty, the delinquents each sample some of it- and the results are startling!  They grow into giants- out-growing their clothing ( not that we’re complaining about that happening to a few of them)- and realize that with great size- comes great power that they plan to exercise!

The towering teens take control the town- cutting off any contact with the outside world. They take a hostage that keep the Sheriff  at bay, and force the rest of the populace to do their bidding. Seeing the town’s adult population brought to their knees by the giants, Mike decides the only ones who can end their dictatorial take-over are he and his pals. Will the decent kids be able to save the town- and will Genius be able to use his intellect to bring the bad boys (and girls) down to size?

This 1965 movie was most certainly aimed at the teen audiences that were enjoying that era’s “Frankie and Annette”-type films- and followed their formula of handsome guys, pretty girls, and the combination of goofy comedy and some rock and roll – with a dosage of science fiction tossed in! Among the musical acts, you’ll see our friend Freddy “Boom Boom” Cannon! As for the cast, we’ll fill you in on the familiar faces- including Ron Howard as “Genius”, Tommy Kirk as Mike, Beau Bridges as bad boss boy Fred, Johnny Crawford as good guy Horsey ( maybe a nod to his work in “The Rifleman”?), and 1982 hit maker Toni ”Oh Mickey” Basil as the dynamic dancing machine Red- as well as the luscious Tisha Sterling. Since Freddy Cannon is along for the ride- we’ll encore his fun live performance from this past Halloween season, with me joining him on stage! And, just in case this movie isn’t quite your cup of goo, we’ve  added in just a little Svensurround throughout the movie.

"Village of the Giants" appears, bigger than life, on MeTV tonight at 8pm eastern/pacific, 7 central – if you’re not sure where and when to find us in your area, just check your local listings or at . Once again- MeTV invites you to live-tweet along with the hordes of fans on Twitter during the show- make sure you finish up your Tweet with the hashtag #svengoolie . Chicago area viewers can get wrapped up one more time by the “Curse of the Mummy’s Tomb” at 11 am on WCIU, the U !

Another Sven anniversary shirt is less than two weeks away! Be watching for it in our store. Also, make plans to see me at the Flashback Weekend horror convention on August  2nd and 3rd- there will be a special celebration of my anniversary Friday evening, a limited schedule of  professionally- shot  photo ops with me both Friday and Saturday, and my usual Saturday signing and hosting the costume contest. There will also be a special reception Saturday night at the Murray Brothers “Caddyshack” restaurant for VIP ticket holders only! Find more info under the “appearances” tab here on our website.

Join us tonight for some BIG time fun that’ll  put the “goo” in “good times” on MeTV !

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 during show

Jack 60 months ago
Re: Remakes of movies and whether they are ever better than the original. I completely forgot two to three of my favorite movies: _Seven Samurai_ (1954), _The Magnificent Seven_ (1960), and _Battle Beyond the Stars_ (1980).

The plot of the original is easily one of the ten best plotlines, ever, and has been re-used over and over, beyond even the more straightforward remakes. Both _Samurai_ and _Magnificent_ have fantastic soundtracks. _Samurai_ has a Toho Studios soundtrack with lots of brass, particularly trombones. _Magnificent_ features Elmer Bernstein's best work, from one of Hollywood's best composers. When the casts including Takashi Shimura, Toshiro Mifune, Yoshio Inaba, Daisuke Katō, Seiji Miyaguchi, Minoru Chiaki, Isao Kimura, Shinpei Takagi, Yul Brynner, Steve McQueen, James Coburn, Charles Bronson, Robert Vaughn, Brad Dexter, Horst Buchholz, and Eli Wallach, what more can be said?

While _Battle_ wade's gleefully deep into the cheese--what do expect for a project involving Roger Corman?--the film does have its redeeming virtues. Robert Vaughn reprises his role from _Magnificent_. John Saxon is the heavy while George Peppard is the Space Cowboy. Richard Thomas pilots a starship with bosoms and Sybil Dancing is a Valkyrie with barely armored bosoms. In other roles are stalwarts Sam Jaffe and Jeff Corey. Marta Kristen is from Richard Thomas's planet and starts a relationship with the Space Cowboy as an older than ingenue analog to the Japanese and Mexican farmgirls in _Samurai_ and Magnificent_. Kathy Griffin makes her first screen appearance as an uncredited alien extra. What's not to like?
Jack Jack 60 months ago
(TexasDeb here) Hi Honey, if you want to pay the “which was better” game, how about To Be or Not To Be? 1942 directed by Ernst Lubitsch and starring Carole Lombard, Jack Benny, Robert Stack, Felix Bressart, Lionel Atwill, Stanley Ridges and Sig Ruman, or 1983 produced by Mel Brooks, and starring Mel Brooks, Anne Bancroft, Tim Matheson, Charles Durning, Christopher Lloyd, and José Ferrer?
Jack Jack 60 months ago
(TexasDeb again) BTW, I like the second Gaslight much better than the first.
PatS Jack 60 months ago
To Deb: I saw the Mel Brooks version first, and still prefer it, not just for the color. In 1942 things may have been a little too immediate; by 1983, it was easier to take the life-and-death situations with affectionate humor.
Jack PatS 60 months ago
"Concentration Camp" Ehrhardt was a little too close for comfort in 1942, and apparently in some quarters, in 2019. Brooks has said something to the effect that his best revenge on Hitler has been making fun of him.
Jack Jack 60 months ago
(Really Jack, not Debbie) D'oh! _To Be or Not To Be_... I completely forgot!
Jack PatS 60 months ago
(Really Jack again) To Pat: I saw the Brooks-Bancroft version first, as well. It was a weird experience. I was in Brownsville, TX, doing contract archaeology. Our crew was staying in a hotel during the off-season, right across the river from Matamoros. The hotel's cable antenna pulled in a bunch of Mexican stations, including one that ran Spanish-dubbed movies that were prob'ly rented from the video store ("Broadcast permission?! We don't need no stinkin' broadcast permission!"). It's a weekend and raining, so I stay in and watch the Mexican movie station. Mel Brooks and Anne Bancroft appear on stage and start singing "Sweet Georgia Brown" in Polish, which is close-captioned in Spanish over the English subtitles... Surreal!
Lynn 60 months ago
Woo-hoo! My "It Came From Berwyn" shirt came today! Sven's elves are on a roll, guys.
JournalJeff2 Lynn 60 months ago
Good for you!
Wear it in good health!
Catbat Lynn 60 months ago
Congratulations Lynn! They are Awesome!
Lynn JournalJeff2 60 months ago
Aw, thanks!
Lynn Catbat 60 months ago
For sure!
JournalJeff2 60 months ago
Good Svengoolie Eve!
Lynn JournalJeff2 60 months ago
And to you, also, Jeff! Did I see a birthday reference slip past me this morning?😎
JournalJeff2 Lynn 60 months ago
I will be 62 on July 31.
Forbidden Planet is one of my favorite movies.
So I have been joking that Sven is playing it as my birthday present.
Catbat JournalJeff2 60 months ago
Good Svengoolie Eve to you too! Your Birthday is now marked on my calendar.
daleuhlmann JournalJeff2 60 months ago
Happy July 31st birthday in advance, Jeff.
Lynn JournalJeff2 60 months ago
Hey, close enough, Jeff! Enjoy!
Carl_N_Brown 60 months ago
"That driver must be a madman."

"What driver?"
DrClayton Carl_N_Brown 60 months ago
What bathing suit?
Carl_N_Brown DrClayton 60 months ago
Hmm Wonder if we'll get the kiddie matinee cut or the original full version.
PatS Carl_N_Brown 60 months ago
Actually I believe we get the "Sven cut" -- since FORBIDDEN PLANET is too long uncut for the time slot (what with ads and stuff). Expect some rapid-fire Sven talk!
WILLOUGHBY 60 months ago
Keith has just returned from a showing of Quentin Tarantino’s “Once Upon A Time...In Hollywood.” The movie is long, it’s certainly a director’s cut and there’s a scene in the film that Keith believes is a reference to, or perhaps even a tribute to Jerry G. Bishop as Svengoolie. The time line for the movie is set in 1969, a year before Bishop became Svengoolie. You’ll have to go see the movie to decide for yourself.
daleuhlmann WILLOUGHBY 60 months ago
My brother and sister are seeing this movie tomorrow. I'll tell both of them to watch for that scene.
Catbat 60 months ago
Hey Jack any chance you can make it. We'll be close.
Jack Catbat 60 months ago
You've been talking to Debbie, haven't you? My schedule is so up in the air, I barely know what I'm doing before I do it.

Looking at the roadmap, K'ville is not so far off my track as I thought. I just can't plan that far ahead...
Catbat Jack 60 months ago
Well we'll leave the light on for you. The hide a bed is still open if not a bedroom. I hope you can make it.
abc123 60 months ago
i just booked my hotel, flight, car for Knoxville. looking forward to meeting people.
Catbat abc123 60 months ago
Right On Howard! You should stay in the cabin with us. You can have your own room. Rent is cheap. Yeah you're coming!
daleuhlmann abc123 60 months ago
Great news, Howard! Hey, why don't you bunk with Catbat, me, and Dr. Clayton in the group cabin? There's plenty of room, and the more who join in, the more dirt-cheap accommodations there will be.
abc123 abc123 60 months ago
thanks for the offers, but the room i booked is non-refundable.
Catbat abc123 60 months ago
Yea I kinda thought it might be. Oh well You're Coming!
daleuhlmann abc123 60 months ago
Kind of thought that, too, Howard, but the main thing is that you'll be there!
PatS abc123 60 months ago
Great news, Howard! We always figure out ways to have fun. Looking forward to meeting you.
Jack abc123 60 months ago
(TexasDeb here) I am so jealous! I really wish I could be with you. If you do see Jack, don’t forget to wish him a happy anniversary. It will be 35 years.
roypwebber 60 months ago
Does anybody old enough here remember... but I believe when I was a child in the early 1970s FORBIDDEN PLANET was re-released in theaters for a brief period. I recall seeing clips of the "7800 levels" and the Krell metal door glowing white hot, during the commercial promo on TV.
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PatS daleuhlmann 60 months ago
I misread your description of the ghost tour -- thinking the theatre held a "fall-over" night. Too much Blue Moon? Or if you see a ghost, you're so excited or scared that you fall over?
Carl_N_Brown Jack 60 months ago
For the G rated kiddie matinee, I wonder if they cut the bit about Robby the Bootlegger making bourbon for the spaceship's cook?
daleuhlmann PatS 60 months ago
Well, I meant visitors can stay over-night at the theatre during an annual fall or autumn event, in the hope of experiencing some genuine ghostly phenomena. Another favorite ghost tour in Ohio is the long-closed and allegedly haunted prison, the Mansfield Reformatory.
Jack daleuhlmann 60 months ago
How, how, how--Mansfield Reformatory blues...🎸🎶
daleuhlmann 60 months ago
Tomorrow night, instead of having ducks (giant and dancing), we'll have all of our pidgeons lined up in a row.

Also, as we'll see, Walter does not turn out to be a stool Pidgeon. See what I did there?
Deleted 60 months ago
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Klaatu 60 months ago
Was the Robby voice the same voice person as the robot in Lost in Space?
60 months ago
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DrClayton 60 months ago
Am watching the ants science lecture in THEM!, just in case we run into any giant ants on Altair IV.
DrClayton DrClayton 60 months ago
And SSG Leonard Nimoy, too. "Real TS stuff." (But no TS 'Real Stuff'...)
TheKodakKid DrClayton 60 months ago
Might be some giant ants in Oak Ridge when you’re there 2 weeks from today as well.
Carl_N_Brown TheKodakKid 60 months ago
Just don't warn them about the radioactive leopard frogs in the Oak Ridge wastewater Ponds.
Keep that as a surprise.
daleuhlmann DrClayton 60 months ago
Speaking of ants, I'd forgotten that the TV movie ANTS, which Sven has shown twice on his program, features, in a supporting role, Barry Van Dyke, who later co-starred with his father, DIck, on the elder Van Dyke's TV series DIAGNOSIS MURDER.
DrClayton TheKodakKid 60 months ago
At least they'd be chocolate-covered, right?
WILLOUGHBY 60 months ago
But nothing beats getting a star of the movie to sign your DVD.
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JournalJeff2 DrClayton 60 months ago
No fart machine.
That would have been a gas! See what I did there?
daleuhlmann JournalJeff2 60 months ago
Definitely saw what you did there, Journal Jeff--ha-ha!😆
Catbat WILLOUGHBY 60 months ago
Very Cool!
Catbat JournalJeff2 60 months ago
How neat! Always loved Leslie Nielsen
DrClayton 60 months ago
In case you need an Astrogator to go with your Meth-Gator and your Interocitor.
DrClayton 60 months ago
Off-screen romance?

JournalJeff2 DrClayton 60 months ago
That is one lucky robot!
daleuhlmann DrClayton 60 months ago
But does the glass slipper fit?
DrClayton daleuhlmann 60 months ago
Naw...he had a fear of commitment!

("If the slipper don't fit, you don't have to commit!")
daleuhlmann DrClayton 60 months ago
Ha-ha, ha-ha!
TheKodakKid JournalJeff2 60 months ago
The one time Dr. Clayton wishes he WAS a robot.
Catbat TheKodakKid 60 months ago
Ain't it the truth
DrClayton TheKodakKid 60 months ago
□ I'm not a robot. Oh, darn!
DrClayton 60 months ago
Morning, all!

Am having some Forbidden Fruits for breakfast, in preparation for tomorrow.
daleuhlmann DrClayton 60 months ago
How about Forbidden Fruit of the Looms?
DrClayton daleuhlmann 60 months ago
Those are the Fishnet models...
daleuhlmann DrClayton 60 months ago
Ah, yes!😁
WILLOUGHBY 60 months ago
I got an invitation, to make a reservation. Roll up for the Big Blogcast 4! Information can be found on my website. It's going to be awesome with lots of stops on the way for culinary snacking. Less one tasty snack named Fuji.

JournalJeff2 60 months ago
Surely one of my favorite actors is in Forbidden Planet.
Stop calling me Shirley, and yes, Leslie Nielsen is in tomorrow`s movie.
Thanks for the birthday present, Sven!
CarrieLynnCastro 60 months ago
It's Friday 🎉
Have not had coffee
yet but it's ☕ it's brewing 😊

Here we are Friday 🎩
Sven eve yeah🤖 good movie for tomorrow!
Oh happy day's 😱

We will be 104* the humidity is 50% 😨
stuffy and hot already
⛅ it rained last night and it's already 80*
only 7:am 🌡

Somewhere I heard could reach 120* ☠
that is deadly oh my gosh not sure where
terrible 😵
Our Sunday could reach
110* 😨 yikes!

Have to go out this🚗...
morning with my son and husband then to lunch 😉 or maybe it will be take out!

Well the heat is on in many places be safe
everyone keep cool🍦
my friends 🎏 🌬
Jack 60 months ago
Extra credit essay question:
Of Robbie the Robot and the Krell Id-monster, which is Ariel and which is Caliban? Explain and give examples.
daleuhlmann Jack 60 months ago
I first read THE TEMPEST in an undergraduate Shakespearean class many moons ago. I found it enchanting!

My favorite Shakespearean play has always been OTHELLO, mainly because I love anything with monsters, and this one has a green-eyed one (LOL).
daleuhlmann Jack 60 months ago
For students studying OTHELLO, the time-honored essay question has always been "What symbolism do you find in Desdemona's handkerchief?"
DrClayton daleuhlmann 60 months ago
She had one for show and one for blow.
daleuhlmann DrClayton 60 months ago
Good one!😆👍
PatS daleuhlmann 60 months ago
As you may know, at the Globe Theatre gift shop in London, one of the popular low-budget items is a Desdemona handkerchief, embroidered with roses (of course).
daleuhlmann PatS 60 months ago
Oh, yes quite a popular sales item.
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