Tonight- A “BOO-Nanza” Bunch Of Double Features Begins With "Killer Klowns" and "The Crawling Eye"

Posted on October 7, 2023

Kicking off our “Svengoolie’s Halloween BOO-Nanza” month of October- tonight we present the first of our Saturday night double features- featuring belligerent bozos from beyond and awful ocular aliens! It’s two-for-one frightful fun with “Killer Klowns from Outer Space” and “The Crawling Eye”!

First- step right up for a clown show that’s anything but a laugh riot for small town of Crescent Cove-when local teen couple spot what appears to be a meteor streaking across the sky and coming down to earth not too far away-and decide to try finding it! ( Shades of “The Blob”!)

They arrive at what appears to be a sort of circus tent- which previously an old farmer and his dog discovered with nasty results. The teens Mike and Debbie enter this “tent” and find it is actually a massive space ship- crawling with bizarre clown-like aliens! The kids escape, but the “Klowns” set out after them and head for the town- with evil intentions.

Mike and Debbie have the typical horror film scenario of not being able to convince the authorities of the truth- running into the opposition of the teen-hating cop Mooney and a policeman who is Debbie’s ex, Dave.

While Mike convinces Dave to investigate, we see the Klowns are causing mayhem in town and claiming unfortunate victims through their mock circus shenanigans. The two must band together with a pair of goofy pals to save the town- and Klown victim Debbie- before they all become cotton-candied casualties!

As always, we’ll give some background on the 1988 film, run down the cast ( including John Vernon, best known as Dean Wormer in “Animal House” ). You’ll see me go through a sort of clown training boot camp, and check out a cable clown network, and more- including an interview from last year’s C2E2 with WWE Hall of Famers Amy “Lita” Dumas and Trish Stratus.


Then – we move to higher altitudes, where a mysterious mist conceals a deadly menace to mankind and poses a major threat when it moves downwards from the mountain peak towards a populated town! Terror dwells inside the mist – it’s “The Crawling Eye”!

The Swiss mountain Trollenberg seems almost cursed, as many of the climbers who came to scale its heights recently have met with a tragic death. Aboard a train approaching the mountain, we meet two sisters, Anne and Sarah Pilgrim, sharing a train compartment with Alan Brooks, a United Nations operative. As the train gets nearer to the Trollenberg, Anne suddenly faints! When she revives- even though they are supposed to continue on to Geneva-she insists that she and her sister disembark at the town by the foot of the mountain!

They all go to the hotel, owned and operated by the town mayor, Herr Klein- who seems very closed-mouthed about the recent demise of climbers. At his hotel , the group meets a young man, Philip Truscott, who recognizes that the two sisters are actually a famous mind reading act- with Anne being the one with the psychic powers. Truscott also seems unusually interested in what Brooks’ business is in coming to the area.

Brooks travels to an observatory high upon the mountain where he confers with an old friend, Professor Crevett, about the strange deaths of climbers recently. Both men are familiar with a similar mysterious event a few years ago in the Andes- where locals claimed something was living in the mist on a mountain!

While performing her mind-reading act with her sister, Anne suddenly seems to be channeling thoughts about the two men, and once again collapses. When Brooks and Truscott look for them at the basecamp cabin- they release the horror they are facing- as the misty cloud starts moving down the mountain towards the village- and the townsfolk must all get to safety- if there is even the chance of such a thing! The danger that lurks within the cloud is finally revealed- and may destroy the visitors, the entire population of the village, and even beyond!

We’ll talk about the original name and origin of this 1958 film and its cast, including “F-Troop” star Forrest Tucker and Janet Munro, promote a new beverage you might want to avoid, and much more to wind up our first Saturday night double dose of Sven!


The “Klown/Eye” combo will begin at 8 pm eastern/pacific, 7 central time. Obviously, there will be twice the live-Tweeting o Twitter during the double feature-join in by using the hashtag #svengoolie . Our local Chicago market viewers will get another look at “Trilogy of Terror” at 11 am on our sister station CW26. ( IF those elsewhere have missed it- we will be running it again at a special later time the last Saturday of the month- as the last half of our “last Saturday before Halloween” double bill!

Don’t forget that, after our double feature, each Saturday night will continue with marathons of special spooky programming- this week, it’s the return of the Red Tuna of Terror- Sventoonie! And, of course, watch for Sunday blocks of great MeTV shows that are fright themed. You’ll find the schedules for all our special “BOO_nanza” offerings at .

Let us remind you that now is the time to head into the MeTV Mall for perfect seasonal items! We are very proud to have a special t shirt designed by our great comics artist friend Christopher Jones- which, for a limited time, can be bundled with the “Svengoolie: Lost in Time” comic book with the cover he created! You’ll find that and more in the store on our website- so order now- and check out the “appearances” tab as well to see where you can meet me in person!

Join us tonight for twice the terror on MeTV!

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 during show

Bill_K 16 months ago
Good Evening, Everyone:

Just wanted to give you fair warning, The last regular season episode of MASH (not the finale) is now on. So you have about 5 minutes if you want to see the first episode.

Miss it tonight and you'll have to wait until New Years to catch it again!
1MikeM 17 months ago
...and dat was Ronald McDonald Goes to Outer Space...and dat's da name a dat tune.
daleuhlmann 17 months ago
Just returned. Bats in the theater.
1MikeM daleuhlmann 17 months ago
Were the bats some type of William Castle gimmick at the theater?
1MikeM 17 months ago
Dinner theme for tomorrow night? Bean soup with ham hocks?
Katink 1MikeM 17 months ago
Chick-en soup🐔
scottieO 1MikeM 17 months ago
My pig got injured, he pulled a hamstring. He got scared when I told him they could cure him at the hospital.
FKrueger scottieO 17 months ago
You're bacon me laugh
RobBarnes FKrueger 17 months ago
Hes just a ham
Klaatu 17 months ago
OMG OMG OMG! (Sven sounbyte) it’s almost New Blog time😳
Mikeyyy 17 months ago
Hey we made 6,000 posts
Katink Mikeyyy 17 months ago
Nice! I was trying to add some, but then we had to walk CoCo.
Mikeyyy 17 months ago
Let's get this party started now!
Cartoondave Mikeyyy 17 months ago
Hey Mikeyyy does this break last week's record??
Mikeyyy Cartoondave 17 months ago
Easily! this week started the bonanza with two movies in October

Hey Dave, Shayla has been in and asked about you and said hi
abc123 17 months ago
Okay. I have been running around all week. So glad I made all my videos ahead of time. Hopefully Sven can show one of the other Godzilla Movies on December 2nd to celebrate Godzilla Minus 1 hitting theaters the day before. Didn't do it for Godzilla-vs-Kong a couple years ago, but I can still dream...
FKrueger 17 months ago
I'm done watching part 1. All I can tell you is that Jason was not played by James Arness
Katink FKrueger 17 months ago
Awww. I had James Arness on my Bingo card, FKrueger!
Klaatu 17 months ago
What can I say???
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FKrueger Klaatu 17 months ago
You've never seen my wife cook.
Engineer_Poelzig Klaatu 17 months ago
You should try those with a nice glass of New Orleans Absinthe.
1933 Legendre Absinthe Frappé.
Fill large glass with shaved ice
One Teaspoon Benedictine
Two Tablespoons Legendre Absinthe (Use Herbsaint Original)
Cover Glass with a shaker and shake until frosted-strain into
small glass and serve.
PatS Klaatu 17 months ago
I'd say, Woo hoo!
FKrueger 17 months ago
1MikeM FKrueger 17 months ago
Wait! Stop! Come back! Golden ticket? Everlasting gobstopper? Fizzie lifting drinks?
1MikeM 17 months ago
This comment has been removed.
scottieO 17 months ago
Just saw Mark Goddard past away (aged 87). I really enjoyed watching his character square off against Dr. Smith (Jonathan Harris) on Lost In Space.
R.I.P. Mark Goddard
CountCurt scottieO 17 months ago
I am sad to read about the passing of Mark Goddard. You are right, he was at his best going at Mr Smith.
RobBarnes scottieO 17 months ago
I'm quite sure Major Donald West will not get lost on his way to heaven. LIS was my fav show as a kid. Glad to see he got to live a good 87 years. What a guy as he helped teach special children after Hollywood.
scottieO RobBarnes 17 months ago
Nice story. Giving of his time to those who may have never seen LIS but will remember him for the way he treated them like they were the celebrities is a wonderful thing.
VanGooliac scottieO 17 months ago
RIP Mark 😢
Shayrae 17 months ago
Gonna watch the original Friday 13th!! Later!
scottieO Shayrae 17 months ago
Howdy Shayrae, nice that you found your way back to the blog, glad we left the Bat Signal on for you, ha.
Take care!
Shayrae 17 months ago

Sorry bout my reflection. I got this at Spirit Halloween!
Klaatu 17 months ago
Our good friend does glass blowing as a hobby. Look at this!! She gave me this glass jelly fish, lit from underneath. Pretty cool👍
Shayrae Klaatu 17 months ago
Cool. (Still has a way to go for talent.)
Katink Klaatu 17 months ago
That is really neat Klaatu! Was it an anniversary gift?
Aceman2 Klaatu 17 months ago
Very nice!
scottieO Klaatu 17 months ago
Great hobby and really nice looking artwork!
Jack Klaatu 17 months ago
Holy Chiluly, Batman!
FKrueger 17 months ago
I'm starting my Friday the 13th movie marathon right now
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FKrueger NoPersonalChicks 17 months ago
Henny Youngman
Take my wife........please
scottieO Shayrae 17 months ago
I've thrown away hundreds of VHS tapes over the years. I still have more than I would want to count. Back in the late 90's a video store owner who was going out of business offered to sell me the entire inventory of 600 movies for $60, lots of movies I remembered from the 80's. On my way she called and said she changed her mind and was going to keep them.
FKrueger scottieO 17 months ago
Do your tapes still work? I had a lot too but found after 30 years the tape deteriorated so bad the movies were unwatchable.
scottieO FKrueger 17 months ago
I really haven't had too much of a problem. I have about four boxes of old westerns, some of them start out a little messed up. Others have never been opened. I even have about 10 blank tapes that are still wrapped up.
Aceman2 17 months ago
Another favorite A&C bit performed many times.
daleuhlmann 17 months ago
Hey, group, Catbat and I are going to the Denair Gaslight Theater, which is less than a mile from our place, to watch a free showing of FRIDAY, THE 13TH, at 6:30 pm Westies' time. We'll be back by 9 pm, our time, here, for the blog turnover.
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RobBarnes daleuhlmann 17 months ago
Don't forget your Hockey Mask!
Katink RobBarnes 17 months ago
But you can leave the skates at home😆😆😆
VanGooliac RobBarnes 17 months ago
IIRC, the hockey mask didn’t appear until the sequels.
VanGooliac VanGooliac 17 months ago
Checked with the internet, part 3 is when we first saw the mask.
Svenboy 17 months ago
Happy Friday. I did scary farm last night. Took my first ever Lyft home at 130 am. Did 8 out of 10 mazes and calico candy mine ride by midnight. While not dead, thursdays are less crowded. Wanted to do log ride and carnival circus act show but will save for next time. I went the wrong way in a maze and tripped and there wasn’t an employee in sight. I wasn’t the only one having hard time navigating mazes, a teen boy in the dark vampire maze asked which way do we go. With my eyesight, it may be my last time doing an event like this. I fell while exiting a maze and my new glasses fell off.the ear peace was loose after so I put my strap on which I was saving for the log ride. A nice gentleman helped me up and someone said maybe I should sit down for awhile and offered me a drink and I declined the drink. I sat for awhile and a person in a black shirt asked me if i had had alcohol and i said no and gave me a cup with water. I was embarrassed. Might have been a Knotts employee. I don’t drink for health reasons and had not been drinking. This was a solo trip. I texted a family member letting them know what happened and said I should have told them that I am blind in one eye and disabled which I am. It’s a bummer they don’t give out paper maps anymore. I had to go to info and the map they give was so big and not folded. Below are pics from last night. I sent both to sven.
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scottieO Svenboy 17 months ago
Nice pics! Glad you had a nice time despite the mishap.
Knott's Berry Farm is someplace I really want to go someday (and around Halloween time looks even more fun!)
Svenboy scottieO 17 months ago
Thanks Scottie o. I am glad I had a good time too. I love Knotts. I have been a passholder off and on since 2012 and a scary farm passholder since 2017 with the exception of 2020 and 2021 and 2022. I like the old timey feeling and the fact it is less crowded and more laid back than other theme parks. I find going there relaxing. They do a good job with Halloween with both the family friendly spooky farm and non family friendly scary farm although my days of doing scary farm may be numbered due to my eyesight and not due to lack of int erest.
scottieO Svenboy 17 months ago
I remember you posting about going to KBF several times. Enjoy it while you can.
Svenboy scottieO 17 months ago
Regular Knotts is fine. It’s scary farm that is the issue.
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