Tonight- Meet a Different Breed of Lycanthrope- "The Wererwolf"!

Posted on January 26, 2019

Though we may be a little late, with the Super  Blood Wolf Moon having appeared earlier this week, we still have a feature connected to the wolf- if NOT to the full moon part of  legend- as we present, for the very first time on our show- “The Werewolf”!

This 1956 bit of werewolfery begins with a man stumbling through the dark streets of  small rural town Mountaincrest- and visiting a local tavern, where he seems somewhat confused and disoriented- asking the bartender Hoxie if he knows who he is- with no luck! Flashing some money as he pays for his drink, he’s followed out onto the almost deserted street by a ne’er-do-well -intent on robbing him of his cash. Things don’t quite turn out as he’d planned- as they tussle in an alley- and only one of them emerges- spotted by an old lady who lets out a shriek, as the one person- or whatever he is- hightails it out of town!

The locals investigate and find the would-be robber looks like he was attacked by a wild animal! The sheriff Jack Haines drops the body off at Dr. Gilchrist’s place- then heads out with a deputy and posse to look for whatever did such damage.

Unfortunately, the deputy ends up getting a little damage himself- and ends up at the same doctor’s office, where the doc and his nurse tend to his wounds- again, appearing to be caused by some animal. From the deputy’s description- the sheriff begins to think that it’s – a wolf man! The doctor scoffs- but seems to come around to agreeing with the lawman.

The next day- the confused fellow who fled town comes to the doctor’s office- revealing that he has no recollection of who he is- or how he got to the town. He vaguely recalls being with two doctors after an auto accident- and believes he killed a man- but, when the medical folk try to give him a sedative to calm him down- he reacts violently- not trusting them because he thinks those other two doctors did something awful to him! He runs away- and the nurse Amy calls the sheriff to fill him in on what just happened.

Sheriff Jack establishes a full-fledged posse to hunt for this man- but, meanwhile, we see the two doctors who are responsible for his condition. They’ve seen newspaper reports of  the strange “animal” attacks- and conclude that the responsible party is the man who had an auto accident- that they injected with the experimental serum they are trying to perfect- “for the good of mankind” ( oh, really?) They decide that they must find the man before the authorities do- to keep their secret safe by killing their subject!

Just before they leave- they get a visit from the man’s wife- who found out her hubby-Duncan Marsh- had been at this doctor’s place. The doctors pretend they have no idea where he might be, and after she and her son leave- the two doctors head to Mountaincrest, intent on rubbing out Marsh!

Things get tense with Marsh transforming back and forth from human to a werewolf- while the Sheriff and his friends- along with the shady doctors- hunt for him. Then, his wife and son end up in town- and the fate of the werewolf teeters between humanity and destruction!

This movie is a departure from the usual werewolf lore, since it takes a science fiction tack  rather than the supernatural- it’s a wolf man created by science, so- no adhering to the old “full moon” rules. The werewolf make-up may look familiar- and we’ll tell you why, as well as introducing the cast- which includes one actor you’ve seen before in the Gill Man series- though you’d never recognize him from that! We also have a new song- and a commercial for a beverage that could have you baying at the moon!

“The Werewolf” premieres tonight on MeTV at 8 pm eastern/pacific, 7 central, or, for time and channel where you are, check your local listings or at  We’ve been trending high nationally on Twitter again- so feel free to join the other “tweeters” posting during the show- and use the hashtag #svengoolie . Chicago area viewers  get a a second date with “Dracula’s Daughter” at 11 am on  WCIU, the U.

Though, with the weather in many parts of the country already providing a chill, we’ll chill you a little more with “The Werewolf” tonight!

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 during show

Lucyc 69 months ago
Good evening, gang. A few parting thoughts about last weeks creature feature before we move onto this weeks big creature feature.

Another 50's movie that had a more natural-as opposed to supernatural reason-to cause unfortunate folks to morph into monsters was called Blood of Dracula. Wait, you say, isn't Dracula a supernatural creature? Well, yes, but despite the movie company's obvious attempt to, hopefully, cash in on the reference to the King of vampires, the plot of the movie has more in common with "I Was A Teenage Werewolf" that any other vampire movie, with the exception of another earlier, 50's vampire movie that I think Dale mentioned which was more like "The Werewolf."

Speaking of that movie, I found this vid on YouTube which uses a bunch of clips from the movie. It's done by a French group called Zombie Dandies to apparently promote the song in the video, which they wrote and perform, called "Werewolf Rock." I realize that the admin doesn't want us to clutter the blog up with a bunch of vids, but I promise this one is relevant to the Sven show.

daleuhlmann Lucyc 69 months ago
Good analogy, Lucy. Louise Lewis, who played the sympathetic higj school counselor in TEENAGE WEREWOLF was the reform school girl's dean who uses hypnosis to turn Sandra Harrison into a "Dracula" (the term for vamoire in the film). In a different vein (see what I did there?), the 1957 United Artists release THE VAMPIRE was avout s doctor (played by John Beale) who accidentally takes pills containing vampire bat's blood r
that turn him into a blood-thirsty monster.
MADave 69 months ago
Good night all enjoy the movie tomorrow I will be busy with family!
Catbat MADave 69 months ago
Please enjoy and know we will miss you. Come come play if you get home early.
Matt 69 months ago
Can't wait for the "Giant Claw" or better known by our hastily put together Basque character as "LA CARCAGNE" !!!!!
daleuhlmann Matt 69 months ago
A cross between an Angry Bird and a desert buzzard!
Catbat Matt 69 months ago
Matt 69 months ago
Happy Happy Sci-fi Friday everyone !!!
daleuhlmann Matt 69 months ago
Same to you, Matt!
Catbat Matt 69 months ago
Happy Svengoolie Saturday Eve to you. This is gonna be a blast!
daleuhlmann 69 months ago
I just watched another first season M*A*S*H episode tonight and remembered how much less innocent Radar was during that period. In this evening's 7:30 pm episode, he downs a martini with Hawkeye and Trapper as easily as he would later drink only grape soda.
MADave 69 months ago
I did not receive my newsletter yet sounds fabulous
Catbat MADave 69 months ago
Check under promotions or spam. Mine for some reason goes to promotions ever since the blog change.
Carl_N_Brown Catbat 69 months ago
Mine went to spam after the change, but now appears in my inbox.
I believe there is in spam an option to unspam a sender.
Honestly I don't know what I did.
Catbat Carl_N_Brown 69 months ago
Shoot mine goes to promotions
CarrieLynnCastro 69 months ago
Good news Dale the sun will warm you up it's coming 🌞
Have a great day 🦋
Thank you, Carrie--you, too!
CarrieLynnCastro 69 months ago
I loved getting that newsletter really interested about
seeing "Straight 🤤
Jacket"! Wondering
have I seen this one
🤔 I love seeing Joan
Crawford in any movie
have some favorites
of hers 🎬

The movie poster warns "vividly depicts ax murders" with a woman's hands swinging an ax. Script by Robert "Psycho" Bloch.
Catbat Carl_N_Brown 69 months ago
Sounds like mucho fun!
CarrieLynnCastro 69 months ago
Hi Dale hope you are feeling better 😊
Keep warm and stay
out of the deep ice
Thanks, Carrie! It may hit 20 today, with 40 by this weekend, and up to 50 by Monday--can't wait!
Yvette 69 months ago
Sven - What A great story in the newsletter. I've been waiting very patiently to hear some more of your back stories. Always a pleasure.
daleuhlmann 69 months ago
I got the newsletter earlier today. I was a little surprised that Sven's showing CFTBK again so soon, since we just saw it in December of 2018. Still, it will be a fitting tribute to birthday boy Ricou Browning, and it is certainly worth seeing again.

As for ABBOTT AND COSTELLO GI TO MARS, it is not one of the tean's better films, but IMO, even second-tiet A& C is better than some other comedians' best work.

And STRAIT JACKET? it's a campy and audacious William Castle-Joan Crawford cult favorite that's impossible to dislike.

As for THE GIANT CLAW, what else can I say, except that it's for the birds? See what I did there?
daleuhlmann daleuhlmann 69 months ago
Typo: Should have been CFTBL.
daleuhlmann daleuhlmann 69 months ago
A couple of others, too, in that post, but, hey, I've been sick!
Yvette daleuhlmann 69 months ago
Oh Dale you didn't- The Giant Claw is for the birds, Lol, I don't even know why am laughing 😆. Btw wasn't "Strait Jacket" one of those pictures Joan Crawford made when she was down on her luck and couldn't find a job?
daleuhlmann Yvette 69 months ago
I just couldn't resist the bird joke, Yvette!

As for STRAIT JACKET, yes, this movie, along with the earlier WHAT EVER HAPPENED TO BABY JANE, helped revive Joan Crawford's career.
Yvette daleuhlmann 69 months ago
I should've known that. I'm a big fan of the Bette and Joan feud , along with that miniseries "Feud" that told of their rivalry and highlighted their life.
scottieO 69 months ago
Dale, I can't wait to read your ornithological piece about this Saturday's movie of a certain avian variety.
daleuhlmann scottieO 69 months ago
Hilarious, Scottie! That's the Trashmans' popular, but unauthorized cover of the Rivingtons' "The Bird Is the Word" and "Papa Oom Mow Mow."
scottieO daleuhlmann 69 months ago
Thanks, I learned it from you! (lol)
daleuhlmann scottieO 69 months ago
I feel honored!🤓
DrClayton 69 months ago
"The Cornfield that can be told is not the eternal Cornfield."
- Lao Tzu
DrClayton 69 months ago
A bad evening with Julie Adams is better than a good day at the office...
daleuhlmann DrClayton 69 months ago
Speaking of Julie Adams, she's on Me TV's BONANZA episode today.
daleuhlmann 69 months ago
Kodak also mentioned a birthday today for Stuart Whitman, a very solid, under-rated character actor. Besides NIGHT OF THE LEPUS, horror film fans will also remember him from the 1981 British anthology chiller THE MONSTER CLUB, starring Vincent Price and John Carradine. Whitman appeared in the segment entitled "The Ghouls." Here, Price mentions the ghoul as part of the monster geneaology that he explains to Carradine in this scene. This movie would be a natural for Sven's show.
DrClayton 69 months ago
Oh, great. We've already got carjackings, and now we're in for "straitjackings".... What's the country coming to?!
CarrieLynnCastro 69 months ago
Thank you Sven🎉
for the news letter
great line up 📺
Looking forward to
last movie movie on the list 😊🍿🙄

See you later 👻
Keep warm!
CarrieLynnCastro 69 months ago
Good morning Lynn
Hope your having a
nice one ☕Rain down this way all through the weekend ☔

That "Polar Vortex" ❄sounds so scary I
can not even imagine
being in a deep 😨
freeze! Not able to go out for days and everything frozen in place🤖
The warmth is on the
way 🌅 good for them!
Have a great weekend
Lynn 😊
Lynn CarrieLynnCastro 69 months ago
A great weekend to you as well, Carrie.
TheKodakKid 69 months ago
Got the newsletter. I’m sure Sven will touch on this on the 16th when he’s showing “Creature from the Black Lagoon”, it will coincide with the 89th birthday of Ricou Browning. He’s the guy in the suit in all the underwater scenes. A bunch of us have been sending him birthday cards for the past few years. I was going to mention his birthday tomorrow and post his mailing address anyway.
Carl_N_Brown TheKodakKid 69 months ago
The Sven newsletter did arrive prompt and welcome at 11:06am in my e-mail box.
Carl_N_Brown TheKodakKid 69 months ago
Speaking of movie lineup, [snarkasm] Anyone wanna take bets the title for the blog page for Strait-Jacket will misspell it Straight Jacket? [/snarkasm]

updt: edit typo
CarrieLynnCastro 69 months ago
Happy Friday 🤓
Good to hear that
are Eastie friends will
warm up this weekend
great news🌞 It almost looks impossible with
all that snow and ice
every where ❄⛄❄
Wish you all the best
warm up🌅🗽🌅

We are having a big storm coming in today
🌧🌬🌧 through
Catbat I hope your antenna holds up and stays put 🌬📺🌬 for the show!

I made it through Perry
Mason last night a good
one 💼 well barely.

Looking forward to
"The Giant Claw" seen
It only once🍿📺🍿

Have a nice day 🦋
Think Spring it will
come 🌞 soon!

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