Tonight on MeTV: A HUGE Origin Story- the 1st Appearance of "Godzilla-King of the Monsters"!

Posted on January 25, 2025

Tonight, on MeTV, we are very happy to again present the English-language version of the famed Toho Studios film that started the reign of the most famous Japanese kaiju (giant monster) in motion picture history! It’s a far cry from some of the later films, much more serious and tragic. Added for the American version, the future “Perry Mason” ( cue that theme music!) Raymond Burr became a part of movie history- as he witnesses the origin of "Godzilla- King of the Monsters"!

This 1956 film begins with reporter Steve Martin (Burr-and, yes, it is not lost on anyone that the character has that name, long before we all became aware of the comedian and current star of “Only Murders in the Building”) – in serious condition, and hospitalized in an over-crowded medical facility loaded with other victims of a horrible catastrophe. We learn what has brought things to this point- as we flashback to Martin flying to Japan for a visit with an old scientist colleague. Immediately upon arrival, he is whisked away by the authorities, who mysteriously ask if he saw anything unusual in the ocean below his aircraft during the flight.


The reason for the inquiry is that there have been some strange unexplained naval disasters in nearby waters. A lone survivor of one of these mysterious events washes ashore at a small island, and Martin joins military investigators to check out the island. They discover that the natives there actually believe that the disasters were caused by a legendary gigantic sea monster-whose anger they have attempted, for many years, to appease by making sacrifices!

The investigation turns up some shocking results-traces of radioactivity- and- unbelievably- giant footprints!

The source of these is discovered when the mighty Godzilla actually appears! After its frightening appearance, Dr. Yemane, a renowned expert who is part of the investigating party, returns to Tokyo to explain his theory that this gigantic creature has been awakened from ages of hibernation by man's atomic testing (a theme that will be reused in countless future movies). Martin seeks out the scientist pal he came to visit, Serizawa, who he thinks may have an educated opinion. When he tries to consult with him, he is surprised when his friend claims to be far too busy to meet.

Coincidentally, Dr. Yemane’s daughter is scheduled to marry Serizawa- but sadly her heart now belongs to another man- and she is trying to figure out how to reveal the truth to the scientist. During one of her attempts to tell Serizawa the sad news, she discovers a horrible discovery he is hiding- for the good of civilization!

Suddenly- in the very first scene of its type, echoed in many more films- Godzilla appears in Tokyo Bay and heads onshore to cause horrific destruction to the city. Any and all defense system plans fail miserably- and Godzilla's rampage seems unstoppable! Martin does his best to provide live coverage of the damage being done- only to be injured as the devastation continues.

This brings us back to where the movie started, with Martin hospitalized and at a loss as far as what to do next, just like the authorities. Circumstances end up revealing that the one single dangerous way to end Godzilla’s attacks is the secret discovery of Serizawa’s. Major disagreements cloud the decision of whether or not this should be utilized- but can anything, known or unknown, provide even slim hope that the monstrous creature can be stopped- before it's too late?


This film was the first exposure most of us of a certain age had to Godzilla- and, you’ll notice, as I mentioned earlier, that this movie has a much more serious tone than almost all the later Toho Godzilla films. It was reflective of the great sadness and heavy emotions of parallels to real-life events. We’ll run down the movie’s history, explain how Burr was inter-cut into the original all-Japanese cast, and pay our respects to the man who was inside the Godzilla suit. Also, watch for the special comedy segment with our friend, the hilarious Jamie Farr- best known as Max Klinger from "MASH”- and more guest stars- our friend Billy Gardell of “Mike and Molly” and “Bob Hearts Abishola” -a vintage visit with Wil Wheaton-plus a suitable song, a guide to movie dubbing, and some Sven bloopers from our very first year at this company!

“Godzilla- King of the Monsters” surfaces on MeTV tonight at 8 pm eastern/pacific, 7 central time- and you can check your local listings, or at, for time and station in your area. The live-Tweeting continues on Twitter/X, as well as comments during the show on Bluesky during the show- we have been trending nationally every week- thanks to posters using the hashtag #svengoolie! This morning, our local viewers can get some left-over produce with a second run of “Attack of the Killer Tomatoes” at 11 am on Chicago’s WCIU, The U.

Join us tonight as a giant radioactive monster faces off against the future Perry Mason- which leads to a continuance in the horror genre!!

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 during show

futura51 1 month ago
Every sat night, i look forward to all of you and the fact that it feels like i am among friends, i can't say enough how much i look forward to the stories and the jokes and the good humor . Thanks all .
Katink 1 month ago
Trying to stay awake for the blog change over😪
Mikeyyy Katink 1 month ago
You can do it KATINK!
Katink Mikeyyy 1 month ago
Almost there. . .
Cessna1960 1 month ago
If you notice , in a lot of good SciFy movies some of the greatest locations take place not on a Planet but a Planets moon....In 2010 Odyssey 2 (sequel to 2001 A Space Odyssey) the action took place around Jupiter and it's moons.
The movie climaxed around Europa with a warning transmitted by the Hal computer from God/The Creator that said
"All These Worlds Are Yours , Except Europa , Attempt No Landings There. Use Them Together , Use Them In Peace"

The movie ended showing a young moon being reborn into a new Planet with Flora and Fauna and bodies of get the sense that something monumental is being created on Europa..
Cessna1960 Cessna1960 1 month ago
"Enemy Mine" with Dennis Quaid and Lou Gossett Jr. was another good SciFy movie that took place on a rather hostile moon....that 80s movie to me is way under appreciated....
PARANORMA Cessna1960 1 month ago
That's a very interesting point, food for thought.
Cessna1960 PARANORMA 1 month ago
If iou haven't seen Enemy Mine I highly recommend it
PARANORMA Cessna1960 1 month ago
Haven't seen it in a very long time. Hm. Occurs to me to wonder if it got softer-edge riffed on for TNG's "Darmok" ep.
CrazyK 1 month ago
Only 19,999,999 miles to go…
Cessna1960 CrazyK 1 month ago
Take one down pass it around.......
Cessna1960 CrazyK 1 month ago
Good emoji CrazyK
CrazyK Cessna1960 1 month ago
Yeah it’s a cool one!
Read your stuff, interesting and good 👍
Cessna1960 CrazyK 1 month ago
Thank you sir !
Cessna1960 1 month ago
At a distance of roughly 20 million miles from Earth, you would find no major planets in our solar system; however, depending on its position in its orbit, Mars can occasionally come close to this distance, though it usually sits much farther away at around 140 million miles on average.
Key points to remember:
No planets are consistently at 20 million miles:
While Mars can get closer to this distance during certain points in its orbit, it's not a typical position.
Check for specific objects:
If you're looking for objects closer to 20 million miles, you might need to consider smaller celestial bodies like asteroids or moons of other planets, but their positions vary greatly.
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Cessna1960 RobBarnes 1 month ago
Yep.....and now with the James Webb Space Telescope , it is showing that deep deep outer space is much more vast than previously thought
VanGooliac Cessna1960 1 month ago
Douglas Adams already told us that.
Space is big. You just won't believe how vastly, hugely, mind-bogglingly big it is. I mean, you may think it's a long way down the road to the chemist's, but that's just peanuts to space.
Cessna1960 RobBarnes 1 month ago
Just seeing countless Spiral Galaxies packed into a single picture , and then thinking just how HUGE a single galaxy is tends to blow one's mind
Cessna1960 VanGooliac 1 month ago
You hit the nail on the head Van
Cessna1960 1 month ago
Cessna1960 Cessna1960 1 month ago
I think this poster ad is from the Blue Ray anniversary edition
Klaatu Cessna1960 1 month ago
Often, the movie posters are WAY better than the movie.
Cessna1960 Klaatu 1 month ago
Yep!!.....I've seen many before seeing the actual movie and said WOW !! that ought to be a good movie , only to then see the movie and say "that didn't look like anything in the poster
Cessna1960 1 month ago
The monster in the 1957 movie 20 Million Miles to Earth is called Ymir. Ymir is a small Venusian creature that grows to a huge size and threatens Rome.
20 Million Miles to Earth is a science fiction movie about a spaceship that crash lands on Venus and releases Ymir. The movie was originally titled The Giant Ymir and was also released as The Beast from Space.
Ray Harryhausen created the concept for Ymir. The movie was filmed in Rome, Italy, and the monster's noises were mostly recordings of elephants sped up. Harryhausen removed references to Ymir's name from the final version of the movie because he was concerned that audiences might confuse it with the Arabic word "Emir".
Cessna1960 Cessna1960 1 month ago
Just a bit of trivia that I thought might be interesting
Klaatu Cessna1960 1 month ago
Yes, it was interesting 👍👍.
Cessna1960 Klaatu 1 month ago
Thank you Klaatu....I thought the movie did a good job capturing the mannerisms of the creature as it interacted with humans and local animals
Aceman2 Cessna1960 1 month ago
Thanks for the info. I have seen the movie and give it a 👍
Cessna1960 Aceman2 1 month ago
Can't remember the year I first saw it , but it was light years ago
PatS Cessna1960 1 month ago
Actually, the earth ship goes to Venus, collects samples of... well, stuff that looked interesting... and crash lands off the coast of Italy on return. But all will be explained.
Cessna1960 1 month ago
Wonder if we could get up enough support to get a Svengoolie U.S. Postage Stamp ?
PARANORMA Cessna1960 1 month ago
Though not necessarily mandatory, virtually everyone selected to be on a USPS stamp is deceased. Sven could probably make a case, but... 📬
Cessna1960 PARANORMA 1 month ago
LOL !!....The U.S.P.S should have a living Icon Stamp category.....without a doubt Svengoolie is an Icon !!
PARANORMA Cessna1960 1 month ago
Sure! They could do one of their series -- Kerwyn, the Squad, et al!
Cessna1960 PARANORMA 1 month ago
I was thinking the same thing....Svengoolie and Kerwyn , Gwen , Nossie , and Imp ....put them all into a Svengoolie Stamp package
Thereman 1 month ago
Since it’s National Hot Chocolate Day, I was thinking about Sven’s hilarious commercial parody SIS MISS hot chocolate, featured during the film, THE CRAWLING EYE. The only way to improve the memory

Of course if Forrest Tucker was here, he’d probably want a cigarette.
Klaatu Thereman 1 month ago
😆😆. Is there ANY day it’s not National Something Day??
Cessna1960 Klaatu 1 month ago
I agree Klaatu....but you have to admit some
people/organizations have gone overboard with making certain things a National Day really starts to get monotonous when those weird things get made into a Federal Holiday !....
Thereman Klaatu 1 month ago
Agreed. Expect National Tuesday to be held on a Thursday, of course. But hey, the Hot Chocolate was good.
abc123 1 month ago
Found out the final movie of February just a few minutes ago. One of my personal favorites! A nice line up of favs, new and seen a few times but worth watching again!
WillyFromPhilly 1 month ago
Here we go again !
Now in my City
This is heartbreaking coming on the heels of the air disaster 2 days ago
Insane. I lived in the Northeast for a bit (around Castor & Cottman). Knowing the area am appalled to think how it could've been even *worse*. So very sorry.
Klaatu PARANORMA 1 month ago
I’m a conspiracy theorist…how weird if the two horrible crashes were linked🤔🤔?
Pallas WillyFromPhilly 1 month ago
Horrific. Tragic. I am at a loss for words.
We live in south Jersey, near Atlantic City and was planning on going into Philly tomorrow for some shopping and eats. I shop at that Mall every time we go into Philly.
Prayers for all that perished and to those on scene 🙏🏻🙏🏻
Klaatu WillyFromPhilly 1 month ago
And a young medical patient and her mom on-board😢😢🙏
Aceman2 WillyFromPhilly 1 month ago
I live North of Philly. This is horrible on so many levels. Prayers for all those affected.
abc123 1 month ago
Sure. NOW i find where he was hiding...
Klaatu abc123 1 month ago
I found it!…
CountCurt Klaatu 1 month ago
Moths can be very beautiful.
Klaatu CountCurt 1 month ago
Yes they are💕.
MrsG Klaatu 1 month ago
Ooo maybe we’ll talk it up ~ YO Svengoolie ~ MOTHRA (1961) ~
Catbat abc123 1 month ago
PatS MrsG 1 month ago
Mossura, ya, Mossura...🎶
Klaatu 1 month ago
The best line in any horror movie;
“You and 20 Million other guys!”🤣
RobBarnes Klaatu 1 month ago
Hopefully, the mere fact that "20 Million" is mentioned, will make your post delete proof.
Klaatu RobBarnes 1 month ago
Ahhh…great connection. I didn’t think of that 😆
Aceman2 1 month ago
“If you genuinely want something, don't wait for it--teach yourself to be impatient."
- - - - Gurbaksh Chahal
PARANORMA Aceman2 1 month ago
I have been an excellent student. Often counterproductive, but there we are.
Klaatu 1 month ago
Whatever criticism we make of 20 Million Miles, NOTHING can compare to the laughable 1957 KRONOS, with a 2-D cutout acting as the creature. I did better animation in my High School art class.
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Is that an ostrich gone rogue?
Klaatu CountCurt 1 month ago
PARANORMA CountCurt 1 month ago
Maybe a lowrent Ghidorah knockoff?
Aceman2 Klaatu 1 month ago
It’s OK. You’re still a good guy in my book.
Klaatu 1 month ago
Here’s a Million Dollar idea😆!:
Along with the MeTV Cartoon Channel, MeTV should also have a Monster Movie Channel! OK OK, it’s not a Million Dollar idea. Howzabout a $100 idea🤔?
Klaatu Klaatu 1 month ago
Can you imagine a channel playing these movies all the time? I’d be very happy!
CountCurt Klaatu 1 month ago
Can I sign up?
Klaatu 1 month ago
All right…it’s cold, I’m sitting next to a warm crackling fire, sipping a beautiful sweet 100 Proof Whistle Pig, and dreaming about Monsters👍.
RobBarnes Klaatu 1 month ago
Top Shelf Rye! Must be the weekend. What, if anything, do you mix yours with besides ice?
Klaatu RobBarnes 1 month ago
At this point, drinking with ice only. It is dang good👍👍
Jack 1 month ago

Vielen Dank für den wunderbaren Schokoladen! Because of the return address, Debbie and I initially thought the package was from our son who lives in northeast Indiana. Many thanks, once again!
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Thereman Jack 1 month ago
Glad to hear it. Enjoy! And tell Texas Deb I only infer baking on someone else if they like to do so.
Do I hear Wayne Newton singing in the background?
Thereman CountCurt 1 month ago
Personally, I hope not. Just sayin'
Since 20 MILLION MILES TO EARTH opens in Sicilia, it would have been nice if Martin Scorcese had directed it
Maybe he could have gotten Brando to play the Ymir. If anyone can emote inside a rubber suit its him.
PARANORMA 1 month ago
Just caught a clip of the "Have Gun, Will Travel" ep "The Moor's Revenge". VP as half an acting couple lured to town by a sketchy gig offer by saloon owner Morey Amsterdam. Looks OTT amusing, going to have to track down the whole thing.
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