Tonight's Forecast : 100% Chance of Evil with "The Devil's Rain"!

Posted on November 27, 2021

Tonight on MeTV- it will be a dark and stormy night for sure, as members of a valiant family continue to wage a centuries old battle between good and evil-and try to avoid a deluge of devilish disaster brought on by “The Devil’s Rain”!

First of all, a warning- there are scenes in this film that may be too gruesome and upsetting for some of our younger and more sensitive viewers- so, your discretion is advised. We also need to point out-because we always get a few misguided complaints- though the subject matter includes devil worship- we are not advocating or supporting that. (Let’s face it- our movies pretty much every week contain killings- and we don’t advocate murder!)

On to our story- on a nasty Southwestern night, the Preston family is concerned about their missing patriarch- and all too soon, we see that their concern is warranted! The Prestons have been the target of an evil cult since their ancestors’ betrayal years ago of a satanic high priest- and because they are now keeping hidden a book that would give the devilish leader great and deadly power. After a raid on the family ranch, Preston son Mark takes it upon himself to meet with the wily cult leader Jonathan Corbis at his ghost town headquarters in the desert. This encounter brings Mark into the midst of the cult, and into a battle of faith that proves too much for him.

We meet more of the Preston family- Mark’s brother Tom and his wife Julie. Julie appears to have psychic powers that show her confusing and frightening scenes of the past and the future- which psychic researcher Dr. Sam Richards tries to help them decipher. The couple decides to search for missing brother Mark- and their search centers on that ghost town-and soon they are under attack, and become witnesses to a black arts ritual that will induct the Prestons into the ranks of Corbis’ minions! The fight continues over the sources of Corbis powers and his transformation into a hellish deity who plans to create Hell on earth!

This 1975 film boasts a big name cast- Ernest Borgnine, William Shatner, Eddie Albert, Ida Lupino, Tom Skerritt and more-yes, and one performer who barely appears in the film but will become a huge box office name! We’ll tell you about them all, along with some of the strange details of the film’s production, and, although the film’s length limits our Sven content in the show, include a new song and an interview with a significant cast member of the original “Halloween”!

“The Devil’s Rain” begins to fall at 8 pm eastern/pacific, 7 central time tonight. We continue to trend among the top national Tweeted topics on Twitter every week- and you are invited to join in and live-Tweet during the program, using the hashtag #svengoolie. In the Chicago viewing area, local viewers get a sort of rematch as we encore “King Kong VS Godzilla” on CW 26 at 11 am.

Okay- in spite of the huge inventory we procured for the Sven bobblehead, they are selling rapidly enough that you need to order yours NOW before they sell out! It would also be a good idea to make your choices now in the Sventa Claus Holiday Shoppe, and in our usual store, to make sure you’ll be able to get your gift choices in time for the holidays!

We hope you all had a happy Thanksgiving- and we thank you in advance for joining us tonight for the devilish doings!

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 during show

PensacolaGlenn 34 months ago
It’s time for the big broad cast!
vettenoir 34 months ago
30 minutes to go! ⏱️ Who will be #1 🎱?
abc123 vettenoir 34 months ago
I volunteer if no one else wants it...
Jack 34 months ago
_Andalusian Dog_, anyone?
Bugs_Bunny4_Life Jack 34 months ago
Is that Salvador Dali's film that would "shock innocent Paris"?
Jack Bugs_Bunny4_Life 34 months ago
None other.
deadringer42 34 months ago
Katink, nice avatar. Love how you change it up every week.

Hey, my eyes are up here.
Katink deadringer42 34 months ago
Thanks, dr42! 😆😆😆
abc123 34 months ago
My interviews went well yesterday and today. Fingers crossed...
After seeing some of the recent posts, I feel less bad for the "spoiler" included in my verse...
See you in an hour and a half and a few seconds...
MrsG abc123 34 months ago
Hope You get the one You want abc123 ~ You’ll likely have Your choice ~ ALL EYES on the fan , pretty soon ~ hey , ever hear the one about the horsey ? ! ? !
I know , , , teehee
Drang abc123 34 months ago
Going for that sweet Santa Claus gig at the Seahawks team store?
abc123 Drang 34 months ago
i might have the awesome grey beard for the job, but my belly is no way that big...
Islander 34 months ago
PensacolaGlenn Islander 34 months ago
I want the big bottle of George Dickey!
*Dickel. Stupid auto correct
MADave 34 months ago
Let's hope that tomorrow's movie theme isn't the EYE of the tiger see what EYE did there?
Islander MADave 34 months ago
I did see what you did there.
KeithJ Islander 34 months ago

Eye see it too!
KeithJ 34 months ago
MrsG KeithJ 34 months ago
Is that one of those door cam EYEs ? !
KeithJ MrsG 34 months ago
Aceman2 34 months ago
Goodnight everyone and have a great Sventurday!
Katink Aceman2 34 months ago
Good night, Aceman!
MrsG Aceman2 34 months ago
Toodaloo ~ mañana Aceman !
MrsG 34 months ago
The EYE may CRAWL but me Blogger buddies will have to move a tad quicker for 1st place trophy tonight ~ good luck to ALL in the running ~ I had to quit betting , Yinz always surprise me !
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Bugs_Bunny4_Life Katink 34 months ago
Sounds sensational! 🥕
Katink Bugs_Bunny4_Life 34 months ago
It DOES at that. Maybe my appetite is improving.
Islander MrsG 34 months ago
Yep, don't blink or you'll get 2nd place.
MrsG Islander 34 months ago
Now EYE did see that one !
Katink 34 months ago
Checking in! It has been a crazy week here. Here is the scoop: My stomach issues last month were gallbladder and common bile duct problems. Tests Monday and Tuesday led to meeting a surgeon Wednesday and outpatient surgery today. It went well! I am resting comfortably in our recliner. Even so, I may not be up later to vie for my usual top-ten spot.
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Katink TheKodakKid 34 months ago
Thanks, TKK! My procedures were done laproscopically, which should make for a shorter recovery. So far, so GOOD!
Katink KeithJ 34 months ago
Ha! Four incisions, just like me!
Katink KeithJ 34 months ago
Why didn't I think of that, Keith? That must be why they gave me those socks with the grippers!
Lynn Katink 34 months ago
Sending good vibes, Katink!
Carl_N_Brown 34 months ago
"I only have crawling eyes for yooouuu ...."
KeithJ Carl_N_Brown 34 months ago
Geo 34 months ago
Now this is Christmas. It's an award. Fra gee lay, that's italian.
KeithJ Geo 34 months ago
deadringer42 Geo 34 months ago
I have one just like it. It's coming out this weekend. I'll post after it's up.
Geo KeithJ 34 months ago
I left out the major part.
Geo deadringer42 34 months ago
Mine was in storage for years, until now.
daleuhlmann 34 months ago
From Catbat, too: Much appreciation for your love and concern for your love and concern for her dad.
Katink daleuhlmann 34 months ago
I'll jump in late, Dale, in sending prayers and healing vibes to CatDad, and peaceful energy to Catbat and her family.
Lynn daleuhlmann 34 months ago
All the best!
MrsG 34 months ago
ALL’s EYE can say is
Drang MrsG 34 months ago
I see...
MrsG Drang 34 months ago
Do You Drang ?
So relieved that someone understands !
10-Q ^_*
KeithJ MrsG 34 months ago
Eye will second that!
MrsG KeithJ 34 months ago
Yoo-hoo !
Peek-a-BOO !
MADave 34 months ago
Has Sven shown a movie called INVADERS FROM MARS? It's from 1986 and started Karen black Hunter Carson Laraine Newman Timothy Bottoms James Karen Louise Fletcher Bud Cort and Jimmy Hunt
Klaatu MADave 34 months ago
As much as the 1986 version is watchable, IMO the better version, especially for the Sven schtick, would be the early 50’s version.
Carl_N_Brown MADave 34 months ago
I am not finding INVADERS FROM MARS (either the 1953 William Cameron Menzies original or the 1986 Tobe Hooper remake) in the published lists of Svengoolie movies.
Islander MADave 34 months ago
Don't believe he has. Both versions are really good. I slightly favor the original but I enjoy watching both on dvd.
Carl_N_Brown MADave 34 months ago
Jimmy Hunt played the kid David in the 1953 version and played the Police Chief in the 1986 version.
Drang MADave 34 months ago
Another good one for Sven with Bud Cort in it would be Love at Stake.
MrsG Carl_N_Brown 34 months ago
Aha , Juicy bit of trivia there Carl_N_Brown ~ now I want to see the oldie !
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