UPDATE!!! Information Re: the WCIU Saturday Morning Broadcast

Posted on February 6, 2017

The Svengoolie Administrator here- UPDATE: The Godzilla films WILL air on WCIU on Saturday mornings!

Sven will be posting shortly regarding this happy news.

A few more notes:

It is never a good idea to post personal information here-  whether it's e-mail addresses, home addresses, or telephone numbers. PLEASE do not do so. While the usual blog fans can be trusted- others also check in here. We usually will remove any of this type of information when we catch it to protect our commenters.

Also- please use only one name and one e-mail address (which is not printed) when posting. We have had a couple commenters using fake e-mails and names. These will most likely be removed and the person banned in the future.

Please follow these and all previously mentioned rules. Thank you.

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