We Have Our OWN ‘Haunted Mansion’- Thanks to “The Uninvited” -Tonight!

Posted on July 22, 2023

Tonight on MeTV, we have a classic ghost story-and, though we are currently hearing a lot about a soon-to-be released ‘Haunted Mansion’- and the currently popular Barbie’s dream house, a very different dream house becomes somewhat of a nightmare- when a brother and sister take possession of it – only to learn there's another type of possession in the place- thanks to “The Uninvited”!

The brother and sister -Roderick and Pamela Fitzgerald- are enjoying the sea shore when they stumble upon a vacant sprawling estate- and, feeling it'd be the perfect home for them, decide they should purchase it. They meet the owner, Commander Beech, who is more than eager to give it to them at an amazingly ( and somewhat suspiciously) low price- but it becomes obvious that his lovely young grand-daughter, Stella, does NOT want to see the place in the hands of others.


Regardless, the Fitzgeralds take possession - and, while most old houses have their quirks, this place has some unusually odd ones- for example, the pets in the house will not go up the stairs to the second floor-and an upstairs studio room, destined to be Roderick's den in which to compose music, has an odd chill to it- even when it's warm outside! Nighttime brings more than simple quirks-when the sounds of disembodied crying echo through the dark house!

Though the afore-mentioned Commander Beech is against it, young Stella wants to visit the house, even though the Fitzgeralds have taken it, since it's part of her family history (her parents lived there until a tragic accident occurred). She defies her grandfather’s wishes, dropping in on the place - and finding herself getting romantically involved with Roderick. That would be a good thing, but it seems this new association brings about even more supernatural events within the premises. A chilling seance, a visit to an institution run by a cold, devious woman, and the power of ghostly apparitions add up to frightening situations that could bring death to one of the living!

This 1944 film was one of the first movies to actually treat the subject of ghosts seriously-and is a suspenseful classic cinema ghost story, starring the man who, years later, would be “X-The Man with the X-Ry Eyes” and victim of “Frogs” Ray Milland as Roderick, with Gail Russell as Stella. We’ll fill you in on the rest of the cast, including an actor who appears almost every Super Sci Fi Saturday Night on MeTV! Plus, we'll talk about the hit song that came from this film and became a standard- and bring you a sub-standard song of our own! In keeping with the ghostly theme, we'll bring back a parody of a dearly-departed commercial-and another round of the best of “Kerwyn’s Corner”!.

We are happy that, with our expanded time slot, we could restore a lot of the movie that we had previously edited out due to time constraints. You should know that we try to avoid editing the movies whenever possible, and, when edits have to be made-it's always done with very careful consideration. Being able to put back in some of the edits we previously had to make is a real advantage of our longer show. Those who have watched the show should know that we never feel we're more important than the film itself.

"The Uninvited" will manifest itself on MeTV tonight at 8 pm eastern/pacific, 7 central, or check for time and channel in your area in your local listings or at www.metv.com . On Twitter during the show, as always, viewers will be taking part in the live-Tweeting that brings us among the top trending subjects nationally, so join in if you wish- and make sure to use the hashtag #svengoolie. Exclusively in Chicago viewing area , there is an encore of “Ghoulies II”- featuring our segment with the great Groucho Marx impersonator Frank Ferrante- at 11 am on our sister station, CW26!

The reaction to the new “Svengoolie: Lost in Time” comic book has been tremendous! Demand for copies from comic shops to the distributor has been overwhelming, and fans of both our show and comic books have been singing the praises of the great artwork and the fun story. We appeared briefly at a couple local comics stores last week to do signings, and the turnout was terrific. Comics fans especially have been trying to collect the variant covers ( different graphic covers). Make sure you check at your favorite local comics shop to get your copy- and there are some stores across the nation that you can order it from-though we have been hearing that stores have already sold out of the book!

I’m guessing we will be meeting fans who will be bringing their books to be signed when we make our annual appearance at the big Flashback Weekend horror convention in Rosemont, IL on August 4 and 5! It will be the scene of a landmark event- with myself and the great Joe Bob Briggs ( and his mail girl Darcy) on stage together to discuss our careers! You’ll find more information under the “appearances” tab here on our website.

Tonight- you’re invited to a haunting that will bring you a full house of fear on MeTV!

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 during show

1MikeM 19 months ago
...and dat was da Haunted Mansion...and dat's da name a dat tune!
Catbat 19 months ago
Here! Oops wrong blog
1MikeM Catbat 19 months ago
No worries, Catbat!
1MikeM 19 months ago
"Stay thirsty , my friends."
Catbat 1MikeM 19 months ago
Mikeyyy 19 months ago
Good luck to the racers.

I’m hitting the hay . This heat wave drains me, So no energy to stay up then have to get up for toon duty.
Katink Mikeyyy 19 months ago
Feel better, Mikeyyy!
DrSerizawa 19 months ago
A movie I don't think Sven has shown that would be a real winner: The Beast Must Die. A 1974 British film with Peter Cushing in the cast. Basically a horror twist on Agatha Christie's Ten Little Indians, a group of people at a mansion realize one of them is a werewolf. Can they find him/her before they're all torn to shreds?
Jack DrSerizawa 19 months ago
Sven showed it 27 March 2021 and 1 October 2022.
DrSerizawa Jack 19 months ago
Yes it was shown on 3/27/21, but 10/1/22 was Trilogy of Terror. Since I've only had Sven on my TV since 12/21 it's a film I haven't seen on the show.
Katink DrSerizawa 19 months ago
I think that I've seen it twice with Sven. Very fun!
METROPLIS44 19 months ago
Next movie..if you can. Mausoleum
deadringer42 19 months ago
What a ridiculous day. I spent hours on the phone with a bank that changed its web app and mobile app. Horrible experience. I am ready to drop bank. Took customer service an hour+ just to figure which mobile I should be using now. What a cluster waste of time. And this is for an organization i volunteer for. Then I had to meet with the city engineer who is trying to tell us that the steps to our building which have been there for almost 200 years are in the street layout. Both bank and building involve the same organization. Did I mention that I’m a professional land surveyor and I don’t trust any thing they say. Totally wasted day for things that were uninvited (see what I did there). Nothing we did but I have to respond to others incompetence. Lord give me strength not to……
I’m done now.
Good luck to tonight’s racers.
Cartoondave deadringer42 19 months ago
Hopefully things will work out
Katink deadringer42 19 months ago
Hoping that you have a better day, dr42!
DrSerizawa 19 months ago
Back from Oppenheimer. An enormously complex film about a complex man. At least 4 plot threads through it. Usually when a movie maker takes on a vast book they trim stuff off to make it manageable. Nolan obviously thought the subject and all its ramifications to be vital to a view of JRO's continuing affect on modern life. Admittedly it didn't seem like 3 hours, but it didn't all really need to be there, in my view.

Powerful film, probably the best of the year when the dust settles. Guaranteed that it won't show up on Svengoolie any time soon.
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Jack DrSerizawa 19 months ago
Anything in the movie about Harry Daghlian or Louis Slotin?
METROPLIS44 DrSerizawa 19 months ago
Will see soon!
DrSerizawa DrSerizawa 19 months ago
Aceman. Not Axeman. Auto correct is the bane of my existence.
Carl_N_Brown DrSerizawa 19 months ago
Axemen are the local baseball team.
CountCurt 19 months ago

This is me every evening at 12:30.

In case you didn’t know that I am the one on the left and not the cute one on the right.
Aceman2 CountCurt 19 months ago
I still watch TZ right after PM.
daleuhlmann 19 months ago
Hey, group, please check the Wolf Blog tomorrow for a detailed update of Big Blogcast VIII information for our Flashback weekend at Rosemont. I will post
here at least twice on Svengoolie Saturday reminders to visit that blog for those details. Stay tuned!
1MikeM daleuhlmann 19 months ago
I see that Alan Howarth who plays some synthesizers and worked with John Carpenter on the music for some of his films will be giving a concert at the Flashback Weekend. ESCAPE FROM NEW YORK theme will probably be on the setlist.
daleuhlmann 1MikeM 19 months ago
Thanks for the reminder, Mike!
Cartoondave 19 months ago
Huh? I thought mash was in its 7th season yesterday?
Klaatu 19 months ago
Aceman2 19 months ago

It’s 1958 , you live in NY, and you’re listening to your brand new Kelly Green Philco Model E814 AM Vacuum Tube Radio. Tuned into WMCA 570 and listening to contemporary music, you wonder what you’re going to do Saturday night. Then you hear a commercial.

Announcer: MGM brings you two weird and wonderful masterpieces of horror – THE HAUNTED STRANGLER … and … THE FIEND WITHOUT A FACE! If you’ve never been frightened before… If you’ve never been truly terrified—you WILL be when you see this chilling double bill of fear! Boris Karloff—King of the monsters—thrills you as THE HAUNTED STRANGLER—a smooth and deadly fellow who likes to kill girls…preferably pretty ones! A monstrous man whose strange desires lead him inevitably to madness and murder! And—on the same movie program—another terror treat— THE FIEND WITHOU A FACE…a tale of invisible little creatures made from atomic energy—eerie little things taught to destroy men’s brains. Have yourself a chill thrill—See Boris Karloff in THE HAUNTED STRANGLER—and on the same big movie screen THE FIEND WITHOUT A FACE—Both terrifying hits from MGM.

See ya Saturday!
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DrSerizawa Aceman2 19 months ago
If I have that radio in 1950s NYC I have it tuned to WOR so I can listen to Jean Shepherd every night.
Tygercat Drang 19 months ago
We had one of these Channel Masters radios in our kitchen, sitting on top of the refrigerator where little fingers couldn't get at it (my younger brothers liked to take radios apart), and perma-tuned to local station WJLK ("The radio voice of the Asbury Park Press"). The CD markings show up nicely on this picture.
Bill_K DrSerizawa 19 months ago
I listened to his weeknight shows at 10:15 on WOR-AM 710 and listened to the Saturday Night Broadcasts from the Village Limelight.

Plus bought "In God We Trust, All Other Pay Cash!"

And wrote "FLICK LIVES" on the blackboard of my high school.
1MikeM Bill_K 19 months ago
"Ludlow Kissel and the Dago Bomb That Struck Back"
DrSerizawa 19 months ago
We're in the theater now getting ready to see Oppenheimer in IMAX. We don't go to the movies much anymore but this one seems worth it. I'll find out as soon as the dumb commercials and endless previews are over.
Klaatu DrSerizawa 19 months ago
Well??? Yay, Nay or Maybe. Inquiring minds need to know🤔🤔
DrFish28136 DrSerizawa 19 months ago
Aceman2 19 months ago
Quote of the day:
"Everybody has talent, it's just a matter of moving around until you've discovered what it is."
-- George Lucas
Klaatu Aceman2 19 months ago
If I followed the path George Lucas took, I’d still be a nothing😖
Aceman2 Klaatu 19 months ago
Don’t sell yourself short. We are top notch nothings. We excel at nothing. 🤣🤣🤣
Mikeyyy Aceman2 19 months ago
I can do nothing!
DrFish28136 Klaatu 19 months ago
“You have to be somebody before you can be nobody,” Jack Engler wrote back in the 1970s. In his influential (2003) paper, “Being Somebody and Being Nobody,” he explained he had coined the phrase to emphasize how engaging in mindfulness meditation requires certain ego strengths and capacities:
daleuhlmann Aceman2 19 months ago
Words of wisdom, Aceman!
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