We Wish You a Merry ( Fill in the blank ) and a Happy New Year!

Posted on December 24, 2019

All of us on the Sven crew and the Sven web folks want to wish you all very happy holidays, no matter which ones you celebrate. As always, I thank you for your continued support and all the kindness you have extended to me! Here’s hoping 2020 will bring us all happiness, health, and success (yes, and even a few new movies!)

My wish to you is that you get to spend the holidays with those who mean the most to you- and have great memories of those who are not able to be with you.

I’ll be with you ,as always, this Saturday night on MeTV!

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 during show

CarrieLynnCastro 58 months ago
Happy Friday 👻
Christmas hang over
⛄😨🎄 ha ha!

Alright Sven tomorrow
🎩📺🍿👀 hope kids will
watch 👦👧👩‍⚕️...they have all colds but not too bad
and our son too 🤧

Not me or Jess 😉
well not yet!
They love watching
Sven too 🍫🍿🍬

See you later have a good day 👻🍭🤖
CarrieLynnCastro 58 months ago
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StephanieStepStone 58 months ago
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PatS 58 months ago
Slightly belated, the spirit of "Jewish Christmas" as remembered from Dr. Demento --

PatS 58 months ago
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CarrieLynnCastro 58 months ago
🎄😴🎄I hope everyone
had a nice Christmas Day ❄❤❄

We all had a nice one with our families our.
Grandkids will be here
with us until Jan. 4th
👦👧👩‍⚕️ The kids had a happy Christmas 🎅

I have been super busy
yikes on Christmas Day after all visiting I fell asleep 7:30 pm not normal for me 😪
This elf is still tired🤶

Best wishes to all🌠
and have a nice Friday

Good night to you all🌒
Time for me get some rest 😴
See you later⛄👻⛄

PatS CarrieLynnCastro 58 months ago
Thanks for checking in, Carrie. Larry and I were thinking of you on The Day, hoping you were having a great time with your grandkids. We went to a small friends-gathering, bringing desserts, played music and ate ourselves three-cornered.
CarrieLynnCastro PatS 58 months ago
Thank you😇
Have a nice Friday and weekend⛄
DrClayton 58 months ago
Thank you, Sven, and best wishes to you and your crew for a very Happy New Year! New movies? Woo-hoo!
Klaatu 58 months ago
My neighbors always beat me by getting their yard decorations and lights up before me for every holiday, so...Happy Valentines Day/Happy Easter/Happy 4th and best of all, Happy Halloween!! I’ll put up everything at once and beat everyone to the punch😆😆
1MikeM Klaatu 58 months ago
Ah yes! That's the spirit!
Oscar 58 months ago
Hope everyone had a Merry Christmas!
Lynn Oscar 58 months ago
And you as well, Oscar!
daleuhlmann Oscar 58 months ago
And to you, too, Oscar!
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58 months ago
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Jack 58 months ago
I suspect Malvina Reynolds wasn’t thinking of Boxing Day when she wrote “Little Boxes.” I found two Boxing Days songs, one by an American groupone by a Dutch group.Having escaped growing up Canadian, I have no idea whether post-Xmas blues is part of Boxing Day in its native countries.
PatS 58 months ago
I would not expect "Boxing Day Blues" -- because 'in the olden days' Christmas meant just two things, church and family. Boxing Day was the day you could finally Go Out, visit neighbors, hand out presents, show off your new toys or clothes, catch up on gossip, etc.

Larry and I plan out "Jewish Christmas" for Friday -- Chinese restaurant and movie. Highly recommended to all our blog friends.
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58 months ago
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1MikeM 58 months ago
Hey Steph, I was just watching Secondhand Lions a few weeks ago. Great movie!
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PatS 58 months ago
So make yourself a nize fruit salad! Feel all those good fruity vitamins dancing in your system!
scottieO 58 months ago
Hope everyone had a wonderful day. One of my great-nephews got a telescope, unfortunately no one, I mean nothing to test it out on. I over cooked the roast-beast just a tad.
DrClayton scottieO 58 months ago
You didn't help him "test the optics"?
Jack scottieO 58 months ago
I keep thinking there should a chest-burster involved!
Jack 58 months ago
Jack 58 months ago
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FARMGAL56 Jack 58 months ago
A close friend of my family was a huge Leon Redbone fan. He is no longer with us, so thanks for stirring up some nice memories of him!
Jack 58 months ago
Holiday Wall of Sound
Jack 58 months ago
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CarrieLynnCastro 58 months ago
⛄Merry Christmas love to you all 🍭🎄🍭

CarrieLynnCastro 58 months ago
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Merry Christmas, Carrie, and to Jesse!
Klaatu 58 months ago
How my presents get wrapped...in honor of His Majesty:
scottieO 58 months ago
Yuletide Greetings To All You Great Folks
daleuhlmann scottieO 58 months ago
Merry Christmas, Scottie!
DrClayton scottieO 58 months ago
You'll log a YULE LOG!
scottieO 58 months ago
Thank you Sven and crew for the opportunity to celebrate the gifts you bring us all year long, here's to many more.
scottieO 58 months ago
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Klaatu scottieO 58 months ago
Many years ago I bought the Star Trek tree ornament that is the Shuttle Craft that lights up and when activated its Spock saying just that: “Shuttle Craft to Enterprise, Shuttle Craft to Enterprise. Spock here. Live long and prosper.”
Jack StephanieStepStone 58 months ago
The gesture represents the letter _shin_ ש, used by the Kohanim in the Priestly Blessing to represent _Shaddai_, a name of You-know-wHo-WeH—at least that’s where Leonard Nimoy says he got it. It’s frequently carved into the grave markers of Kohanim.As the “Vulcan salute” the _shin_ could just as well stand for _shalom_, “peace."
StephanieStepStone, I think in one of the Star Trek anniversary specials Leonard Nimoy mentioned the origins of the hand sign.
scottieO Klaatu 58 months ago
Funny you should mention that, my niece gave me one of those today. I have not plugged it in to see if it works yet. My family has been giving me Star Trek and Star Wars ornaments for years. I have made my own by drilling holes in various ST SW items.
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