What's the Matter with Kids Today? A Hankering for Blood If You're "Dracula's Daughter"- Tonight!

Posted on January 11, 2025

Tonight, on MeTV- we shake a sinister family tree to harvest an early Universal horror classic. considered to be the first sequel to the original Bela Lugosi “Dracula” film. We meet the previously unknown female child of the infamous count, who is set in her father’s ways, which she wants desperately to leave behind- yet is unable to drop her corpuscle addiction- and must deal with the irresistible thirst she has inherited by virtue of being- “Dracula’s Daughter”!

This film was meant to capitalize on the success of the wildly popular “Dracula”- and actually picks up right where the original ended! In the dungeon of Carfax Abbey, vampire hunter Van Helsing (named VON Helsing, for some reason in this film) standing over the now-inert body of Count Dracula – which is sporting a wooden stake through its heart, courtesy of Von- or Van (let’s just go with “Von” for the rest of this blog)! The police burst in upon him, realize that he has the stake-driving weapon in hand, and immediately take him into custody for murder. When Dracula's body is locked up in the local police department, with only a lone policeman on duty, a mysterious hooded woman drops by- and, after using a strange hypnotic power on the officer, makes off with the Count's body!


She spirits it away to engulf it in a funeral pyre that she hopes will free her of her family curse (Leaving us viewers to ponder how the Count managed to return in additional sequels after this fiery final rest). The burning question of whether or not the flames have brought her the salvation she seeks is soon answered- as her odd "assistant" Sandor underlines that her behavior indicates that she has NOT lost her desire for human blood!

Meanwhile, the incarcerated Von Helsing , needing proof that he is quite sane. contacts his brilliant though somewhat skeptical former student, Jeffery Garth, to help prove that he is not a homicidal lunatic; that his act of “murder” was actually a brave heroic act; and that vampires actually exist! While trying to come up with a plan to aid his mentor, Garth attends a society party, where he encounters a stranger who also happens to drop by -a visiting artist, Countess Marya Zaleska (in reality, the daughter of the Count that Von Helsing slew!) Jeffrey converses with other guests about his work in curing the cravings of his patients, which the Countess overhears. It dawns on her that he might help her to defeat a craving that she does not reveal to him, as she asks for his assistance in defeating it. Although he has no clue as to what her affliction might be, he agrees to help her.

Soon, however, there is a rash of attacks in the area, with victims drained of blood. Jeffrey’s secretary (who hopes to be promoted to the title of girlfriend as well) takes an instant dislike to the Countess- definitely for good reason- as the vampire vixen continues her horrible habit. Jeffrey and Van Helsing strive to prove that a vampire does exist-and that said menace will do anything to remove threats to its existence- eventually taking us back to the Transylvania castle where the original vampire story began - and where certain lives could end!

This 1936 film was made 5 years after the original “Dracula”- and provides an eerie atmosphere, in no small part due to Gloria Holden’s portrayal of the Countess. Edward Van Sloan (or, is he VON Sloane this time out?!) makes his second appearance as Dracula’s nemesis, Von Helsing, with Otto Krueger as the psychologist hero Jeffrey, and Marguerite Churchill as his lovesick secretary. We’ll talk about the cast, and find that Gwengoolie is thinking she is related to a certain family; and we throw in two songs, one requested by fans who loved the “Hey Svengoolie’ tune we showed last week. We’ll also show you some previously unseen highlights of the 2024 Flashback Weekend convention brimming with star-studded Sven shtick- including the 45th anniversary celebration panel with Nick Digilio hosting, and special guest stars including Ted Raimi, our old friend Tom Atkins, and the lovely Jordan Ladd ( daughter of the equally lovely “Charlie’s Angels” star Cheryl Ladd) who also does a fun one-on-one interview with us; the immortal Joe Bob Briggs and I talk about the worst horror movies – and even more ( the result of having a shorter movie)!

Meet “Dracula’s Daughter” tonight on MeTV at 8 pm eastern/pacific, 7 central, or check your local listings (or www.metv.com) for time and channel where you can watch in your area. Feel free to join in on the live-Tweeting on Twitter and live posting on Bluesky during the show tonight -we end up trending nationally in both places- so please be sure to use the hashtag #svengoolie ! In the Chicago area this morning, our viewers get an encore of Karloff and his comedic pursuers (who become the pursued) in “Abbott and Costello Meet Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde” at 11 am on WCIU, The U!

We have been very happy to hear from so many of our fans who got Sven merchandise as gifts during the holidays. You can still find various items perfect for your winter wardrobe, both indoors and out, as well as collectibles that are must-haves for Sven devotees in our store- so please check them out under “the store” tab right here on our website.

We have many friends in the Los Angeles area, some of whom have had to evacuate- our thoughts are with everyone during this horrible catastrophe.

Please join us tonight for Dracula’s distaff offspring- who says she wants to go to rehab, but we don’t know-know-know!

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 during show

abc123 2 months ago
For any D&D players out there
STR = Being able to crush a TOMATO
DEX = Being able to dodge a TOMATO
CON = Being able to eat a bad TOMATO
INT = Knowing a TOMATO is a Fruit
WIS = Knowing not to put a TOMATO in Fruit Salad
CHR = Being able to sell a TOMATO based Fruit Salad
Klaatu 2 months ago
I’ve been up since 4am, so…
Klaatu 2 months ago
Why are there dozens of bloggers who mysteriously show up at midnight, who aren’t blogging earlier?
Mikeyyy Klaatu 2 months ago
Probably same reason many just show up during movie night?
Katink Klaatu 2 months ago
I resemble that remark!
Mikeyyy Katink 2 months ago
I kind of fit that also. I post mostly during toons and Saturday during stooge time.
Katink Mikeyyy 2 months ago
I hop in and read sometimes, but not when I get busy.
FKrueger Klaatu 2 months ago
I'm always here but I don't got nothing to say
daleuhlmann 2 months ago
"Hey, group!" I'm really looking foward to the new blog in just a couple of short hours! In the spirit of Pat S's satires, I've decided, because tomorrow will be a double feature, to post one movie review and a bonus movie review. The one I will post tonight will be of ATTACK OF THE KILLER TOMATOES. The bonus review, of THE MONSTER CLUB, I will post later on Saturday, around Noon, Westies' time.
Mikeyyy daleuhlmann 2 months ago
I bet your fingers will be tired from typing so much!
abc123 2 months ago
Bad luck week for me... Drive filling up on laptop. Move all my old Sven videos and photos to backup drive. Backup drive fall down go boom. Discover i did not copy them over, i moved them over. Bye bye 2 and a half years worth of videos and things... good thing you tube still has the and the sven blog archive...
VanGooliac abc123 2 months ago
Sorry to hear that, Howard.
Jack abc123 2 months ago
Crud! I hate losing a drive! I try to belt and suspenders everything, but I still don’t trust “the Cloud.”
daleuhlmann abc123 2 months ago
I'm really sorry about that, Howard.
Drang Jack 2 months ago
"The Cloud"= Someone else's drive.
Mikeyyy abc123 2 months ago
Sorry to hear this! You put so much work and time into your displays
Katink abc123 2 months ago
Oh no!
1MikeM 2 months ago
Maybe Sven could show the Lost in Space pilot sometime. I remember he ran that one before his show went national. Dr. Smith wasn't in the pilot. Oh the pain, the pain!
Klaatu 1MikeM 2 months ago
That LIS episode is great. The other fun episode is the Pilot episode of The Beverly Hillbillies.
RobBarnes 1MikeM 2 months ago
Ya Mike, the B9 Robot was not in the pilot either, Also, instead of the Jupiter 2 it was the Gemini 12. The entire first season (minus a couple ep.s here and there) were their best IMO.
Klaatu RobBarnes 2 months ago
I agree RB, first season was the best. The show had great writing and stories.
daleuhlmann RobBarnes 2 months ago
The first season, overall, was indeed the best,
1MikeM RobBarnes 2 months ago
Yep, that first season in black and white was really good. I did like the season 3 episode 2 "Visit to a Hostile Planet" Passing through a time warp, the Robinsons do return to Earth in the year 1947. They are mistaken as invaders and start the UFO scare of the 1940's.
Klaatu 2 months ago
Ahhh…wait…geez…5pm. Here ya go!!! Will this be deleted???
1MikeM Klaatu 2 months ago
Thereman Klaatu 2 months ago
If they don’t, I have a feeling that you’ll delete it.
RobBarnes Klaatu 2 months ago
The martini by you-Yes.
The post by "them"- Maybe, but hopefully not, with METV in background.
NoPersonalChicks 2 months ago
Wanna see what a REALLY good 66 looks like? Here ya go.
Klaatu NoPersonalChicks 2 months ago
Well…who is that?? A magazine photo? You? Me?
PARANORMA Klaatu 2 months ago
Susanna Hoffs. Get yet spex on, eh!
Klaatu PARANORMA 2 months ago
Nice….but I give her a bag of chips and a few brews and…
You know what they say about "Older Women ..." NPC
abc123 NoPersonalChicks 2 months ago
i thought i read 'only' 65...
Klaatu 2 months ago
Anyone wanna go to Santa Catalina Island with me? Look, only $1.75 on the Catalina Steamer boat! And, only “26 Miles Across The Sea, Santa Catalina is waitin’ for Me!”
Of course, sadly, the old Steamer, which I took when I was a kid, has been recycled.
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PARANORMA ElizabethBoop 2 months ago
Still there, managed by the Island Conservancy, which runs tours.
1MikeM Klaatu 2 months ago
Frankie's ship?
Klaatu PARANORMA 2 months ago
The SS Avalon was the first boat. The replacement was the SS Catalina.
PARANORMA Klaatu 2 months ago
And the Natalie Wood incident involved the motor yacht Splendor.
Cartoondave 2 months ago
Anyone have snack or dinner ideas for ATTACK OF THE KILLER TOMATOES tomorrow night? I think I'm having cucumber salad with killer tomatoes
1MikeM Cartoondave 2 months ago
BLT sandwich
PARANORMA Cartoondave 2 months ago
Caprese salad? Or scoop out its killer guts and add like tuna salad, etc?
ElizabethBoop Cartoondave 2 months ago
Gazpacho for me.
daleuhlmann Cartoondave 2 months ago
I'm going to have something similar, cherry tomatoes with onions, with oil and vinegar, along with spaghetti with meat-flavored tomato sauce.
abc123 Cartoondave 2 months ago
Chips and salsa. tomato soup too.
Katink Cartoondave 2 months ago
Tomato soup, BLT, and tomato soup cake for us.
Thereman 2 months ago
Dale asked a question a couple of days ago that I don't think is a matter of nitpicking, rather it's a fair question: Why don't so many of these victims of whatever vampire in whichever movie not return to join the ghoulish hoard? It's not just DRACULA'S DAUGHTER, there are many examples: CURSE OF THE UNDEAD (1959) Michael Pate has awfully easy pickings in a small old wets town, because not one of his victims comes back to compete with him. Imagine if they had- it could have been much more of a horror film and less B&W western soap opera/morality play.
BRIDES OF DRACULA (1960) does better on this score than many, and OK, we get a nice scene where one of Baron Meinsters' victims emerges from the ground. And we even see her again at the windmill later. Do she and the other vampiress simply wait around for the windmill to burn them into the peaceful rest promised by the legend? We'll never know.
Just sayin.
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Jack Thereman 2 months ago
I suspect this is partly because of variability in traditional vampire lore, and partly because novelists and screenwriters either adapt the lore according to the demands of the storyline—or filming schedule—or intend to create their own vampire mythology, e.g., sparkly, pretty vampires.
daleuhlmann Thereman 2 months ago
Excellent points about both movies, Thereman!
Thereman TheKodakKid 2 months ago
Obviously there are story gaps in Al manner of media. INTENTIONS OF THE VAMPIRE 🧛 ??! Could be a great title.
PatS Thereman 2 months ago
Some bits of lore: in CURSE OF THE UNDEAD, the vampire takes a few "sips" from the gal he's falling in love with; she doesn't turn vampire. Van Helsing says that anyone who is bitten by a vampire *and does not die* becomes a vampire. One version says that the victim must be induced to drink the vampire's blood to be infected.
Cartoondave 2 months ago
Hey group I picked up this bad boy at Walmart today just wished Metv could pick it up?
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RobBarnes Cartoondave 2 months ago
Nice addition to your collection there Dave! I've seen all 4 seasons of Knight Rider listed as low as $20, maybe $10 more for Blue Ray. Of course you can spend a lot more than that with extras and whatnot. Walmart has been in free fall the past few years with their older physical media. Its nice to get the complete series brand new for the same price as you would have paid years ago for a used complete series on E-Bay.
Duhlmann0406 2 months ago
Reportedly, Cesar Romero and Jane Wyatt had been strongly considered for the roles of Dr. Garth and Janet Blake in DRACULA'S DAUGHTER. If so, that would have been the first Universal horror film that Romero had lost out on. He was also among those later considered for the role of Erique Claudin in the studio's 1943 Technicolor remake of PHANTOM OF THE OPERA after its first choice, Boris Karloff, had proven unavailable because of his busy schedule. Of course, the part eventually went to Claude Rains.
Thereman 2 months ago
An opening scene set at Dracula’s castle in the 15th century, with Dracula “initiating” one of his wives. Followed by a scene of VON Helsing returning to Transylvania to conduct a stake out on the three wives (or whatever relationship they may have been) from the first movie. A third scene that introduces us to the Count’s daughter, who escapes from Von Helsing and flees to London. A later scene that shows the Countess’ bedroom, complete with manacles and whips hanging on the wall, in which she declares that she not only tortures young men, but adds “…they have frequently told me they enjoy it.” The scene with lesbian overtones from last Sventurday was not absent either. It sounds like it could be a script for one of UI’s recent reboots of their classic horror series, perhaps from 2016- instead it’s highlights of John Balderston’s 1934 script for DRACULA’S DAUGHTER.
David O. Selznick was on the committee that formed the Motion Picture Association (MPA), and knew full well that after July 1st, 1934, no motion picture could be made in the US with a seal of approval from the new code enforcement group. It seems pretty obvious that both he and John Balderston knew that this script had no chance of approval. It probably was one of Selznick’s rather Machiavellian torments, knowing he might reclaim the script and rights 15 months later. For Balderston’s part, he may well have just had some fun writing whatever outrageous thing he wanted, knowing it would literally become someone else’s problem. Nor did Balderston write this script without reviewing the same “controversial” material that had influenced Bram Stoker decades earlier.
Sheridan Le Fanu (1814-1873)

is mostly forgotten today, but he was actually one of the most influential horror writers of all time. In an era when gothic tale relied on shock value, Le Fanu preferred to create atmosphere and leave the reader wondering if what had happened was a natural occurrence – or a supernatural one. His terror in the unseen and unknown literally changed the course of horror writing to this day. In addition to John Balderston, filmmaker Val Lewton (THE CAT PEOPLE) and author Ann Rice both credit Le Fanu as a major inspiration. A successful newspaper publisher, his 1872 work CARMILLA is still cited as the first English work about a lesbian character. Carmilla is a vampire, and although she admits having had many lovers/victims of both genders, the story centers on her (ultimately) impossible relationship with one woman. Eight years after its publication, Le Fanu hired a young Bram Stoker. And other than Universal needing a 3 month deadline to start filming DRACULA’S DAUGHTER in January, 1936) which Selznick gave them, the rest IS history.
Thanks for indulging me, happy Eve of Sventurday, and don’t let the tomatoes bite.
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Thereman Klaatu 2 months ago
Years after DARK SHADOWS went off the air, Alexandra Moltke (the original Victoria Winters) was interviewed about her time on the show. When the subject of Jonathon Frid came up, she smiled at the camera and said, "I sure wish he had bit me on the neck more often."
So I'm right there with you: We should all be so...fortunate.
Thereman Duhlmann0406 2 months ago
Many thanks, sir. It is amazing how much influence the invisibles of our world can have.
Thereman VanGooliac 2 months ago
Thanks VanG! I was hoping that line would work...
Thereman Jack 2 months ago
Thanks Jack. More stuff that I somehow missed...DARN! I'll go back and look it up.
Another suggestion for another Sven Double Feature-MIDNIGHT PHANTOM with Reginald Denny.
Definitely up for any double feature including the recently-discussed "Phantom Ship". "Midnight Phantom" looks like a good noir, and in addition to Denny has members of that older generation Robert Walker Sr. and Ricardo Montalban's brother Carlos.
Good day to all you Svensters and remember the Canadian born Comedian/Actor Jim Carrey was born on this date in 1962
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Thereman Jack 2 months ago
Excellent write up, sir. Capone undoubtedly avoided more skirmishes - legal and otherwise - by staying on the move. Remarkable how he is associated with one city though.
I prefer the Jason Robards Version
The resemblance wasn't there, but a good job. I do daydream a dialogue-coached Bob Hoskins in "Cotton Club" mode, though...
And yeah, I know. Just sayin.
daleuhlmann 2 months ago
The late author Anne Rice mentioned in numerous interviews how much last week's movie had influenced her writing. In fact, the second installment of "The Vampire Chronicles," THE VAMPIRE LESTAT, includes a nightclub called "Dracula's Daughter." Also, two fairly recent horror movies have been what Wikipedia calls "unoffcial remakes" of DRACULA'S DAUGHTER: NADJA and ABIGAIL, especially, in my opinion, NADJA.
PARANORMA daleuhlmann 2 months ago
And how fitting now to mention "Nadja", as David Lynch was the EP (with a cameo).
daleuhlmann PARANORMA 2 months ago
Good find, Paramorna 👍!
Thereman 2 months ago
The original stage version of DRACULA, authored by playwright Hamilton Dean, premiered in London in 1924. The play was huge success in Europe. In 1927, journalist-turned-playwright John Balderston (1889-1954) was assigned the task of adapting the play for American audiences. With an unknown Hungarian born actor in the title role,

Balderston’s adaptation of DRACULA ran on Broadway for 261 performances (and the actor didn't remain so anonymous).
Meanwhile, the rags to riches to rags story of Universal studios under Carl Laemmle Sr. continued to unfold. By 1930, Universal hadn’t had a real moneymaker for a couple of years. It was a big risk to try a horror film, but Carl Laemmle Jr. was enthusiastic about the project, and Universal paid Florence Balcombe $40,000 (roughly $75,000,000 in 2025) for the literary rights to the novel, as well as exclusive rights to use the name Dracula. John Balderston was brought in as part of a team of writers to produce the screenplay. That was only the beginning of Balderston’s career in Tinsel Town: by the time he was named professor of dramatic writing at USC in 1952, his credits included work on GONE WITH THE WIND (1939) and GASLIGHT (1944).
It was common knowledge in Hollywood that Universal was ready to make a sequel to FRANKENSTEIN even before the film was released in 1931. But that desire for fast results was quickly bogged down in trying to find a suitable script for the next film installment. When two years had passed and the script problems at Universal were unresolved, master negotiator David O. Selznick probably believed he had an excellent prospective sale if he offered original author’s rights and a script for a new sequel following DRACULA. He and Florence Balcombe had agreed that no characters from the first movie would appear in the sequel. They had also agreed on potential titles, only one of which included the original character: DRACULA’S DAUGHTER. In addition, Selznick included a production start date of October 1935 in the contract, after which the rights would revert back to MGM. John Balderston was hired to produce a script, and in September 1934, Selznick sold the rights and the script to Universal for a tidy $12,500.
One question remains: How did a film that bears no resemblance to its purported source story end up being made? All, or at least most, will be answered next time, when we meet the last character in this tale of back lot baggage…DRACULA’S GRANDDADDY!
PARANORMA Thereman 2 months ago
Wonderful essay, looking forward to the next chapter!! Down the years perhaps even inspiring producers like Dick Wolf ("Chicago DMV", "Chicago Sanitation"...)?
MrsG Thereman 2 months ago
Ahh the plot thickens ^_* 🖤
1MikeM PARANORMA 2 months ago
"Chicago Hot Dog Stand" there's many in Chicago including one where they swear at people!
PARANORMA 1MikeM 2 months ago
Only one?! 🌭
Jack PARANORMA 2 months ago
Just the idiots who ask for ketchup.
daleuhlmann 2 months ago
Had anybody else mentioned that yesterday, January 16th, had been genre favorite Caroline Munro's 76th birthday🎂?
I'd thought as much! 😂
She could be Raquel's younger sister in that shot.
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