When It Rains, It Roars- Get Claude by Dinosaurs in "The Lost World"- Tonight!

Posted on March 15, 2025

Tonight on MeTV- it’s a classic science fiction adventure, penned by the creator of Sherlock Holmes, Arthur Conan Doyle- in which an explorer, convinced there is an island where dinosaurs still exist, leads an expedition to a place where time has stood still- and his theory unfortunately is proven right- when Claude Rains enters the savage land of “The Lost World”!

We begin at a meeting of the London Zoological Society- where the cantankerous biologist/anthropologist Professor Challenger reveals to the society members that there is a plateau beyond the Amazon where animals thought to be extinct still exist! As the group wholeheartedly scoffs at this idea, Challenger, true to his name, challenges them to sponsor an expedition to the plateau- which is not met with any enthusiasm from the society.


Yet there is hope- a newspaper publisher agrees to fund the expedition, as long as one of his ace reporters, Ed Malone, can be part of it. Also volunteering to come along is a famed big game hunter Lord John Roxton- and still skeptical society honcho Professor Summerlee.

Challenger and his group fly to the shore of the plateau, where they are met by helicopter pilot Manuel Gomez, who will take them up onto the high plateau, and his skittish sidekick Jose Costa. Challenger is outraged to find that he has two unwanted guests who will be accompanying them on the quest- the publisher donor’s lovely daughter Jennifer and her brother David (not to mention her little pet dog)! Since Daddy is funding this whole excursion, Challenger has no choice but to bring them along.

They arrive on the plateau and set up camp- only to find that something large is prowling around- and has actually ruined their only form of transportation and communication- the helicopter! They soon have frightening encounters with everything from bizarre plant life to- yes- actual dinosaurs!

Things get complicated when a sultry native girl appears, trying to escape the explorers through the lair of a giant spider- but Malone finally brings her back to their camp. She isn’t the only troublesome female element in the mix-as Malone and Roxton battle over Jennifer’s affections! More complications occur when they discover the diary of a previous explorer who was lost on the plateau- which includes mentions of Roxton! Is there something he is not telling them?

Danger looms everywhere for the group- with dinosaurs in deadly combat, the native girl’s tribe of cannibals, and an unstable volcano- and secret agendas among the explorers. Will Challenger’s team manage to survive the treacherous perils- and themselves?!

This is the 1960 version of this tale ( there was a previous film of the story that starred Wallace Beery and showcased the stop-motion work of Willis O’Brien before his masterpiece “King Kong”. Our version has quite the cast, including Michael Rennie, David Hedison, Claude Rains, Fernando Lamas and Jill St. John- noted for her stylish wearing of some pink pants. Another cast member actually appeared on “Lost in Space” (not surprising since this film is a production of Irwin Allen, the man behind that show and “Voyage to the Bottom of the Sea” which featured cast member Hedison). We’ll talk about these actors and go into depth about the use of lizards as the dinosaurs- including trouble with the ASPCA! We’ll also get another edition of “Too Drawn Out”-bring you a new song- be bedeviled by the Imp-and more!

You can join us on our journey to “The Lost World” tonight on MeTV at 8 pm eastern/pacific, 7 central time. As always, viewers will be commenting during the program on both Twitter/X and Bluesky- join in, and add the hashtag #svengoolie to your posts. Chicago area viewers get the chance to once again HEAD into the horror of “The Thing That Couldn’t Die” on WCIU, The U- at a special start time- 10:30 am- due to high school basketball.

We wish all who celebrate a happy St. Patrick’s Day- and want to thank everybody who acknowledged Rich Koz’s birthday this week!


Last week, we mentioned voting in the Rondo Awards- but you can also vote in MeTV’s “Me Madness”- this year, it’s to crown the ultimate famous TV phrase! There are a couple of Sven phrases in the running- so cast your vote at metv.com .

Join us tonight for pre-St. Patrick’s Day “scarin’ of the green” with the dinosaurs of “The Lost World”!

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 during show

Aceman2 4 days ago
Lobby Cards
Klaatu Aceman2 4 days ago
Many years ago I came across some cool lobby cards that were actually fun greeting cards. Here is one I bought and framed with a few others. Look cool on my wall.
Katink Aceman2 4 days ago
Those are great, Aceman! This is one of Hubby's favorite Svengoolie movies!
RobBarnes Klaatu 4 days ago
"No, no, no that caviar was for fertilization, not to eat!"
PARANORMA Aceman2 4 days ago
Terrific! Although, having just a *little* trouble with the flaming red lipstick...
Aceman2 PARANORMA 4 days ago
Looks ridiculous.
WillyFromPhilly 4 days ago
After the 1974 Rope a Dope Rumble in the Jungle fight and loss to Muhammed Ali in Zaire
Menacing Mammoth Villian George Foreman turned over a new leaf and became a fan Favorite as Big George regaining the undisputed Heavyweight Title from Michael Moorer, Foreman became the ultimate entrepreneur entertainer in his latter years.
Rest in Peace George, as a huge Boxing Fsn you gave me much joy watching yourself In the squared circle and beyond. You will be missed.
Klaatu WillyFromPhilly 4 days ago
Sad😢. Should we all use our Foreman Grills in respect?
WillyFromPhilly Klaatu 4 days ago
Saw George fight 5x
2x in the Spectrum in South Philly and 3x in MSG NYC
Knocked out all 5 opponents in less than 3 rounds
A young Geoge & Iron Mike would have been Epic.
Cartoondave 4 days ago
Just heard George Foreman passed away at age 76
RobBarnes Cartoondave 4 days ago
For some reason I thought he was older. I wonder if as a celebrity his friends ever got together and either roasted or grilled him? RIP.
Pallas 4 days ago

How cool is this?? 😎
John Carpenter will be getting a star ⭐️ on the Hollywood Walk of Fame on April 3rd!
Well deserved 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻
PARANORMA Pallas 4 days ago
It will be located in front of the venerable Hollywood Roosevelt Hotel (site of the first Oscars). The class of 2025 also includes Robert Englund, though no date has been set yet. 🌟
Klaatu PARANORMA 4 days ago
Hopefully someone will move the tent to clear up the sidewalk for the Star😢
PARANORMA Klaatu 4 days ago
IKR? (sigh)
Cartoondave 4 days ago
Tomorrow I'm headed to Walmart and going to purchase CHEERS complete series I'll make sure to snap a pic when I bring it home btw did Metv ever air that not a hundred percent sure
Klaatu Cartoondave 4 days ago
Walmart seems to be the only place carrying DVDs. That’s where I bought two 4K movie discs. Sadly Best Buy doesn’t sell discs any longer. And even Walmart only has a small selection, mixed in with stuffed animals and toys.
Cartoondave Klaatu 4 days ago
Yeah at least there stuff is good like the 1964 Addams family complete volumes, Batman (Catbat's favorite) saw some Scooby Doo Clint Eastwood and GUNSMOKE complete series nobody wants to buy that in because waaaaay over priced $$$$$
PARANORMA Cartoondave 4 days ago
If I may intrude. Before I gets deleted, want to advise a look at Edward Hamilton Booksellers. Online & by actual catalog they carry a fairly sizeable & interesting assortment of dvds/blurays at a discount.
RobBarnes Klaatu 4 days ago
Nationwide many of the big name stores have phased out physical media, but you can still buy everything on the internet.
SvenAdministrator 4 days ago
It looks like the dates under the appearances tab are not right. The Those were the Days event is on April 6. C2E2 is on April 11 and 12. We will have them corrected soon but just want to let everybody know
Pallas 4 days ago
I’m sure all the Svengoolie horror aficionados out there know all about Saturday night’s movie “The Creature From The Black Lagoon”

But did y’all know that Gill Man was related to the Munsters? 😺
He was Uncle Gilbert! 😹

He sent the Munsters $180K in gold doubloon
Cartoondave Pallas 4 days ago
I remember that episode very funny I also loved Herman's twin brother Charlie who was played Fred Gwynne
Pallas Cartoondave 4 days ago
OMG! 😹😹😹 So funny
I remember Charlie
He had a get rich quick scheme with a uranium making machine!!
And this I remember … 😸😸
Drang 4 days ago
Almost no interval between flash and thunder.
Cats in hiding.
DrFish28136 Drang 4 days ago
Sound 1100 feet per second
VanGooliac Drang 4 days ago
The kind of lightning they always have in horror movies.
PARANORMA VanGooliac 4 days ago
That's always amusing when they have the simultaneous thunder & lightning overhead in a scene but not a drop of rain.
1MikeM 4 days ago
Ben Chapman, known for playing the Gill-Man on land in Creature from the Black Lagoon, was a distant relative of actor Branscombe Richmond who played Bobby Sixkiller on the tv series Renegade.
Pallas 4 days ago
My grand-kittens 🐈‍⬛ 🐈🐱 will be at Nanna Pallas house 🏠 on Svengoolie Saturday for our dinner/movie feature of “The Creature From The Black Lagoon”

I still have to come up with a theme meal…and ideas y’all??
Hit me up and thanks! 😺😻😽
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Pallas PARANORMA 4 days ago
Ooo great idea💡Paranorma😺 I can get seaweed salad from the Japanese restaurant 👏🏻 Thanks for that 🙏🏻
abc123 Pallas 4 days ago
Another vote for fish sticks, mainly because i found some alderwood smoked with walla walla onion tarter sauce that is amazing. clam chowder is also a winner...
Katink Pallas 4 days ago
Pallas, we usually make a chili-like soup with black bean, and then we call it Creation with the Black Legumes.
Klaatu 4 days ago
Look at this Norfolk Pine tree in my front yard. It all started as a Holiday fun gift to the office workers at a company I worked at in the ‘80’s, and after the holiday all trees were dead and tossed. I took one home, nursed it back to health and continually transplanted it until I planted it. Now it’s like 50 feet tall😳😳
PARANORMA Klaatu 4 days ago
That is so impressive. Nice. One can only imagine what you could have done for Charlie Brown's tree... 🌲
Jack Klaatu 4 days ago
Where is it again that you live? As you prob’ly know, the Norfolk [Island] pine has nothing to do with Virginia or East Anglia, and Norfolk Island is significantly closer to the equator than either of its namesakes. I tried to grow the survivor of a trio of Norfolk Island saplings some years ago. While our corner of the Central Texas steppes are nearly equidistant from the tropics as Norfolk Island, our seasonal dryness limits whether Norfolk Island pines can be grown outdoors. I grew ours as tall as our ceilings allowed and then gave it to a friend with a two-story main room. They later made aliyah, and I suspect the tree was not planted in Israel.
DrFish28136 4 days ago

On this day in 1972 (in the U.S.), the good people of Chicago, Illinois were treated to the silver screen premiere of The Twilight People. Written (in part) and directed by Eddie Romero (based on H.G. Wells' novel "The Island Of Dr. Moreau"), the SciFi/Fantasy starred John Ashley, Pat Woodell, Pam Grier, and others. According to our friends at IMDB.com, here's the plot summary:

"A kidnapped diver is taken to an island inhabited by a mad scientist and his half-animal, half-human creations."
DrFish28136 4 days ago

On this day in 1971 (in New York City), The Andromeda Strain showed audiences one of the potential dangers of space bacteria. Adapted from the novel by Michael Crichton, the SciFi/Drama was directed by Robert Wise and starred James Olson, Arthur Hill, David Wayne, and others. Here's the plot summary as provided by IMDB.com:

"A team of top scientists work feverishly in a secret, state-of-the-art laboratory to discover what has killed the citizens of a small town and learn how this deadly contagion can be stopped."
abc123 4 days ago
My 'source' was finally able to identify some of the April 2025 Sven movies today. The first two. One of them is one of my All Time Favorites!
I'm sensing a theme maybe...
TheKodakKid abc123 4 days ago
So which Saturday can we look forward to “The 5,000 Fingers of Dr. T?”
DrFish28136 4 days ago
And now something completely different

On this day in 1974 (in Japan), Godzilla roared onto the silver screen once more with the theatrical release of Godzilla Vs Mechagodzilla. Written (in part) and directed by Jun Fukuda, this massive Monster Movie starred Masaaki Daimon, Kazuya Aoyama, Reiko Tajima, and others. According to our friends at IMDB.com, here's the plot summary:

"An Okinawan prophecy appears to foretell Earth's destruction at the hands of Godzilla, only for the true Godzilla to reveal his doppelganger as a mechanical alien weapon."
Why am I getting serious Stooges vibes from this picture?
abc123 DrFish28136 4 days ago
"And now something completely different"... 'different' is not how you spell 'awesome'!
PARANORMA DrFish28136 4 days ago
So...Godzilla, Mechagodzilla, and...a Krampus that got fed after midnight...?
DrFish28136 4 days ago

On this day in 1968 (in London), Planet Of The Apes enjoyed a run at the box office. Directed by Franklin J. Schaffner and based on the novel by Pierre Boulle (with the adaptation in part completed by The Twilight Zone master Rod Serling), the feature starred Charlton Heston, Kim Hunter, Roddy McDowall, and others. Here's the plot summary from IMDB.com:​

"An astronaut crew crash-lands on a planet in the distant future where intelligent talking apes are the dominant species, and humans are the oppressed and enslaved."

For the record:
Decades later, Planet Of The Apes continues to impress both with the impact of the original film as well as the franchise's recreation in the 2000's. The feature was nominated for the 1969 Oscars in both the Best Costume Design and the Best Music (Original Score) categories but failed to capture the prized statue. Legendary make-up technician John Chambers did, however, secure an honorary Oscar for his achievements in bringing the Apes to life for the motion picture
DrFish28136 4 days ago
Shown on Sven

On this day in 1958 (in France), The Deadly Mantis crawled into theatres. Directed by Nathan Juran from a story by Martin Berkeley and William Alland, the feature starred Craig Stevens, William Hopper, Alix Talton, and others. Here's the plot summary as provided by IMDB.com:

"A giant prehistoric praying mantis, recently freed from the Arctic ice, voraciously preys on American military at the DEW Line and works its way south."
DrFish28136 4 days ago
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PARANORMA DrFish28136 4 days ago
Wow, try to express some relieved enthusiasm, and *whap!*...
Klaatu 4 days ago
CrazyK, earlier when I mentioned “On This Day” and connected it to Jack, I meant DrFish28136. Look below👍
ElizabethBoop Klaatu 4 days ago
On This Day appears to be a reworking of a show called "Through the Decades" that aired on another Weigel station that has since changed its name. That show featured Bill Kurtis, Ellie Pai Hong (who did a TIWM craft segment last year) and Kerry Sawyer (who was in one of the "Svengoolie on the Road" segments a few weeks ago).
WillyFromPhilly 4 days ago
After 9 months Our Astronauts turned into Terrifying Aliens 👽
DrFish28136 4 days ago

On this day in 1938 (in the U.S.), the second of the original Flash Gordon serials -- Flash Gordon's Trip To Mars -- roared into the cinematic heavens! Directed by Ford Beebe, Robert F. Hill, and Frederick Stephani, the feature starred Buster Crabbe, Jean Rogers, Charles Middleton, and others. Here's the plot summary as provided by IMDB.com:

"When a deadly Nitron ray strikes Earth, Flash Gordon and his friends travel to Mars to battle Ming the Merciless and his new ally Queen Azura
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