Will He Pour Cold Water on Your Valentine Plans? It's the "Revenge of the Creature" Tonight!

Posted on February 12, 2022

Rose are red, and Valentine’s soon-that’s no Cupid, stupid, from the Black Lagoon!

Tonight on MeTV, the famed Gill Man makes his return, taking up residence far from his Amazon home-when he is brought to Florida, not to visit a theme park- but to become its main attraction! Such an unwanted move is the catalyst for the "Revenge of the Creature"!

This is the sequel to the original "Creature from the Black Lagoon" and the second part of the Gill Man trilogy. We are reintroduced to the unsophisticated but lovable Captain Lucas, the skipper of the Rita from the first film. With his previous experience, it’s no wonder that he would be hired again to be the guide into that dangerous part of the Amazon where the Creature dwelled. But, is that really in the past? Though the Gill Man was  assumed dead at the end of the first film, rumors have surfaced to that he is alive and well in his lagoon lair!

These stories have encouraged a new expedition-encouraged by good-hearted scientist Clete and his macho pal Joe- who are hoping to once again locate the monster and this time, capture it for study. Capt. Lucas knows how things went the last time, but he warily leads them to the lagoon, warning the anxious researchers that actually finding the Creature may not be reason to celebrate. Regardless, the plan is to secure the Gill Man for study at- a Florida theme park! ( Certainly what most of us think of as a plausible site for research – not to mention charging tourists to watch the “research”- and don’t forget to exit through the gift shop!)

 The first encounter with this living creature that has escaped evolution plays out just as Lucas warned, with injuries and peril- but that doesn’t deter these guys. They opt to utilize a dangerous tactic often employed by poachers - "fishing with dynamite"- in a final attempt to subdue the Gill Man. The idea is that perhaps they can use the explosive impact to stun him enough for capture - but that method also risks doing fatal damage to the Creature. Undeterred, they hope the plan will work as they hope, so they can bring him back alive to Florida.

Fortunately (for them), the explosive scheme does indeed work! The unconscious Creature is shipped to the Ocean Harbor theme park- ahem, what I mean is- research center. The comatose specimen must be kept breathing through movement in the water, forcing it through his gills- and the researchers work tirelessly to insure his survival and bring him back to consciousness. Finally, he begins to stir-and, as soon as conscious again, begins to rage and attack his “captors”! The Gill Man is finally subdued after a fierce battle, and the decision is made to move him to a more secure underwater enclosure. Realizing that they must prevent him from attacking the public and the research team, or escaping his enclosure, they clamp his webbed, clawed foot into a metal shackle affixed to the tank floor. Professor Clete enlists the aid of one of the observers-an attractive ichthyology student who just happens to be a hot blonde ( who most likely already has a degree in looking fetching in a while bathing suit). Together, they will attempt to measure the intellect and adaptability of the Gill Man, and teach him to follow simple commands, with the help of a large underwater electric prod (and again I’ll ask- isn’t water a CONDUCTOR of electricity? Wouldn’t the people in the water also feel the shock? Never mind, I’ll suspend my disbelief for the hundredth time…) The scientists make real progress in charting the Gill Man’s intelligence and physical make-up- while the Creature, true to form, is again smitten with this new woman in his life – maybe it IS just the allure of a white bathing suit, like in the first movie. The Gill Man’s frustrations with imprisonment- and reactions to certain outside stimulus- are enough to spur him to use his intellect and power to escape confinement, leave the park- and beginning a reign of terror across the state of Florida! Clete and the authorities (weren’t they a band?) are the only hope to recapture the powerful amphibian/human hybrid- before he claims more victims- including his latest female crush !

This 1955 movie is a worthy sequel to the first film in the Gill Man saga, kind of taking a “King Kong” approach- bringing the monster back to civilization- in a slightly different environment. We’ll run down the cast including John Agar, John "Mr. Sportsman" Bromfield, and lovely Lori Nelson, as well as a young Clint Eastwood in a brief cameo role as a somewhat absent-minded lab assistant. We'll give you some insight into who plays the Creature -and when   and where you might see one of those guys OUTSIDE the suit in the movie- along with the usual Gill Man gags. This is another show that blends some of our old footage with new, so you will see our original coffin and set along the way. By the way, YES- this IS the infamous movie I presented in 3-D back in the 80s in the Chicago market ( it was syndicated to various markets across the country- I happened to host it in our area). This version is in the digital splendor of 2-D, though I would encourage you, if you ever have the opportunity, to see the 3-D version. I got to see the original film in 3-D when it was presented as a special screening at a local theatre as a part of the Flashback Weekend convention, and it was impressive!

"Revenge of the Creature" surfaces tonight on MeTV at 8 pm eastern/pacific, 7 central, or check listings in your area (or at www.metv.com ) for the time and channel to tune in to watch. Twitter fans keep live-tweeting during the show, using the hashtag #svengoolie – and making us trend in the most-popular topics nationally- so feel free to join in! In the Chicago viewing area, another type of creature can be viewed in the encore of “It! The Terror From Beyond Space” at 11am on our main local station CW26.

We are almost done with the second week of #LoveSven. Twitter has been reacting very well and we’ve gotten quite a few fan creation submissions. This Sunday we will move on to our next theme: What’s your favorite Svengoolie movie and why? Tell us your favorite flick you've seen on the show and why, tag it with #LoveSven, and you might see it on our social media! And-Valentine’s Day, of course, is almost here! If you want to show some love, you can use the code LOVESVEN in our store for 14% off select items through the rest of February! Shop here: https://store.metv.com/collections/svengoolie

Tonight- if you love ‘50s monster movies-submerge yourself in aquatic terror as the Gill Man makes his comeback!

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 during show

Aceman2 31 months ago
1MikeM 32 months ago
...oh and just one more ting...and dat was Revenge of da Creature...and dat's da name a dat tune!
1MikeM 30 months ago
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1MikeM 32 months ago
Alright everbody! It's almost time for da new blog and a ready steady go and away we goooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo!
Drang 32 months ago
So after a week or so of clear blue sunny skies and temperatures reaching the 60s, we are getting a reminder that winter is not nearly over, with more seasonal clouds, drizzle, and temps in the 40s, with much colder weather, and a chance of snow next week.
While we probably get much snow here in the lowlands, low, of Western Washington, my knees are telling me it's going to be a humdinger and i probably should have enlisted in the Air Force all those years ago, where the chances of having to climb mountains with 120 pounds of gear on my back would have been much, much lower...
abc123 32 months ago
unlike Toony, I do not have issues with puppets (people or fish or other).
CarrieCastro 32 months ago
Not time yet 🎩
okay see you in
the morning 😴
CarrieCastro 32 months ago
Hello everyone 🌒
hope your having a
nice evening 📺

Watching Adams 📺
Family they want to
take vacation too the
moon 🌛🚀 only over a billion 😄 in cost ☄
Funny and a cute idea
🕸🚀🕸 will they raise
the money 😉
Katink 32 months ago
I keep forgetting to post this! When John Bromfield was in his sportsman phase of his career, he made personal appearances at sporting goods shows. My Dad took me to one in Chicago, probably pre-1980. So I met John Broomfield! (Unfortunately, I didn't know who he was. Dad said he was The Sheriff of Cochise, which meant nothing to me. . . .)
Jack 32 months ago
Katink 32 months ago

Here is Hubby's newest completed model, The Creature from the Black Lagoon. It is an old Aurora kit, and I posted a picture of it yesterday when it was covered with primer.
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Drang Katink 32 months ago
Mind you, I didn't follow the link to make sure it is still up for sale right now, let alone for what price...
Drang Katink 32 months ago
I'm sure he;s familiar with this: https://www.monstersinmotion.com/cart/horror-model-kits-c-271_275/
Katink daleuhlmann 32 months ago
Thanks, Dale!
Engineer_Poelzig Katink 32 months ago
Old model maker here, didn't someone make a replacement Bela Lugosi head in resin for the Dracula kit.
Been way too many years since I had those kits.
MADave 32 months ago
I know this isn't Sven worthy but look what I found at Walmart earlier today, it's one of my CDs I had to replace
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Jack TheKodakKid 32 months ago
That’s why it’s so cool. But I’ll admit getting used to the new track order is a bit unnerving!
CarrieCastro MADave 32 months ago
Nice find 🎵🎤🎶
I need to get too Walmart 😉MADave.
PatS Geo 32 months ago
Sigh. I'm not that technically literate. With some exceptions, it would create So-o-o much space to "get rid of" old forms of sound recording! Props to you, Geo, for making the decision.
MADave CarrieCastro 32 months ago
Lucky find is more like it Carrie and of course they other artists like The Bee Gees, The Beach Boys, Elton John and The Beatles as well
Katink 32 months ago
Has anyone heard from Aceman? Haven't seen him in a bit.
Katink 32 months ago
Greetings from mid-Wisconsin where we are under a snow squall advisory! Brrrrr!
CarrieCastro Katink 32 months ago
Sounds soooo cold
keep warm ❄🐧 🌬

Here in Central 😎California we were
70's today sorry 🌞
All the fruit trees have blossoms 🌸
so beautiful 💟
From white too
all shades pink 🤠

Keep warm ♨️
Katink CarrieCastro 32 months ago
We are having snow squalls here, with really powerful wind gusts!
PatS CarrieCastro 32 months ago
Thank you, Carrie -- I'll try to keep that picture in my mind. (As we shiver in Chi-town...)
DrFish28136 32 months ago

Revenge of the Creature
Klaatu DrFish28136 32 months ago
Those comics were always fantastic👍👍
DrFish28136 Klaatu 32 months ago
A Gahan Wilson is a joy forever
daleuhlmann 32 months ago
Hey, group, as we bid a fond farewell to the Black Lagoon and Ocean Harbor, Florida, I'd like to comment on an observation raised by Bill K in his article on the movie last week. I agree with him that, as good as REVENGE OF THE CREATURE in many ways is, third movie in the series, THE CREATURE WALKS AMONG US, might have made for a better immediate follow-up to the first Gill-man movie. While REVENGE OF THE CREATURE is a very watchable sequel with some memorable moments of its own (as well as, as I'd pointed out earlier, an intriguing captive animal abuse subtext), the Clete-Helen-Gill-man triangle seemed derivative of the David-Kay-Gill-man conflict in the earlier movie. Although I disliked the bulky Frankenstein Monster-inspired makeover of the character once the GIll-man was transformed into an air-breathing humanoid, at least THE CREATURE WALKS AMONG US did something a little more different and imaginative as a follow-up to the original film in the Black Lagoon trilogy.
Klaatu daleuhlmann 32 months ago
Nice write up! Reading this has inspired me to watch my Universal Classics Monsters DVD and watch all three films. Now the only issue is finding someone to enjoy them with (not my wife🤣).
daleuhlmann Klaatu 32 months ago
Thanks, Klaatu! I take it your wife's not a GIll-man fan, huh?
CarrieCastro daleuhlmann 32 months ago
Hi Dale 💙
I never did care for
the last Gill Man 🐸
Movie 😒 It was so
weird felt sad what they did too him 🤢

daleuhlmann CarrieCastro 32 months ago
Hi, Carrie!
KeithJ 32 months ago
Klaatu KeithJ 32 months ago
Ha! Nice👍👍.
DrFish28136 32 months ago

It's as I suspected- Mr Harding here is possessed by demons
PatS DrFish28136 32 months ago
Is that worse than being repossessed?
KeithJ PatS 32 months ago
You mean the Linda Blair "comedy"?
MrsG 32 months ago
Gittyup !
Young Ted Knight on GUNSMOKE (1959) !
🤠 *_* 🤠
Drang 32 months ago
Last night I told Mrs. Drang I'd go with her to take Ghost to the vet for shots and a pedicure. (Some of his talons are heavy duty enough that we can't manage it without hurting him...and us.)
Got up in time, but she was struggling with his carrier, so I took care of that, and darned if I wasn't still in robe and slippers when it was time for her to leave. Curse the luck!

Not much going on today, Birthday call to Dad in Tennessee after Mrs. Drang and Ghost get home.
Weather cold and drizzly, so we'll see what else might happen... if anything.
Drang 32 months ago
watching DVRd toons.
And Tooney doesn't like puppets...😁
Drang Drang 32 months ago
Now I can't help but wonder if they saved that one for the day before _Attack_Of_The_Puppet_People_ on purpose...🤔
Drang Drang 32 months ago
Just saw that tomorrow night's Trek is "Turnabout Intruder", the last one, next Saturday restarts with "The Man Trap"...
KeithJ Drang 32 months ago
Neat thing about Turnabout is that Shatner had the flu during filming and looked exhausted, could barely carry the actress and literally just dumped her onto the bed in one scene due to his weakness.
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