You’re Invited to the Morbid Monster Marriage of the “Bride of Frankenstein”- Tonight!

Posted on October 22, 2022

What would “Svengoolie’s Halloween BOO-nanza” be without a Universal horror classic? That’s just what we have for you tonight on MeTV-featuring Boris Karloff making his second appearance as the Monster, in the film that picks up the story where the original "Frankenstein" movie had left off! This landmark film features the ONLY appearance of the one Universal monster who didn't kill anybody- and, in spite of her limited screen time, became a true icon of Universal horror- the “Bride of Frankenstein”!

This 1935 film- based on the story the authoress-Mary Shelley- claimed came to her in a dream-starts off on a dismal, stormy night- with said authoress revealing that her Frankenstein tale did NOT end at the original story's conclusion! She tells the tale of what happened next- starting at the point where the original “Frankenstein” film ended.


We see the burning remains of the windmill, the scene of where the final battle between the monster and his maker took place. Poor Henry, thrown from its heights by the Monster, is now being carried home by the crowd that witnessed it all, as they mourn his “demise” but, in the same breath, joyfully celebrate the "end" of the Monster. The father of little Maria (the unfortunate child from the original story that the Monster threw into the lake, unaware that she would drown, and not float like her flowers) remains at the smoking ruins, determined to make sure the Monster is no more- but his luck- and his life- run out- because the Monster still lives!

Meanwhile, Henry is carried back to his young lovely fiancée Elizabeth at their castle, where everyone is startled to discover that he -just like the Monster he created- has survived! Henry begins his slow road to recovery, and is starting to get there when he gets a disturbing late-night visit from the creepy Dr. Pretorius. This spectral figure is actually a mentor of Henry’s, who somehow is well aware of what his recovering student has achieved, and now seeks his help with his own experiments in creating life. Bringing Henry to his laboratory, he displays some of the bizarre results of his work- in an effort to convince him to share his knowledge and expertise- and join forces with him to finally create a true perfect living being! With everything he has endured, Henry wants no part of such an undertaking- he has realized, through the awful results of his own experiment, that playing God is a mistake.

His Monster, meanwhile, still alive, burned and hurting, has fled from the ruins of the windmill, and ends up again being followed by pursuers, like he is some wild animal. He seeks solace in the forest, eventually stumbling upon the hut of a blind hermit (the basis for the famous- and hilarious- scene in “Young Frankenstein”). The hermit is grateful to have this new "friend"- as is the Monster, who is taught some basics by the kindly blind man. This tranquil alliance is disrupted when two hunters (one of whom is John Carradine), having lost their way, come to the cabin for directions-and, in shock, recognize the Monster! The misunderstood creature escapes and, trying to hide from his pursuers, enters a crypt in a graveyard- where, coincidentally, the devious Pretorius just happens to be, enjoying a snack while in search of "parts” for his latest project!


Completely unfazed by the appearance of the Monster, Pretorius realizes that he can use the lonely creature as leverage to get Henry to cooperate with him- by threatening his young bride's safety! Frankenstein, unwilling to let anything happen to Elizabeth, submits to Pretorius’ demands, and heads uneasily back to work with him- as they endeavor to create the Monster's fondest desire- a “friend”- his own bride! But- will this fiancée of fright turn out to be a match made in...well...a laboratory, yet-will she really provide the happy union he is wishing for?

This classic film is not just one of the best horror films ever made, but also included in lists of all-time great motion pictures- period. Karloff continues to add new facets to his portrayal of the Monster- including the addition of speech- and Dr. Pretorius, portrayed by the "flamboyant" Ernest Thesiger, is, without a doubt, a truly memorable addition to the Frankenstein film legend, as is the Bride, portrayed ever so briefly, but effectively, by Elsa Lanchester. You'll note that I may not be pronouncing her name correctly in one segment- we had various opinions on how it should be pronounced, and I may have chosen wrong in that case, and there was no time for a reshoot! We will tell you all about the entire cast, certain deletions from the production, and more- as well as providing our usual contributions. Plus- watch for a quick cameo from one of our favorite MeTV actors!

The “Bride of Frankenstein"s reception begins on MeTV tonight at 8pm eastern/pacific, 7 central, or check for time and channel in your area in your local listings or at . You can throw rice by live-Tweeting during the show on Twitter, using the hashtag #svengoolie in all your Tweets. This morning at 11 am on CW 26 in Chicago, local viewers get another look at Vincent Price in “The Tingler”!

Tonight, I will be appearing at the “Nightmare on Chicago Street” in Elgin, IL- signing autographs from 7 to 8 pm, and helping host the costume contest at around 8:30. It will be great to return to the “Nightmare” and witness the blocks and blocks-literally- of attendees in front of the stage!

Be ready for one final Halloween horror film next week- a Sven program premiere- but don’t miss the “bride and gloom” classic tonight on MeTV!


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 during show

1MikeM 28 months ago
...and dat was Count Yorga, Vampire...and dat's da name a dat tune!
PatS 1MikeM 28 months ago
No it warn't!
Matt 28 months ago
[image= (7).jpeg]
CharlesRocksClone 28 months ago
Charles Whatever: entry 5. Imaginary bloggers are trying to help me find my way back. -charles
I now know a part of me has never left the old blog. It's okay, because I'm home.
kittie CharlesRocksClone 28 months ago

Charles should create a book of his blogging diary entries.
kittie CharlesRocksClone 28 months ago
I also had reservations about leaving the first blogging homeland. I ultimately decided it would be alright to travel.
Drang 28 months ago
Hey, the blog page now links to the new blog!
CharlesRocksClone 28 months ago
Charles Duary: entry 4.

My descent into madness is nearly complete. Probably fitting that Count Yorga would be tonight's flick. Hopefully I can find my way back home. -Charles
CharlesRocksClone 28 months ago
Charles Diary: entry 3.

My mission is slowly fading fading from my fragile mind. Maybe it's the cold stare of Count Yorga, or it could be all those funny color frogs and mushrooms that I have consumed while searchi g for lost bloggers..
kittie CharlesRocksClone 28 months ago
I found my way back to light, Charles!
CharlesRocksClone 28 months ago
This comment has been removed.
1MikeM kittie 28 months ago
"Crossover children! All are welcome! All welcome!" Go into the light!"
Zubleezu 28 months ago
She could solve the rat problem in Manhattan!
Katink Zubleezu 28 months ago
Zublezu, the blog for this week is hard to get to. Follow the link that other bloggers have posted below, ok?
Zubleezu Katink 28 months ago
I’ll try. I just quit Twitter, so I’m new to this venue.
Zubleezu 28 months ago
Is every soap opera star in this movie?
Zubleezu 28 months ago
Those fang marks are triggering my trypophobia!
CharlesRocksClone 28 months ago
Charles's diary. Entry 1

My mission is to rescue the bloggers who didn't make it home to the new blog.
kittie CharlesRocksClone 28 months ago
Charles in Charge!
Entry 2.
I have been wondering through jungles of the old blog to search for my band of brothers and sisters. If you can read the sound of my voice, please come home!
Zubleezu 28 months ago
That VW van seems familiar. Uh, oh!
DuanneWalton 28 months ago
Well since we're staying here, here's me at NoCS last week.
Katink DuanneWalton 28 months ago
Join us on the other blog, Duanne!
DuanneWalton Katink 28 months ago
There's nobody there.
We are all there , brother. Come home to the new blog!
ThePhantomMensch 28 months ago
Yorga used his vampire control over mud to trap them
ThePhantomMensch 28 months ago
They have questionable taste in van curtains.
kittie 28 months ago
The dog barks really had the cat's attention. 😄
gabste kittie 28 months ago
Awwwww 😃😄
Katink kittie 28 months ago
Kittie and gabste, follow the links that Charles and others are posting to get to the new blog, ok? We miss you!
gabste Katink 28 months ago
Ok !
Klaatu 28 months ago
My retirement at the best bar at Musso & Frank.
gabste Klaatu 28 months ago
[image= (1).gif]
1MikeM Klaatu 28 months ago
classicaldj 28 months ago
If they had stuck with the original plan to make it an R rated movie with sex scenes, would the characters have Yorgasms?
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