You’ll Have Tunnel Vision Tonight with the “Mole People”!

Posted on December 12, 2015

Sure, this time of year, we talk about someone coming down the chimney- but  tonight, some valiant explorers will be heading further down, for an encounter with an underground civilization - populated by pale humanoids and-the "Mole People"!

Please try to stay awake during the opening lecture by Dr. Frank Baxter (shades of our college days)- after which ,we join an expedition where  a strange bit of pottery has surfaced on a high mountain peak.This encourages the explorers to make their way even higher, and, after a dangerous climb- they are dumbfounded to find  the ruins of an uncharted village! None of these educated  adventurers can even explain why it can even possibly exist at such a great height. Suddenly, one of their party disappears through a chasm! The remaining members can't even see the bottom- and begin to rappel down, only to lose another man  in a fall that brings a cave-in, trapping them far below the surface. the survivors must make their way through dark subterranean tunnels in hopes of finding a way back to the surface- but, instead, become the prisoners of a strange underground race!

Their captors are descendants of ancient Sumerians-evolved into albinos by their eons of existing without sunlight.Serving them are a mutant race of mole men who  appear to have always lived below the earth’s surface- but have been enslaved by the heartless Sumerians, who constantly mistreat the bizarre creatures, and force them to labor endlessly. When the pale leaders threaten and question the explorers, the surface dwellers  use the ploy of  claiming they are emissaries of the gods, come from "heaven above" (well, that's kind of true- and thank goodness they learned the lesson of "Ghostbusters" in which we got the important advice - "if someone asks if you';re a god- SAY YES!!!") The Sumerians treat them somewhat reverently, though some of them are suspicious. They even offer them, as a gift, one of their “marked” Sumerian slaves- Adad, an attractive young woman who doesn't seem as pale as the rest- and also seems to be the only blonde in their civilization (unless the Sumerians also worship Miss Clairol...)!

The explorers godhood seems to be supported by a deadly weapon they possess- a flashlight! (Since the underground folk have never been exposed to the sun, the bright light is  actually painful to them!) The explorers, Roger and Jud, travel around the underground city, trying to learn as much as they can about the civilization- and witness the grisly  custom of placing victims in a sacred chamber, where they are sacrificed to victims “the Eye of Ishtar”- leaving them as charred husks! The leader of their "captors", the High Priest, remains suspicious of the visitors, having serious doubts about whether they indeed are emissaries of the gods-and , worried that these newcomers may deteriorate his control of the pale people- and plots to steal their flashlight ( why does this sound like a scheme of some second-grader rather than the leader of an age-old civilization? )  More proof is uncovered that our surface friends are NOT deities-  and they must battle for survival, amidst the deadly factions of the Sumerians and the mole men!

This 1956 film features creatures  who rival the Gill Man as the favorite 50s Universal monsters, along with a cast full of familiar actors- John Agar, Hugh Beaumont (yes, the wise father  “Leave It to Beaver”) along with Alan Napier, who many of you will have seen earlier in the evening on "Batman"-plus Nestor Paiva- we'll remind you where you've seen him before on our show. We’ll talk about the make-up design for the Mole people, and provide the usual Sven fun- including our “Svensurround” version  of -what else-“Leave It to Beaver”, naturally!

"Mole People" will surface on MeTV tonight at 10 pm eastern/pacific,  9 pm central time- remember , if you're unsure when and where to find us, just go to and check your schedule there- or click on "where to watch" and enter your zip code to find the channel in your area. Chicago viewers get one more visit to the "House of Frankenstein" on our sister station, WCIU, the U, this morning at 11am.

We are so happy that so many of you have taken advantage of the new larger sizes in our Sven t shirts, as well as ordering the  new Sven hoodies! Hopefully, your enthusiastic reaction to these products will encourage our higher-ups to add MORE Sven merchandise to our store, sooner than later!

We've added a few of our holiday bits to the videos on our site- and, if he has enough time with his "limited holiday schedule"- we are hoping that Kerwyn will present his "Christmas Corner" featuring the cards our viewers are so thoughtful to send to us.

Join us tonight to head down lower than  any after-Christmas sale prices - for an encounter with the Krampus' distant- and subterranean- cousins!

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