Ghoulies 2

Watch 'Ghoulies 2' at 8PM | 7C, Saturday, July 15th, on MeTV.

Kerwyn's Joke of the Week, 07-03-23

Kerwyn delivers a joke submitted by Dan from Roundlake Beach, IL.


Watch 'Ghoulies' at 8PM | 7C, Saturday, July 8th, on MeTV.

The Car

Watch 'The Car' at 8PM | 7C, Saturday, July 1st, on MeTV.

Fiend without a Face

Watch 'Fiend without a Face' at 8PM | 7C, Saturday, June 24th, on MeTV.

Curse of the Demon

Watch 'Curse of the Demon' at 8PM | 7C, Saturday, June 17th, on MeTV.

Night Monster

Watch 'Night Monster' at 8PM | 7C, Saturday, June 10th, on MeTV.

Kerwyn's Joke of the Week, 05-29-23

Kerwyn delivers a joke submitted by Jeff from Los Angeles.

Man Made Monster

Watch 'Man Made Monster' at 8PM | 7C, Saturday, June 3rd, on MeTV.

Kerwyn’s Joke of the Week, 05-22-23

Kerwyn delivers a joke submitted by Tracy from Dubuque. 

The Killer Shrews

Watch 'The Killer Shrews' at 8PM | 7C, Saturday, May 27th, on MeTV.