Blood of Dracula

Watch 'Blood of Dracula' at 8PM | 7C, Saturday, March 25th, on MeTV.


Watch 'Konga' at 8PM | 7C, Saturday, March 18th, on MeTV.

Island of Lost Souls

Watch 'Island of Lost Souls' at 8PM | 7C, Saturday, March 11th, on MeTV.

Kerwyn's Joke of the Week, 02-27-23

Kerwyn delivers a joke submitted by Kevin from Houston, TX.

The Curse of the Werewolf

Watch 'The Curse of the Werewolf' at 8PM | 7C, Saturday, March 4th, on MeTV.

Kerwyn's Joke of the Week, 02-20-23

Kerwyn delivers a joke submitted by Marty from Lafayette.

War of the Gargantuas

Watch 'War of the Gargantuas' at 8PM | 7C, Saturday, February 25th, on MeTV.

Kerwyn's Joke of the Week, 02-13-23

Kerwyn delivers a joke submitted by Robert from Hattiesburg, MS.


Watch 'Duel' at 8PM | 7C, Saturday, February 18th, on MeTV.

Kerwyn's Joke of the Week, 02-06-23

Kerwyn delivers a joke submitted by Benjamin from Lakemoor, IL.

Killer Klowns from Outer Space

Watch 'Killer Klowns from Outer Space' at 8PM | 7C, Saturday, February 11th, on MeTV.

Kerwyn's Joke of the Week, 01-30-23

Kerwyn delivers a joke submitted by Andy from Sycamore, IL.

Creature from the Black Lagoon

Watch 'Creature From the Black Lagoon' at 8PM | 7C, Saturday, February 4th, on MeTV.