Kerwyn's Joke of the Week, 5-29-17

Kerwyn delivers a joke submitted by Al from Jordan, NY.

Kerwyn's Joke of the Week, 2-6-17

Kerwyn delivers a joke submitted by Thomas from Woodhaven, Queens, NY.

Kerwyn's Joke of the Week, 2-13-17

Kerwyn delivers a joke submitted by Johnny from Lubbock, TX.

Svengoolie's Chicken Throw

See if you have what it takes to hit Svengoolie with a rubber chicken in this interactive game!

Kerwyn's Christmas Corner - 2016

Kerwyn would like to thank all the fans who've sent cards, gifts and warm wishes to our dungeon this holiday season. Happy holidays, and "thank you for all the cards and letters"!

Kerwyn's Joke of the Week, 12-19-16

Kerwyn delivers a joke submitted by Andrew from Keyport.

Kerwyn's Joke of the Week, 11-14-16

Kerwyn delivers a joke submitted by Matthew from Somerville, MA.

Kerwyn's Joke of the Week, 10-17-16

Kerwyn delivers a joke submitted by Cindy from Shawnee, KS.

Freddy “Boom Boom” Cannon & The Svengoolie Stomp

Freddy “Boom Boom” Cannon, Svengoolie and a group of groovy ghouls perform “The Svengoolie Stomp”!

Where did Svengoolie come from?

Though Svengoolie’s strange origin may be a mystery, you can always catch him on MeTV, Saturday nights at 10PM | 9C.

David Dastmalchian Meets Svengoolie

You've seen him in 'Ant-Man' and 'The Dark Knight,' now see him with Svengoolie! Actor David Dastmalchian speaks about his love of classic horror films, how he got into the movie business and his latest projects.

Mama Meets Svengoolie

Vicki Lawrence drops by the Svengoolie set in character as Thelma "Mama" Harper from 'Mama's Family.'

Kerwyn's Joke of the Week, 1-11-16

Kerwyn delivers a joke submitted by Shawn from Jackson.

Kerwyn's Christmas Corner - 2015

Kerwyn reads his favorite Christmas cards from 2015.

Svengoolie's Xmas Corner

Svengoolie and Kerwyn wish you season's greetings!

Svengoolie Xmas Songs

These Svengoolie Christmas songs are ho ho horrible!