How Many Stooges?

30 Years of Svengoolie! How many Stooges does it take to fix a light bulb?

Jay Lamo

30 Years of Svengoolie! Oh no! It's Jay Lamo!

How to Toss a Chicken at Svengoolie

George Blaise demonstrates the proper technique for tossing a chicken at Svengoolie.

Joan Rivers Interview

30 Years of Svengoolie! Svengoolie interviews Joan Rivers...sorta

How to Shoot Your Own UFO Footage

30 Years of Svengoolie! Learn how to shoot your very own UFO Footage! It's so easy!

Meet Steven Spielbone!

30 Years of Svengoolie! Movie previews from Steven Spielbone!

On the Set with Svengoolie

Aly gets an exclusive behind-the-scenes look at the making of an episode of WCIU, The U’s Svengoolie.

Kerwyn's Kristmas Kard Corner

Kerwyn thanks Sven’s fans for their support during the holidays.

Oprah X-Mas Song

Someone got run over by a reindeer—and it wasn’t Grandma.

Red-Eye Visits Sven!

The Chicago Red Eye visits the set of Svengoolie

Sven's Co-Host: Episode 1

Sven Gets a Co-Host

Sven's Co-Host: Episode 2

Sven Meets Co-Host

Sven's Co-Host: Episode 3

Sven vs. Co-Host

Sven's Co-Host: Episode 4

Co-Host vs. Rubber Chickens

Sven's Got Jokes: Episode 1

Like Jokes? Like Sven? You will like this...

Sven's Got Jokes: Episode 2

Who doesn't like jokes? Really?