The Kiss of the Vampire

Watch 'The Kiss of the Vampire' at 8PM | 7C, Saturday, January 21st, on MeTV.

The Invisible Man

Watch 'The Invisible Man' at 8PM | 7C, Saturday, January 14th, on MeTV.

The Raven (1963)

Watch 'The Raven (1963)' at 8PM | 7C, Saturday, January 7th, on MeTV.

Earth vs. The Spider

Watch 'Earth vs The Spider' at 8PM | 7C, Saturday, December 31st, on MeTV.

Creature with the Atom Brain

A gangster and an evil scientist reanimate the dead in this 1955 zombie movie! Watch  Svengoolie on December 10 at 8PM | 7C.

The Raven (1935)

Watch ‘The Raven (1935)’ at 8PM | 7C, Saturday on MeTV.

The Crawling Eye

Watch ‘The Crawling Eye’ at 8PM | 7C, Saturday on MeTV.

Fiend Without a Face

Watch ‘Fiend Without a Face’ at 8PM | 7C, Saturday on MeTV.

X: The Man with the X-Ray Eyes

Watch ‘X: The Man with the X-Ray Eyes’ at 8PM | 7C, Saturday on MeTV.

Abbott & Costello Meet Frankenstein

Watch ‘Abbott & Costello Meet Frankenstein’ at 8PM | 7C, Saturday on MeTV.