Which 1970s celebrity are you?

We can guess if you're more like Billie Jean King or Donny Osmond.

We all had our celebrity idols back in the 1970s. It was an era when anyone could achieve fame (and most likely a variety show). 

Did you look up to Mary Tyler Moore through her eponymous TV show? Or perhaps you had a poster of John Travolta in your room. 

We can guess which star from the 1970s you're most like. Don't believe us? Let's find out!
  1. Which character from The Mary Tyler Moore Show best represents you?
  2. Which shampoo would you use to wash your hair?
  3. Pick a disco song.
  4. Pick a color.
  5. Which variety show would you watch with the family?
  6. Pick a show to watch right before going to bed.
  7. Pick a one-hit wonder.
  8. Which siblings would you want to be related to?

Which 1970s celebrity are you?

Your Result...

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WandaBaker 39 months ago
Uh...Eric Estrada? Doesn't make any sense at all. 😆
Snickers 41 months ago
Considering I'm a guy I don't think Karen Carpenter would work.
ElvisAva 43 months ago
I got donny
If any of you like the Osmonds can you please visit Samantha what I like osmonds Brothers they are some fun videos thank you if you subscribe
francolaguna1 43 months ago
Erik Estrada. Okay, did all the overly handsome latins get Erik Estrada?

Just checking
BrodyVandal 44 months ago
You are Donna Summer
You're the life of the party and know how to have a good time!
TonyKuchta 49 months ago
You are Erik Estrada
You're quite the ladies man!
hollyai3070 62 months ago
I'm Donny Osmond! Yeah, I knew it because as a little girl watching their tv show I thought I was going to one day marry him?!!!!
ElvisAva hollyai3070 43 months ago
Me too too 😁
idkwut2use 62 months ago
Karen Carpenter, an old soul with the voice of an angel? That’s flattering. =)
bmoore4026 62 months ago
francolaguna1 bmoore4026 43 months ago
Dang! He was the IT GUY back in the day 👍
Runeshaper 66 months ago
You are Erik Estrada
You're quite the ladies man!

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