Meet Nathan Lippe: Inside the Collection

This sign collection has Hollywood history, both on and offscreen!
Jul. 17, 2022
Inspired by his uncle, Nathan Lippe developed a unique passion for collecting antique advertising at a young age. Now fueled by the thrill of the hunt, Nathan scours the country for neon signs to save from destruction and has built a well-curated collection of antique oil cans, tin signs, and neon signs. Nathan shares some of his favorites with host, Lisa, from a charming Reddy Kilowatt neon sign to a prop sign used in the classic baseball film, Field of Dreams. Appraiser Kate Martin tackles the high sticker prices on Nathan’s collection and shocks Lisa with her appraisal of an Oz-themed oil can. Nathan specializes in collecting advertising for soda brand, Double Cola, but Kate brings along a collectible set of Coca Cola signs to persuade our collector into a trade.
1. Double Cola sign

This is the one that started it all! In 1994, after Nathan's uncle passed away, Nathan bought this sign from his estate for $10. Double Cola is a soft drink manufactured in Tennessee and primarily found east of the Mississippi River. While Nathan's $10 investment is now worth $500, it's worth even more to him for sentimental reasons.
2. Reddy Kilowatt neon sign

Reddy Kilowatt was a well-known mascot in the 1940s, where he promoted the idea of having electricity in homes, especially in rural America. Our expert says that for a collector, Reddy is one of the most wanted mascots out there! Nathan spent $2,500 getting the neon and inner workings restored. It paid off — now this sign could be worth up to $16,000.
3. Orange Crush Scoreboard

While Nathan isn't much into sports, his father-in-law is, so Nathan found this sign for his garage. However, when the garage was redone, the sign no longer had a space, so back into Nathan's collection it went!
4. Oz oil can

Before Nathan got into signs, he was interested in oil cans! Of course, what can beat an oil can with the beloved character of the Tin Man from The Wizard of Oz? Nathan paid $1,600 for it, and if he were to sell it today, he would more than quadruple his investment.
5. Grauman's Chinese Theatre sign

While not as old as some of Nathan's signs, the fact that this is from the famous Grauman's Chinese Theatre more than makes up for it! Nathan owns two of these that actually hung in the theater. He likes to imagine all the people who have passed underneath.
6. Field of Dreams neon sign

Growing up in Dubuque, where many scenes from Field of Dreams were filmed, this movie has a special place in Nathan's heart. When he was a child he watched Kevin Costner and James Earl Jones film a scene from across the street. So of course, when he found this sign, he had to have it!
7. Coca-Cola signs

Our expert has brought two for the price of one in an attempt to get Nathan to give up one of his beloved signs. While Nathan has a lot of soda signs, like the Double Cola sign we looked at earlier, he doesn't have much from Coca-Cola. Will he be willing to trade for this combo deal?