Email Frequently Asked Questions
Are you having trouble with receiving emails from us? Here are some of the most common questions and solutions from our users. If you have additional tips or suggestions, please let us know through our Contact Us page!
How do I sign up for the MeTV MeMail?
On the MeTV homepage, you can submit your email address through the module in the right column under the orange As Seen On MeTV module.
I'm not receiving the MeTV MeMail, what do I do?
The most common reason you may not see the MeMail is that your email provider has sorted the email into another folder. While this isn't true for every user, here are some of the common places you may want to check:
- Gmail: Many inboxes for Gmail include a Promotions tab at the top. Many newsletters from companies can be found in this tab. Want to make sure the MeMail gets to your primary inbox? Click and drag our email from the Promotions tab into the Primary tab. Gmail will show a message if you'd like this done for future emails from us and you can click Yes.
- AOL: Check in your Spam folder to see if our email is there. If it is, open it and click the Not Spam button at the top of the window.
- Yahoo: Check in your Spam folder. If our email is in there, you may want to open it and click Add to Contacts so we are not marked as spam.