5 Leave It to Beaver holiday dinner-style outfits

What if you had a holiday-themed dinner where everyone dressed like it was the late '50s to early '60s?

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Dress codes can be both good and bad things. It can take away someone's ability to express themselves through clothing, but it can also be a fun way to pay tribute to your favorite show, movie, or decade. What if you had a holiday-themed dinner where everyone dressed like it was the late '50s to early '60s?

What if the attire inspiration came from a classic television show like Leave It to Beaver? Although some of these looks might still be in style, here are five outfits from the show that you could wear to dinner!

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1. Button-up Shirt with solid bottoms


You can never go wrong with a simple button-up shirt and solid bottoms. With these shirts, you can choose from ones with patterns or a solid color. The shirts were usually paired with khaki or black pants on the show.

2. Collared shirts with bottoms


Collared shirts were seen a lot on Leave It to Beaver worn by the parents, the children, and even supporting characters. They were usually solid colors and paired with simple pants or a long skirt for June. 

3. Suit and tie combination


There's never a wrong time to wear a suit and tie, so why not wear one for holiday dinner? Now, they're worn for special occasions and seen as work attire, but sometimes in the '60s, men were seen wearing them regularly.

4. Classic dress or a long skirt set


Long dresses or skirt sets were highly in style during the late '50s and '60s. Many housewives would wear them daily, no matter the occasion. This classic attire would pair well with your holiday look.

5. Holiday-themed dress for small children


Holiday-themed dresses for young girls became a tradition that many still follow today. They're usually dressed with designs like snowmen or even fall leaves and turkeys on them.

SEE MORE: 8 vintage toy ads from the '60s that were popular Christmas gifts


Which of these toys did you have as a child?


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Rita6868 19 months ago
I remember getting new holiday clothes every Easter.
A dress,patten leather shoes and white gloves.My parents never wore blue jeans.My Aunt said when women first began to wear pants that her Mom came rushing in the room to say the neighbor lady was wearing pants instead of a dress in public.Today ppl are wearing pajama pants and slippers to the store.Lol!
bagandwallyfan52 28 months ago
The song called Chuck Cunningham
Blues .
vinman63 28 months ago
Little known fact LITB episode Cat Out of the Bag, Ward Cleaver wore a suit when he changed the Kitty Litter
Moverfan 28 months ago
Collared shirts with bottoms...? Well, I'd certainly hope so!
Barry22 28 months ago
I laugh when on 'My Three Sons' they wear suits when they go to the movies, go to dinner, or when they have guests over for dinner.
Runeshaper 28 months ago
All excellent choices and all classy!
ncadams27 28 months ago
The dresses that my Mom wore when she was home were called “house dresses”. Then they would put on a good dress when they went out, even if it was to go shopping.
ncadams27 28 months ago
Compared to how people dressed in shows set in the 70’s, these fashions still look good today.
Tim 28 months ago
I woulda thought they would have included June's hand painted satin French hooker blouse that Beaver bought her. Oooh la la!!!
teire 28 months ago
Loved the shirtwaist dress look and owned a few back in the 80s/90s, classic fashion. I remember as a little girl loving my Christmas dresses with red or black velvet tops and Swiss dotted organdy skirts, so pretty (and crunchy/crackly sounding).
MrsPhilHarris teire 28 months ago
I usually got a new Christmas dress each year. I can remember several velvet dresses. Loved them!
There is a song called Chuck Cunningham Blues at the top of the comments.
LoveMETV22 28 months ago
Speaking of 50's- 60's fashions for the Holiday, what about
Fred Rutherford's - Shirt and tie Combo- No jacket required.
The Larry Mondello - Collar shirt and sweater vest combo- No apple or candy included.
Miss Landers- Long sleeve blouse look.
Lumpy Rutherford's- Collar shirt and cardigan look.
MrsPhilHarris LoveMETV22 28 months ago
Fred’s tie looks rather tight!
LoveMETV22 MrsPhilHarris 28 months ago
You're right. It does look rather tight.
On Leave It To Beaver and Happy Days weren't there THROWAWAY
HAPPENED TO PENNY WOODS (Karen Sue Trent ) on.Leave It To
Beaver and Eugene Belvin played by Denis Mandel??
Eugene Belvin was on Happy Days.
Jeffrey LoveMETV22 27 months ago
That's Richard Deacon, one of my mother's first boyfriends. He was from our area. Before she married my dad, that is.
LoveMETV22 Jeffrey 27 months ago
Thanks. I think most know Fred Rutherford was played by Richard Deacon and Larry Mondello was played by Robert "Rusty" Stevens, some just call him Rusty though. etc....
bagandwallyfan52 28 months ago
I wonder if Ken Osmond AKA EDDIE
HASKELL WAS THE most popular character on LiTB and he received the
Most FAN Mail.
Tony Dow was the perfect choice to
play WALLY.
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