7 things you never knew about The Brady Bunch and ''Adios, Johnny Bravo''

See what the groovy super-Seventies episode has to do with Mayberry, Playboy playmates, and an unreleased single.

It's hard to forget that sparkling matador jacket. "Adios, Johnny Bravo" remains one of the most memorable episodes of The Brady Bunch. Barry Williams, Greg Brady himself, has continued to perform in that character for decades, even naming his 1999 pop album The Return of Johnny Bravo.

This particular episode has it all — singing and dancing, super groovy clothing, big hair, bold Seventies colors, sibling jealousy, a happy ending.

Let's take a deeper dive into "Adios, Johnny Bravo."

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1. It was the last time the family performed their songs on the show.


"Adios, Johnny Bravo" originally aired as the season-five premiere of The Brady Bunch. Though that final season contained many more memorably moments — the trip to Cincinnati, the ice cream parlor, Bobby's UFO dream, the failed spinoff "Kelly's Kids," Alice and Sam getting engaged, etc. — the Brady Kids never sang and shimmied together. The six boogied and belted out "You've Got to Be in Love (To Love a Love Song)" and "Good Time Music" in choreographed numbers that opened and closed the episode. More on the latter below…

2. Maureen McCormick and former Playboy Playmate Claudia Jennings later became friends working on a grindhouse movie.


Playboy magazine had selected Claudia Jennings as its Playmate of the Year in 1970, which perhaps made her an eyebrow-raising casting choice for clean-cut Brady Bunch in 1973. She plays the hip talent agent Tami Cutler who lures Greg to go solo. Later that decade, Jennings became known as the "Queen of B-movies," turning up in low-budget pulp like 1977's Moonshine County Express — a film that also featured Maureen McCormick playing her sister! Jennings would also audition for Charlie's Angels, a role that eventually went to Shelley Hack. The actress died in an automobile crash in 1979.

Image: New World Pictures

3. The Johnny Bravo cartoon is not inspired by Greg Brady's alter ego.


Johnny Bravo aired on Cartoon Network from 1997–2004. The cartoon centered around the title character, a self-centered cool dude with a blond pompadour and Elvis accent. Van Partible created the character and series for Hanna-Barbera. Many assumed the name Johnny Bravo was a reference or lift from Greg Brady's alter ego. Not so. Van Partible's full name is Efrem Giovanni Bravo Partible. Giovanni Bravo… Johnny Bravo!

Image: Cartoon Network / Warner Bros.

4. Greg and Bobby's pants are straight from the Sears catalog.


Those plaid pants in the opening number — they will certainly trigger flashbacks for many kids who grew up in the early 1970s. To most, those loud flares are known as "Sears pants." Need proof? Check out these catalog pages from around the time the episode filmed. Two decades later, The Brady Bunch Movie acknowledged the fashion inspiration. Mike declares, "Put on your Sunday best, kids. We’re going to Sears!"

Images: Sears

5. "Good Time Music" was never released on record.


The Brady Kids recorded several albums at the peak of their fame, beginning with Merry Christmas From The Brady Bunch in 1970. Meet The Brady Bunch (1972), The Kids From The Brady Bunch (1972) and Phonographic Album (1973) followed. However, that final LP had been released the summer before "Adios, Johnny Bravo" aired. Their "family" recording career was wrapped up at this point. Thus, "Good Time Music," the big number in the finale with the creamsicle costume, never saw a physical release on record. A version of it was finally recorded by the cast of A Very Brady Sequel for that soundtrack in 1996.

6. Eve Plumb later played the role of the music producer.


The Annoyance Theatre in Chicago began producing a spoof stage show called The Real Live Brady Bunch in the early 1990s. Now-famous ensemble members like Andy Richter and Jane Lynch played Mike and Carol in restagings of classic episodes such as "Adios, Johnny Bravo." Eve Plumb, the real Jan Brady, happened to enjoy the show. She agreed to step in and play the role of the record producer one night in Chicago.

7. Mike again references his alma mater — the same school attended by Mayor Stoner of Mayberry and Cliff Huxtable's rivalry..


As we mentioned in a previous Deep Dive of The Andy Griffith Show, Mayberry mayor Roy Stoner hangs a diploma from "Norton College" above his desk. Years later, a similar Norton College diploma can be seen hanging in Mike Brady's office. In "Adios, Johnny Bravo," we get further exploration of Mike's college days, when the Brady dad looks at letter for Greg from "State College," Carol's alma mater. Mike pokes fun at State College's sad excuse for a football team while Carol mocks Mike's allegiance to "dear old Norton College." Another sitcom made reference to this made-up American institution. Cliff and Clair Huxtable both attended Hillman College, which also became the setting of A Different World. In an episode of The Cosby Show, "Back to the Track, Jack," we learn that Hillman has a rivalry with — you guessed it — Norton College.

SEE MORE: 8 things you never noticed in The Andy Griffith Show episode ''The Mayberry Band''


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srrainwater 47 months ago
I actually had several pairs pants like Greg and Bobby. After this article I realized I wasn't as cool as I thought 😭
Catlady 59 months ago
Love The Brady Bunch 😊❤️
TVFF 59 months ago
It seems strange they didn't make this a two-part episode with a cliff-hanger (naturally) at the end of the first episode. The story just seems to get going and then the episode is over.
bradyguy TVFF 4 months ago
Sitcoms rarely did, and still don't, DO cliff-hangers. And certainly not in the early 70s... Outside of the BB's two big vacations (Grand Canyon and Hawaii), there are very few links between episodes of the show. This was, and still is, pretty typical of a sitcom - modern hits like Friends (Sheesh..modern? It was 30 years ago...I must be old!) Big Bang Theory, How I Met Your Mother, etc., have had more of a continuing "timeline" aspect to them (although serious fans know that many, many mistakes were made with continuity...). But each 1/2-hour of a sitcom is a small world unto itself that rarely has anything to do with the other episodes of a sitcom.

Jon 59 months ago
From what I remember, Prof. Albert Dooley, Dean Jones' character in Disney's "Million Dollar Duck", was also a graduate of "Norton College". I think Dooley's diploma showed a graduation date in 1959. I don't recall if Mike Brady's showed a graduation year, but if it did, it would have to be long before 1959.
daDoctah 59 months ago
Around the turn of the century, the manufactured British singing group S Club 7 started the third season of their sitcom agreeing that if they don't find a manager by a certain time, they'll break up the group and call it quits. At the very last minute, they stumble across manager Dean Strickland, played by none other than Barry Williams. (In the previous season, they had moved to an apartment in LA, where their landlady was Linda "The Exorcist" Blair.)
MeTvEr 59 months ago
I think the producers wanted to compete with The Partridge Family and threw in several episodes with the Brady kids singing. I read where some of the Brady kids wanted the show to go in that direction, with the kids forming a singing group.
George57 59 months ago
When we were made to go clothes shopping for school it was Sears, Woolworths and Kmart among a few. I don't think many people even frequent these stores if they still exist.
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That's an old matchbook, because the scratcher (where you light the match) is still on the front. They moved it to the back because people kept setting the whole book on fire...
Are you also a Phillumenist?
Not since I quit smoking about 30 years ago...
Good for you! I had posted over 10,000 different packs, boxes, books etc.
years ago on Flickr until being besieged by a Goderator in 2013.
RobCertSDSCascap 59 months ago
#4- Don't forget Toughskins!
That child model appears to be Ricky Schroeder from Silver Spoons.
He would have been 7, and cuter than Super Dennis, I guess.
RobCertSDSCascap 59 months ago
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Stop It.........Stop It.....You monster (uncontrollable crying) We were cool (still uncontrollable crying) we were cooooooooool 😭
RobCertSDSCascap 59 months ago
Up next, the late former pro wrestler and world's strongest man, Dino Bravo.
RobCertSDSCascap 59 months ago
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WordsmithWorks 59 months ago
I thought this was a weak episode. Obviously showcasing Barry Williams and his fledgling music career. The "time to change" and "silver platter episodes" were the better musical Bradys episodes.
WordsmithWorks 59 months ago
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bradyguy WordsmithWorks 25 months ago
Nah...this is a classic! The songs are great fun...the choreography (and Chris' mistakes) are now legendary. The lines are ridiculously memorable - "You won't be IN the Top 20....you'll BE the Top 20!" and of course, the iconic "You fit the suit, babe..." Claudia Jennings and Paul Cavonis...c'mon..a. PLAYBOY PLAYMATE on the BB???

And Barry had no more and no less of a music career ("fledgling" or otherwise) at the time than any of the others. In fact, Maureen and Chris recorded a single separate from the others, while Barry did no such thing. He wouldn't get his solo album until the 90s with The Return of Johnny Bravo! But he is, by far, the most successful musically (after Florence) if you count his career in the theater...
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