8 of the best questions, answers and interactions from the Q+A sessions on The Carol Burnett Show

Burnett's quick-wit and situational comedy abilities made the Q+A sessions a must-watch for any fan of her variety show.

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The countless interactions between comedy standout Carol Burnett and her live studio audience became a staple of The Carol Burnett Show

Before the skits and scripted humor, these Q+A sessions between the star and her fans offered up some interesting questions and at times, priceless answers from Burnett. 

Whether it was Burnett's response, a good story, or simply the question all by itself, here are eight of the best interactions between Carol Burnett and her fans, during the Q+A portion of The Carol Burnett Show

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1. "What do you think of the public transit?"


Traffic in Los Angeles has always been on the heavy side. The City of Angels is known more for traffic than its public transportation system, whereas a place like New York City is known for having a lot of traffic, but a great public transportation system. When asked her thoughts on public transit in LA, Burnett responded, "They ought to run it more than every two days," paired with a hilarious eye-roll. 

2. "Do you have a secret for all the energy you have?"


"Yes, I do have a secret for all the energy I have, I just store it up now and then I go home and sleep for six days." 

3. "Is your show coming back next season?"


"We'll be coming back for our tenth year, isn't that wild? And, it's funny. We started ten years ago and I'm only three years older." 

4. "If you could be any age, what would it be?"


"If I could be any age I wanted to choose... Hmm. I think 33, maybe I'll change my mind when I get there." This response was during season nine of The Carol Burnett Show, and we believe she was older than 33 at the time, though we would never accuse Burnett of lying about her age!

5. "How come you don't show your belly button?"


This is classic Carol Burnett. When a child points out that the man who designed her dresses for the show, Bob Mackie, also designed clothing for Cher, he asks, "How come you don't show your belly button?"

Burnett responds quickly, "How come I don't show my belly button? I don't have one, I'm from Mars."

6. "Have you ever had your kids on the show?"


This is a question Burnett was asked frequently. She responds with, "No, I won't put them on the show, even if they would want to go on which I don't think they do." That's a fairly straightforward and understandable answer from a famous mother. Of course, she had to add in a funny line. 

"Well, let me tell you, my old lady didn't have a television show of her own, so let them get theirs." 

7. "How did you overcome stage fright?"


"Oh my lord, that's a tough one." Well, luckily for Burnett, a friend had given her some sound advice. "When I first went to New York and I had my first audition, I walked out... bare stage and I kind of looked out and there were the producers and the director... I was scared to death. A friend of mine had told me, 'just imagine the people out there [are] sitting on the John.'" The studio audience erupted with laughter. Burnett closed this piece of advice by saying, "I felt a little better, because they were kind of in a vulnerable position and they weren't quite as frightening. So maybe think about that." 

8. "How do you get to the ladies room?"


Yes, you read that right. During one episode of The Carol Burnett Show, a woman sitting near the front of the stage asked Burnett "How do you get to the ladies room." Naturally, Burnett said, in front of everyone, "You have to go?" The crowd laughed, but Burnett was one of a kind. She directed the woman onto the stage, then backstage, and pointed her in the right direction. Burnett helping this woman find the restroom delighted the audience, who laughed for about a minute straight. Carol Burnett can help with anything!

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BuckeyeBeth7 20 months ago
The funnest ones are always when people said they knew someone who went to college with her and she would get excited. One of the ones that stands out to me was the 13yo looking boy who asked her what she thought of women’s Lib. When she asked him the question back, he said he thought it was stupid. She immediately said that’s because you’re a boy and walked away to chat with someone else. That was definitely one she looked annoyed at. That one played again a few weeks ago and I wondered if that kid ever changed his mind as he hit puberty or if he’s still trolling others to this day lol
ConnieMj 21 months ago
I liked the reunion show they did several years. Tom Selleck was in the audience and asked her if she liked petting on the first date.
Charlotte 21 months ago
I always loved when she interacted with Lucy. They were a great team!
MichaelPowers 21 months ago
A wonderful actress and a wonderful human being as well. Those two things don't always go together with performers.
geatornez82 21 months ago
My favorite question was from the episode where Sonny and Cher and Nanette Fabray were the guest stars. I don't remember what the question was before it, but one of the camera men made a crack at Carol's expense, and then someone in the audience asked "If he's such a smart aleck, why don't you fire him?" (talking about the camera man). Not only did the audience crack up, but so did Carol!
KJExpress geatornez82 21 months ago
I remember that. What made it really funny was because it was a little girl who asked the question.
geatornez82 KJExpress 20 months ago
Kids say the darndest things, don't they?
KJExpress geatornez82 20 months ago
They certainly do! 😄
CoreyC 21 months ago
If any comedienne who was the successor to Lucille Ball it was Carol.
Moody CoreyC 21 months ago
I think the main difference between Lucille Ball & Carol Burnett was that Carol was spontaneous & off the cuff whereas Lucy needed a script to be funny. Both are/were very funny though.
MrsPhilHarris Moody 21 months ago
That is very true.
CoreyC 21 months ago
I believe that one elderly man comment about Carol's dresses and Carol replied Do you want to try one on? Carol and the audience had a fantastic relationship.
tootsieg 21 months ago
Carol Burnett is so talented. She had it all including Bob Mackie gowns and dresses.
cperrynaples 21 months ago
Well, how about when the question was "Is that Maude in the audience?" it was actually a Bea Arthur lookalike who Carol brought on stage to sing!
Andybandit 21 months ago
The questions that the audience ask Carol are hilarious.
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KJExpress 21 months ago
That was funny. And if I remember correctly, she actually used that name in one of the subsequent sketches. I don't remember which one, though. 🤔
SkippyDevereaux 21 months ago
Holy cow!!! I thought that I was the only one to remember those two names!!! Oh the glory of knowing that there is another oddball out there in the universe!! LOL. Just kidding with ya on calling you an oddball.
Peter_Falk_Fan 21 months ago
I always liked the time when a girl asked Carol Burnett if she remembered (I forgot his name) when she went to UCLA. Carol said yes and that she had a crush on him. The girl said, "I'm his daughter!" During their conversation, Carol said, "You could have been my daughter." Her Q&A sessions were usually great.
KJExpress Peter_Falk_Fan 21 months ago
I always liked it when someone from her past, usually a former schoolmate, would be in the audience and ask a question. She always seemed genuinely thrilled to see them again.
Runeshaper 21 months ago
Carol Burnett is FANTASTIC 🤩❤️🙏
LoveMETV22 21 months ago
The Q+A sessions on The Carol Burnett Show are so much fun.
Here's a good one:

Pacificsun LoveMETV22 21 months ago
A fun YouTube!!

I wished someone asked the question, what happens to all the gowns that Bob Mackie has you wear on the Show. They never seem to be repeated. And do you get to keep the ones which are your most favorite?
LoveMETV22 Pacificsun 21 months ago
I'll keep an eye out (Not literally) for that, but in the meanwhile you might enjoy this Q&A where
Max Miller got to work out with Carol, I'm sure he did! LOL
CoreyC Pacificsun 21 months ago
Especially the parody of Gone With The Wind Carol was wearing.
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