Lost breakfast cereals of the 1960s and 1970s
We miss these colorful mascots, fruity flavors and sugary starters from the golden age of breakfast.

Cereal aisle selection, sugar content and cartoon mascots escalated in the 1960s. By the 1970s, the options for a morning bowlful were downright weird. Kellogg's, Post and General Mills waged war with their animated tigers, panthers and pilots. Paired with some Saturday morning cartoons, these cereals were a highlight of childhood. Internet demand brought Quisp back to the shelves, so perhaps there is hope for these other gone but not forgotten cereals.
1. Kream Krunch (1965)

2. Quake (1965)

Alas, this burly partner of Quisp did not make a comeback alongside his alien friend. Perhaps that's because it was basically Cap'n Crunch. Still, a great mascot.
3. Sir Grapefellow (1972)

This General Mills marshmallow treat had a similar concept as Boo Berry and Fruit Brute, only with a WWI ace theme. Grape is a rare flavoring. Afterwards, the milk looked like a Star Wars drink.
4. Baron Von Redberry (1972)

5. Pink Panther Flakes (1973)

Pink cereal! It sure made the milk colorful. The panther makes for a better cereal salesman than home insulation mascot.
6. Corn Crackos (1967)

Post belatedly capitalized on the rock & roll craze and did the twist with this mop-topped, British bird mascot.
7. Kombos (1969)

8. Jets (1953)

Most athletes ate their Wheaties, but we're guessing Joe Namath munched on this. General Mills also sold Sugar Jets.
9. Triple Snack (1963)

10. Quangaroos (1973)

Let's see: It's fun to say. It's a spin-off of Quisp and Quake. It's an under-represented flavor (that orange again). This deserves a comeback.
11. Puffa Puffa Rice (1967)

A sweet Rice Krispies with a Hawaiian theme.
12. Crazy Cow (1977)

As the prize implies, this hit the shelves in the summer of Star Wars mania. Yet perhaps people don't want to be reminded of mad cows when consuming dairy.
13. Mr. Wonderfull's Surprize (1972)

14. Klondike Pete's Crunchy Nuggets (1972)

15. Twinkles (1960)

The beautiful mod artwork on this box looked like children's books for a reason—the package was a storybook. It also came in a Tutti Frutti variety.
16. Punch Crunch (Early 1970s)

17. Wackies (1965)

Dropping banana slices into cereal is a common practice, yet banana flavoring seems somehow a bit off in the cereal. Go figure. This monochromatic Lucky Charms–alike had fun names for its shapes like Zot, Glot and Gloop.
18. Crunchy Loggs (1978)

19. OKs (1959)

This only lasted until 1962. Kids wanted to strive for greatness, not settle for OK. Not even Yogi could save it.
20. Frosty Os (1959)

21. Grins & Smiles & Giggles & Laughs (1976)

We'll take a mouthful of cereal, not words and synonyms, thanks.
22. Moonstones (1976)

23. Freakies (1973)

Perhaps this was big on Haight-Ashbury.
24. Corn Flakes with Bananas (1964)