These 12 long lost snacks of the 1970s will give you the munchies

Please give our mouth a time machine so we can munch on some Space Food Sticks, Pizza Spins, Googles and Koogle.

Nothing goes with television like a big bowl of something salty and crunchy. In the 1970s, we would ride our banana-seat bikes home from school, flip on game shows like Match Game and Tattletales, and chow down on crackers, cookies and more. We packed pudding cups into our Welcome Back, Kotter lunch boxes.

Alas, many of our favorite munchies from the decade are no longer around. Here are a dozen defunct snacks we'd love to get our lips around again.

Top image: Continental Airlines postcard from the 1970s / Papergreat

1. Concentrate Cereal


Okay, so Concentrate was aimed at adults, but the reflective gold box looked something from a NASA lunar module.

Image: Flickr

2. Danish-Go-Rounds


Hot danishes popping up in your toaster? How did this fail?

Image: Snackbar Confidential

3. Dolly Madison Razzys, Koo Koos and Googles


Long before Google there were Googles, a vanilla cake with cinnamon bits. Koo Koos were similar to Ding Dongs, while Razzys made the rounds with yellow cake and raspberry frosting. The Peanuts gang pitched these treats, and the fruit pies were also quite tasty.

Image: Gone But Not Forgotten Groceries

4. Koogle


It took a while for the creamy goodness of Nutella to make its way from Europe to America. But we were set in the 1970s with Koogle, a sweet spread in many varieties. Banana Peanut Spread! Just add bacon and you've got an Elvis meal.

Image: The Land of Cerpts and Honey

5. Mug-O-Lunch


We don't eat meals out of coffee cups as much as we used to.

Image: General Mills History / Tumblr

6. Nickles' Banana Flip


It's like a Twinkie taco, but banana flavored — like the original Twinkies. 

Image: The Rusty Calliope

7. Pizza Spins


Pizza flavored pizza shapes. Of course, you could pretend they were steering wheels or wagon wheels. Odd that the pizza on the box didn't seem to be covered with any cheese.

Image: Flickriver

8. Snack Pack


Pudding cups are a school lunchroom staple, but the plastic containers of today don't quite have that same aluminum tang of the 1970s cans.

Image: Pinterest

9. Space Food Sticks


Like Tang, these chews were developed for astronauts! Many flavors were offered, including Chocolate Mint, Chocolate Malt, Orange, Caramel and Peanut Butter. At just 44 calories a stick, you could really pound them.

Image: Harvest Gold Memories

10. Tid-Bits


Sure, Goldfish and Cheez-Its still line the grocery shelves, but Nabisco's Tid-Bits had a different shape. What if we want our cheese crackers in stick form?

Image: Flickr

11. Toastettes


Pop Tarts dominate the toaster pastry market today. Toastettes were pretty dang delicious, though.

Image: Flickr

12. Tuna Twist


Mom's best ploy to get us to eat our tuna fish was this quick sprucer-upper.

Image: Land of Cerpts and Honey

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Squiggy 30 months ago
My parents always bought Del Monte pudding cups when I was little, also in the tin cans. Those were SO good, the stuff you get in the plastic cups today is not even close. I don't remember Toastettes but those look delicious.
BrianBrick 48 months ago
I ate a lot of junk food in the 70s, my high school-college-law school years ... but I never saw any of these before, in northern or Southern California!
ChuckPayne 48 months ago
Mug-o-lunch were bad, my dad bought them for me, the noodle never cool and sauces were horible
Sparkina 49 months ago
Danish Go Rounds had PopTarts beat by a mile! More fruit or cinnamon in them! Koogle was some pretty yummy stuff. And space food sticks were PLENTY OF TASTY!!!!!
LynCarceo RaynaGorowitz 48 months ago
I loved Space Food Sticks.
DogPatch1149 56 months ago
Tid-Bits were really good. They had a different taste than Cheez-Its, Cheese Nips, or Goldfish, and sometimes I got really lucky when some of them in the package were a bit more toasty than normal. (I'm a big fan of the extra toasty Cheez-Its today.)
MichaelFields 58 months ago
I LOVED Space Food Sticks, the METAL cans of pudding (I remember opening up my lunch in school and happy to see it) the Peanuts snacks cakes, and I really liked the banana peanut butter, to bad they do not make a good one now
JolynnBales 59 months ago
I was watching an episode of "That 70s Show" and Kelso was eating a Snack Pack pudding cup, but it was plastic with the foil top. I said, "They had tin cans in the 70s, not plastic!" and my kids looked at me like I was nuts.
Marko 60 months ago
I remember most of these products,and believe some of them even pre-date the 1970's ! Some of them were around in the 1960's, I recall as a kid !
Monkey 64 months ago
I loved all of these as a kid except Tuna Twist, never heard of that.
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