Top 10 episodes of Leave It to Beaver according to IMDb
The Best of The Beav

Look, there's no accounting for taste. One person's trash is another's Mona Lisa. TV, like all art, is subjective. Acting like any episode is better or worse than another is an opinion. Opinions divide us a great deal, so it's important to take stock of when they bring us together. Review aggregator sites, like IMDb, collect opinions together and assign scores to TV shows and movies. While these scores are silly (art can't be graded), they do point us toward times when people share our opinions.
So, let's use the made-up rankings from IMDb scores to see when we share our fellow fans' opinions! Here are the Top 10 episodes of Leave It to Beaver, according to users on IMDb. We've even thrown in that website's plot description for each episode to trigger a few memories! Let us know when you share those opinions and when you don't. What's your favorite?

Watch Leave It to Beaver on MeTV!
Weekdays at 8 & 8:30 AM, Sundays at 1 & 1:30 PM
*available in most MeTV markets1. "In the Soup" - 8.9

Season 4 Episode 32
"Wally's worries that little brother Beaver will disrupt the first teen party held at the Cleaver's house are realized when, on the way to the Whitneys' house for a sleepover, Beaver takes a dare from Whitey to find out if there really is soup in a steaming billboard bowl."
2. "The Bank Account" - 8.7

Season 1 Episode 20
"A package delivered to the Cleaver house from a high-end sports store seems to confirm Ward's suspicions that Wally and Beaver skipped school to buy expensive baseball mitts with piggy bank money they promised to deposit into their school bank account."
3. "Teacher Comes to Dinner" - 8.6

Season 3 Episode 9
"Beaver's friends Larry, Whitey, and Gilbert climb a tree to secretly spy on their teacher, Miss Landers, when she has dinner at the Cleaver house."
4. "Beaver and Andy" - 8.6

Season 3 Episode 20
"A middle-aged man named Andy stops by the Cleavers seeking work as a handyman. Ward agrees to hire his friend, despite June's concerns that Andy is an alcoholic and may influence Wally and Beaver."
5. "Wally's Test" - 8.5

Season 3 Episode 17
"When their plans to cheat on the history exam are foiled, sneaks Eddie Haskell and Lumpy Rutherford try to make it look like high-scoring Wally was the real cheater."
6. "Eddie's Double-Cross" - 8.5

Season 4 Episode 8
"Eddie Haskell boasts about going steady with popular Caroline Shuster but Wally hears Caroline tell her girlfriends that she thinks Eddie is a creep and must decide how to break the bad news to his best friend."
7. "Beaver Finds a Wallet" - 8.5

Season 3 Episode 30
"Beaver and his friend Larry Mondello find a lost wallet stuffed with money, turn it into the police station and hope that no one claims it so they can split the loot."
8. "Beaver's Report Card" - 8.5

Season 4 Episode 27
"Arithmetically-challenged Beaver is mystified by a better-than-average grade on his report card, unaware that the dastardly duo, Eddie Haskell and Lumpy Rutherford, altered the card en route to Ward's desk drawer."
9. "Wally's Weekend Job" - 8.5

Season 5 Episode 6
"After seeing all the girls swoon over Wally at his new job at a soda fountain, jealous Lumpy and Eddie plan revenge on Wally."
10. "Wally's Practical Joke" - 8.5

Season 6 Episode 35
"After Lumpy Rutherford puts exploding smoke bombs in Wally's and Eddie's cars, Eddie coaxes Wally into retaliating against Lumpy with their own practical joke. But real damage is done to Lumpy's car when the joke goes wrong and Wally doesn't know that evidence left at the scene will lead the Rutherfords straight to the Cleavers."

“My Famous Mother”, by Theodore Cleaver.
My famous mother ran away from home when she was 17 to be a dancer. She tried to get a job dancing as a chorus girl. That's a lady who dances in her bare feet. But she couldn't. So she got a job dancing in dives. Also beer parlor and joints.
One day, a big gangster put my famous mother in a show, and she was a big success. Then the gangster got arrested, but my mother didn't. She was in five more shows, but quit when she married my father, who was a tap dancer.
June has honestly always been my idol and it is fun to watch her joke. I also love the Mother's Day Composition and June's Birthday.
"MeTV did a commercial clip honoring June.
My famous mother ran away from home when she was 17 to be a dancer. She tried to get a job dancing as a chorus girl. That's a lady who dances in her bare feet. But she couldn't. So she got a job dancing in dives. Also beer parlor and joints.
One day, a big gangster put my famous mother in a show, and she was a big success. Then the gangster got arrested, but my mother didn't. She was in five more shows, but quit when she married my father, who was a tap dancer.
"Most Interesting Character" - Wally's version:
"The most interesting character I ever knew was my father, Mr. Ward Cleaver."He was born at the mouth of the Amazon, which is a river, "and when he was a baby, he was stolen out of his crib by a crocodile, "and in the nick of time, he was saved... by a friendly headhunter with a blowgun."
"During the war, he was a secret general, "where he had many interesting experiences.
"Now he has a job in an office, but he really works for the F. B. I. And on Sundays, he goes to the beach and saves a lot of people from drowning."
"Most Interesting Character" - Beaver's version:
"The most interesting character I have ever known is my father, Mr. Ward Cleaver." He does not have an interesting job. "He just works hard and takes care of all of us. "He never shot things in Africa or not saved anybody that was drowning. "But that's all right with me, because
when I am sick, he brings me ice cream, "and when I tell him things or ask things, he always listens to me. "And he will use up a whole Saturday to make junk with me in the garage.
"He may not be interesting to you or someone else, because he's not your father, just mine."
1. Beaver Plays Hooky 2. Captain Jack 3. Found Money 4. Beaver's Short Pants 5. Larry Hides Out
6. The State Versus Beaver 7. Beaver's Jacket 8. Beaver's Long Night 9. Long Distance Call 10. In the Soup.
He could be truly contrite, and kind enough to help get Beaver out of trouble (after Gilbert and he spilled cleaner on Wally’s jacket). talking Wally into another coat. His shadings of shame after being busted were in many fine shades.
Sorry the quality is not great- there are very few clips from "LITB."
I think Lumpy got in on it too.