Andy or Barney: You can only choose one!

You've got some tough decisions ahead of you!

 CBS Television Distribution

We love a good duo. But what if you can't split your time between 'em both?

Today we're having a look at one of TV's most classic pairings... Andy and Barney!

We're asking the tough questions, and we want to see who you'd rather pick. Don't worry, the other one's not going anywhere. This is all just for fun.

Be prepared to defend your opinion in the comments section below!

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  1. Who would you rather have as a best friend?
  2. Who would you want on your side in an argument?
  3. Who would you rather go on a road trip with?
  4. Who would you want to go on a double date with?
  5. Who would you rather help you study for a big test?
  6. Who would you rather swap lives with?
  7. Who would you rather share a meal with?
  8. Who would you rather have as a roommate?
  9. Who would you rather play on a game show with?
  10. Who would you rather start a band with?

Andy or Barney: You can only choose one!

Your Result...

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tinkparker 1 month ago
60% similar if I was in a bind I would get andy but if I was gonna do something fun I would hang out with barney
LynCarrigan 1 month ago
Never could stand Barney. There is nothing that I would ever do with him; maybe wave goodbye.
LH LynCarrigan 1 month ago
LibraBaby0921 1 month ago
100% similar. After recently seeing The Andy Griffith Show for the first time in years, I found Barney Fife to be an annoying, paranoid, busybody. Sorry, Donny!
JHP LibraBaby0921 1 month ago
agreed - but anything he did or said was 90% followed by that canned laugh track.. I never got it

he would yell at ange for making Otis a deputy and as soon as ange got in trouble - there was otis conscripted in line by Reliable Tiger Fife
JHP 1 month ago
another goofy quiz - should have not taken it ; It's like jumping into that water park pool and has all kids in it
pbranch JHP 1 month ago
Agreed. I felt dumb by the 2nd question lol
Wendy57 1 month ago
80% Andy
I did pick Barney for a neat roommate and a road trip pal though.
I almost picked Barney for a band member. He really can rock those bongos, but, Andy’s singing voice and guitar playing gave him the edge.
frenchman71 1 month ago
I was 100% Andy. Barney may be a nice guy but he's too off-the-wall for me. You always know where Andy's coming from.
Steve67 1 month ago
80% Picked a road trip with Barn but Andy for all others
wolfman69 1 month ago
0%. I'm team Barney all the way! Nip it!!!!
mda wolfman69 1 month ago
Same here.
ElvisPresleyFan 1 month ago
Good guy, he just needs to know when to "Shut Up!"
pbranch ElvisPresleyFan 1 month ago
Well, he’s dead now so I guess he nipped it in the bud 😂
ElvisPresleyFan pbranch 1 month ago
In order for Barney Fife to be dead, someone would have had to snuff him out in the show. He lives on everyday in repeats. Please don't scare the young ones.
8176Morgan 1 month ago
90% similar. I think I would rather have Barney as a roommate. I had to give the poor fellow at least one selection!
Sweendog 8176Morgan 1 month ago
I felt the same way…. Plus, he’s neat and I like that!
McGillahooala 1 month ago
Why is everybody dumping on Barney?
He's gotta learn to stop talking. 😄
JHP ElvisPresleyFan 1 month ago
or STOP yelling and listen for once
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