Are these characters from Green Acres or The Carol Burnett Show?

Can you match these quirky characters to the right show from their names alone?

 CBS Television Distribution/MGM Television

The Carol Burnett Show and Green Acres brought some of the quirkiest, most hilarious characters to television in the late Sixties. Most had a unique name to match their personality.

We’ve gathered together characters from Hooterville and the many worlds of The Carol Burnett Show. Can you guess who belongs on each show?

Watch Carol Burnett and Friends on MeTV!

Weeknights at 10 PM
Sundays at 9:30 PM

*available in most MeTV markets
  1. Fred and Doris Ziffel
  2. Shirley Dimple
  3. Floyd Smoot
  4. Mrs. Wiggins
  5. Newt Kiley
  6. Grandpappy Miller
  7. Mildred Fierce
  8. Mother Eunice Douglas
  9. Lazlo Braslov
  10. Funt and Mundane
  11. Duane Toddleberry
  12. Pablum Picarasso

Are these characters from Green Acres or The Carol Burnett Show?

Your Result...

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deltadart 10 days ago
I Love Green Acres, I just watched the episode where Oliver hires an Ex-con.

No matter how many times I see these great shows (I have the complete DVD set) they are always enjoyable!
sjbang88 1 month ago
10/12 I wish MeTV didn't take Green Acres off, Gomer Pyle is atrocious
Adamtwelvia 6 months ago
This is pretty tough. Gotta watch more Green Achres
frances3agape 19 months ago
10 of 12
Missed No 4 (Lazlo) and No 12 (Pablum)
Disappointed in myself
Mark091 48 months ago
I wish that METV would carry The
Carol Burnett Show for one hour
Instead of only 30 minutes?
When Carol Burnett Show is only
On for 30 minutes only viewers
Miss the singers and some of the
Comedy Sketches.
I have DISH Network and The FOLK
Channel is carried on DISH on channel 218 and the FOLK Channel
Carries 2 60 minute episodes of the
Carol Burnett Show and The Red
Sjkekron Show Also.
robyni23 48 months ago
You got 10 out of 12
Did you punch in all the right answers on this quiz?
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