Are these close-up images from Batman or Star Trek?

Can you tell the difference between the Enterprise and the Batcave?

 CBS Television Distribution/Disney Media & Entertainment Distribution

The far future of Star Trek and the comic book world of Batman looked remarkably similar in some ways. Both had advanced technology like intelligent computers and communication devices. The heroes of both shows also fought colorful (literally!) and outrageous villains.

We’ve zoomed in on a few details from both iconic series. Can you tell the difference?

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  1. What are these futuristic buttons and dials from?
     Disney Media & Entertainment Distribution
  2. Do you know what this character is from?
     Disney Media & Entertainment Distribution
  3. What is this display from?
     CBS Television Distribution
  4. Which series is this from?
     Disney Media & Entertainment Distribution
  5. What is this rabbit from?
     CBS Television Distribution
  6. Do you know this close-up image?
     CBS Television Distribution
  7. This set is from...
     Disney Media & Entertainment Distribution
  8. Which show is this bald character from?
     CBS Television Distribution
  9. These buttons and controls are from...
     CBS Television Distribution
  10. Can you guess what this is from?
     Disney Media & Entertainment Distribution
  11. What is this scene from?
     CBS Television Distribution
  12. This is costume is from...
     Disney Media & Entertainment Distribution

Are these close-up images from Batman or Star Trek?

Your Result...

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CaroleThorpe 11 months ago
You got 12 out of 12
Holy retro-tech, Batman! Could you tell the difference between these Sixties favorites?
ChuckM 11 months ago
No fair. I picked Harcourt Fenton Mudd. He was in 2 Star Trek episodes.
Matsui 11 months ago
You got 9 out of 12.
Holy retro-tech, Batman! Could you tell the difference between these Sixties favorites?
AlbertHanson 11 months ago
11/12 - The image of Roger C. Carmel from #2 looks like Harry Mudd from Star Trek.
Vamp13 AlbertHanson 11 months ago
I remember him from star trek
MeFanFromSavan 11 months ago
11/12 Yep! Second picture also fooled me.
texasluva 11 months ago
Missed 2 10/12 The one I thought for sure it was but they tricked me into thinking it was Mudd.
Catman texasluva 11 months ago
They snagged me on Harry Mudd.
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