Are these superheroes Marvel or DC?
Where are these comics from?

Look, up in the sky! It's a bird! It's a plane! It's... two distinct comic book universes that can be very confusing for casual fans!
Whether you're a Marvel true believer or a DC disciple, this is a quiz for you! Even if you're not too sure which camp you fall into, go ahead and give it a shot anyway. These are some classic heroes, and we want to know if you know where they're from!
For each superhero, select whether you think they originated in Marvel comics or DC. That's it! Good luck, and be sure to share your score and your favorite superhero in the comments section below!

Green Lantern
Martian Manhunter
Invisible Woman
Wonder Woman
Black Canary
Black Lightning
Booster Gold

Are these superheroes Marvel or DC?
Your Result...
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Batman - In Color

Batman - Since 66

Batman - I Got Jokes

Batman - Vintage Logo

Batman - Theme Song

Batman - Chest Logo

Batman - Caped Crusader

Batman - Meeyow!

Batman - Dynamic Duo

Batman - Since 66

Batman - I Got Jokes

Batman - Hush Logo

Batman - Pop Cast

Batman - Classic Logo

Batman - Theme Song

Batman - Since '66

Batman - Bat Signal

Batman - Be Batman Mug

Wish I could think of something original to say, but my fellow respondents have already covered everything I want to say! "15/15, like DC, love Marvel"- that's me- "15/15, yes, I am a comic-book nerd"- that's me, too, but I believe the quote I most agree with is from "Bapa 1", who weighed in with "Glad they didn't ask a 'Captain Marvel' question." That's correct! The 'Captain Marvel' landscape is already so overlittered with 'Captain Marvels' from both Marvel and DC, any questions pertaining to any of these characters would be highly unfair to almost anybody. Having said this, I must say, this was the easiest quiz I ever took in my entire life, and I could have still scored '15/15' on it in my sleep! Wouldn't it be nice if ALL of the 'METV' quizzes were this easy!!! Excelsior!!! P.S. How about METV quizzes about "The Wild, Wild, West", "Kolchak: The Night Stalker", "Voyage to the Bottom of the Sea", and "Starsky and Hutch"??