Are these fun facts about Valentine's Day true or false?
You're going to fall in love with these fun facts!

Love is in the air! Valentine’s Day is almost here, and we want to test your knowledge of all things related to the day of love. Forget the chocolate, flowers or card, this quiz is our gift to you!
See how much you know about this lovely day. Good luck! And remember—date or no date, taking quizzes is a form of self-love. You don't need Cupid's arrow to find a connection with this quiz.
Conversation hearts got their start as medical lozenges.
Despite being a popular day for love, Valentine’s Day isn’t the most popular day to get proposed to.
U.S. pet owners spend more than $1 billion on their pets each year for Valentine's Day.
About 250 million roses are grown and sold for Valentine’s Day each year.
Hershey is credited with creating the first heart-shaped chocolate box.
Americans spend over $25 billion on Valentine’s Day gifts each year.
In order, the groups that receive the most Valentine’s Day cards are kids, mothers, pets, teachers.
Valentine’s Day is the second most popular holiday for greeting cards, right after Mother’s Day.
Consumers buy over 58 million pounds of chocolate and candy for Valentine’s Day.
More people buy chocolates than flowers for Valentine’s Day.
The phrase "Be My Valentine" comes from a Shakespeare play.
Valentine's Day is believed to have originated in Ancient Rome.

Are these fun facts about Valentine's Day true or false?
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Another: what video game character's birthdate is on February 14th in 1968, 1977 or 1992 depending on which version of the game you're playing?
My heart wasn't in it.
Buy a bunch of cheap cards at the dollar store, then hide them around the house so your valentine will find them during the course of the day. Some suggestions: in the fridge, by the toothbrush, in a purse/briefcase, by the remote, in the car, etc.
My wife and I did this for many years until I became disabled. (Kind of took the surprise out of it when I couldn't go to the store by myself anymore.)
I guess that's why I'm single.