Are these scenes from Gunsmoke or Gilligan's Island?

Dodge City or an island daydream?

Did you know that the Old West dream sequences you watched on Gilligan's Island were actually filmed on the Gunsmoke set?

That should make today's quiz surprisingly tough (if you're not the fastest eye in the West, that is).

Below, we've taken scenes from Gilligan's Island Western parody episodes and mixed them up with authentic scenes from Gunsmoke. It's up to you to figure out which Western is which. Good luck!

Watch Gilligan's Island on MeTV!

Sundays 3 & 3:30 PM

*available in most MeTV markets
  1. Is this a scene from Gunsmoke or Gilligan's Island?
  2. Is this a scene from Gunsmoke or Gilligan's Island?
  3. Is this a scene from Gunsmoke or Gilligan's Island?
  4. Pick the real Miss Kitty:
  5. Is this a scene from Gunsmoke or Gilligan's Island?
  6. Is this a scene from Gunsmoke or Gilligan's Island?
  7. Is this a scene from Gunsmoke or Gilligan's Island?
  8. Is this a scene from Gunsmoke or Gilligan's Island?
  9. Is this a scene from Gunsmoke or Gilligan's Island?
  10. Pick the scene that shows The Skipper:

Are these scenes from Gunsmoke or Gilligan's Island?

Your Result...

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Thacket 24 months ago
The professor makes a good cowboy in all black
Dario 42 months ago
A PERFECT 10!!!!! ✌️✌️✌️✌️✌️👌👌👌👌👌 😀😀😀😀😀
WILD 42 months ago
You got 9 out of 10
You get a gold star! (Which is basically the same as Mr. Howell striking gold?)
annabelgoddard 43 months ago
You got 10 out of 10
You get a gold star! (Which is basically the same as Mr. Howell striking gold?)
Jeffrey 78 months ago
I got # 10 wrong. The two pictures both show Alan Hale Jr., so I thought the one on the right was the Skipper.
Jeffrey 78 months ago
You got 9 out of 10------------- You get a gold star! (Which is basically the same as Mr. Howell striking gold?)
EllisClevenger 78 months ago
8/10 Is there a cure for watching too much MeTV? God, I hope not.
booster 78 months ago
8/10. I remember him in Gunsmoke, but don't recall the Gilligan's Island episode.
MrBill 78 months ago
6/10; that was a tough quiz - all western scenes.
Tresix 78 months ago
9/10, missed the one with the empty boots.
MaryMitch 78 months ago
Wow, the Professor looks HOT in all black!
Tresix MaryMitch 78 months ago
He was in some episodes of "Gunsmoke" as a bad guy.
anthony 78 months ago
6/10.Didn't know everybody was gonna do bad.I would have tried harder.😋😋😋
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