Are these scenes from The Andy Griffith Show… or something else?

You need the sharp eyes of Deputy Fife to recognize the real thing.


We know you know The Andy Griffith Show. We've seen your quiz score, and Mayberry fans know that sitcom like the back of their hand.

So let's put that to the test. Sure, it's easy to recognize people. But what about buildings and birds? How about stock footage from classic episodes?

We grabbed random moments from some episodes… and shuffled them with random photographs from the 1960s. Try to tell them apart!

Watch The Andy Griffith Show on MeTV!

Weeknights at 8 & 8:30, Sundays at 12 & 6 PM

*available in most MeTV markets
  1. Is this an image from The Andy Griffith Show?
  2. Is this an image from The Andy Griffith Show?
  3. Is this an image from The Andy Griffith Show?
  4. Is this an image from The Andy Griffith Show?
  5. Is this an image from The Andy Griffith Show?
  6. Is this an image from The Andy Griffith Show?
  7. Is this an image from The Andy Griffith Show?
  8. Is this an image from The Andy Griffith Show?
  9. Is this an image from The Andy Griffith Show?
  10. Is this an image from The Andy Griffith Show?
  11. Is this an image from The Andy Griffith Show?
  12. Is this an image from The Andy Griffith Show?
  13. Is this an image from The Andy Griffith Show?
  14. Is this an image from The Andy Griffith Show?

Are these scenes from The Andy Griffith Show… or something else?

Your Result...

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annabelgoddard 37 months ago
You got 11 out of 14
Did you have a pleasant drive looking at the scenery? Share your score!

"Purty" Good, according to Gomer
LarryZ 53 months ago
A lot of interesting trivia questions. Brought back a lot of memories from when I was a kid.
JanMMitchell 53 months ago
Got 12 out of 14 on the Andy Griffith show quiz.
Irish 53 months ago
I missed one. Surprise! Surprise! Surprise! I have most of the episodes on....are you ready? VHS! I TAPED THEM ALL! I did buy DVD'S too. Always liked the black & white episodes better. I do with all the early shows. I Love Lucy just isn't the same in color either. What do you think?
a1k9 53 months ago
I watched the Andy Griffith way too much and still do. I have the complete series on DVD.
STTOS 54 months ago
You got 13 out of 14 - Did you have a pleasant drive looking at the scenery? Share your score! Missed #4. Bummer.
Runeshaper 54 months ago
You got 12 out of 14 - excellent for not watching the show! LOL :)
54 months ago
14 of 14 ... nailed it! First ever.
TheDavBow3 54 months ago
11/14. Pretty good considering I'm usually bad at Andy Griffith quizzes. I got the Tricky Dickie question right. My parents went to the '64 World's Fair.
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