How are these Mayberry characters related?
Can you tell us how these 'Andy Griffith Show' folk are kin?

CBS Television Distribution
Have you seen enough of The Andy Griffith Show to consider yourself an honorary citizen of Mayberry? The beloved sitcom was populated with dozens of colorful characters. We met everyone from the mayor to the local sot. Because it was such a small town, many of the folks were related.
Let's see how well you remember these relations. To make it a little more challenging, we threw in a pinch of Mayberry R.F.D., too.
Good luck!

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Let's start with the big one. How are Andy and Barney related?
CBS Television Distribution
How about Goober and Gomer?
CBS Television Distribution
She's "Aunt Bee" but who's aunt is she?
CBS Television Distribution
How are Brisco Darling and Dud Wash related? (Beyond the fact that both actors have "Denver" in their names.)
CBS Television Distribution
What about Floyd the Barber and Deputy Warren Ferguson?
CBS Television Distribution
Relatives come to stay in the episode "The Family Visit." How is Nora related to Opie?
CBS Television Distribution
Otis and Rita Campbell?
CBS Television Distribution
Opie's pal Johnny Paul Jason has an uncle who owns which Mayberry business?
CBS Television Distribution
Alice Cooper (not the rock star) replaces Aunt Bee as Sam Jones' housekeeper. How is she related?
CBS Television Distribution
How about Howard Sprague and Mrs. Sprague?
CBS Television Distribution
Which of the following men is NOT in a serious romantic relationship with Millie?
CBS Television Distribution

How are these Mayberry characters related?
Your Result...
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You got 11 out of 11 - Well, shoot! Well done! We might just have to make you a deputy. Now taht's more like it!! I do know my TAGS.
It was mentioned in the first episode of TAGS that Andy and Barney were cousins, but, to my knowledge, it was never alluded to again!
"You got 10 out of 11. Well, shoot! Well done! We might just have to make you a deputy."
Missed #8, that's going pretty deep into the weeds to have to know Johnny Paul Jason's
uncle owns Foley's Grocery. Not many people know Johnny Paul was adopted, his real parents are
the roue Floyd Lawson and Daphne the Fun Girl.
Missed #8, that's going pretty deep into the weeds to have to know Johnny Paul Jason's
uncle owns Foley's Grocery. Not many people know Johnny Paul was adopted, his real parents are
the roue Floyd Lawson and Daphne the Fun Girl.
8 out of 11. The last question said, who did not milly have a relationship with? With 3 pictures, goober and Sam as soon as I hit one, WRONG!!
You got 11 out of 11, What the heck are TAGS?