Are these Thanksgiving horror movies real, or did we make them up?
That isn't cranberry sauce...

The Everett Collection
Halloween is obviously the winner when it comes to holidays with horror movies based around them. Christmas isn't hurting for some good scares, either — just look at Black Christmas, Krampus, or even the William Shatner-anchored A Christmas Horror Story.
But what about Turkey Day? Sometimes getting through the family dinners can be scary enough. That doesn't mean that Hollywood hasn't taken a few tries at "stuffing" the horror genre with some Thanksgiving flair.
We're going to give you a description of a Thanksgiving-themed horror movie. You tell us if we're making them up, or if we're talking turkey.
An undead demonic turkey from pilgrim times resurrects and terrorizes a group of college kids on Thanksgiving break
Animal rights activists sabotage a turkey farm on the night before Thanksgiving, only to find themselves hunted down by a masked butcher
A group of toy store employees have to fight off Black Friday shoppers turned parasitic mutants
A year after a fatal Black Friday riot, a pilgrim-masked killer axes and hacks his way through people associated with the tragedy
A college "friendsgiving" celebration goes horribly wrong when people begin dying one by one
A man escapes from an asylum after being framed by a murder committed by his twin, then comes home for a Thanksgiving reunion
A vegan boycotting Thanksgiving finds himself hunted down by a family of cannibals looking for their main course
An illegal turkey growth hormone leads to a rural farming community becoming overrun with zombie turkeys
A biker gets a job at a turkey farm, where he agrees to be a test subject for some experimental chemicals, which turns him into a murderous turkey-creature
The year after a TV chef is humiliated on their Thanksgiving live show by a cruel prank, a mysterious killer hunts down the TV executives and turns their bodies into traditional dishes
In an effort to help her family grow closer, a mother hires pilgrim re-enactors who refuse to drop character
A widowed father buys an experimental home AI system to help manage household tasks, but she soon becomes obsessed with creating the perfect family Thanksgiving, to murderous results

Are these Thanksgiving horror movies real, or did we make them up?
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7/12 Nice quiz I didn't do too well but I gotta say I could've done a lot worse If I didn't know much at all about some of those clues given I'm good with my score.
6 out of 6. All guesses. I knew there were Thanksgiving horror movies but have never seen one. I did get an idea for one after taking the quiz. A wish gone wrong or something along that lines after 2 family members break the wishbone. Maybe Freaky Friday meets Thanksgiving horror.
9 out of 12!?! That's the worst I've ever done on one of these quizzes. To be fair, some of these real films sound so stupid they could've been fake, and some of these fakes sound stupid enough to be real (that's how #5 almost got me).
9 out of 12. I'v seen part of Thankskilling, one entry seems to be Thanksgiving-fied version of a comedy-horror film from New Zealand called Black Sheep, and one entry seems to borrow a bit from a comedy-horror film call Theater of Blood.
Thanksgiving horror movies should start with the clean-up after the meal and the obvious bickering of any family:)