Can we guess what year you graduated based on the school supplies you used?

Your pencils and folders reveal more than you think.


Homework and standardized tests are no fun, but school does have its upsides. Like recess, those little cartons of milk, field day, study hall and friends.

Of course, there were lots of cool gizmos and gadgets that went with it. At the end of each summer, our parents would take us to stock up on school supplies — pencils, protractors, folders, book bags, calculators….

The specific stuff you got probably reveals your age. Or so we hypothesize. Let's see if we can guess the year in which you graduated high school based on the following school supplies. Let us know how we did!
  1. Have you ever played this game?
     Image: Minnesota Educational Computing Consortium
  2. Did you ever use one of these?
     Image: Amazon
  3. Which folder would have been more common in your school?
  4. Did you ever fill out one of these?
  5. Which pencil were you more likely to use?
  6. Have you ever seen one of these Mr. Peanut Pencils?
     Image: LIFE Magazine
  7. What would you use to write an essay?
  8. How would you carry your books?
  9. Speaking of backpacks, did everyone in your school have one of these?
     Image: Jansport
  10. Do you know what these are?
  11. How about this? Did you ever use this?
  12. What model TI calculator did you use in math?
  13. What was your lunch box made of?
  14. Did a teacher ever give you one of these?
  15. On what device would you save your homework?

Can we guess what year you graduated based on the school supplies you used?

Your Result...

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leeroyprice 6 months ago
I graduated in 1980. Grade school and High school both were out in the cornfields. I did take a semester of typing though. Learned on a manual and electric. The electric typewriter was about as high tech as we had.
Patti100 6 months ago
It said 66, it was actually 74.
gbell Patti100 6 months ago
Me too, hahaha.
Nightshade1972 6 months ago
"You graduated in 1993."

Nope. Graduated HS in '90, college in '95.
BuckRogers 6 months ago
I graduated in 1966 according to this "quiz". In reality, I graduated in 1982!
purplerose60 6 months ago
Way off, said 66, graduated in 78 lol.
What are those in #10?
Pencil grippers. Slide them on to the bottom third of your wooden pencil, and supposedly it makes the pencil easier to hold.
Sweetles 6 months ago
They guessed that I graduated in 1966......when I was 4 years old! I graduated in 1980.
Lynn 7 months ago
Ten years early. But it was a fun quiz.
melanieofoz 7 months ago
LOL Have me graduating in 1966. I was only 4 years old.
Sweetles melanieofoz 6 months ago
Same with me!!
cripplious 7 months ago
You graduated in 1993 wrong by 3 years
prock 10 months ago
Wow I graduated 2 years before I was born no wonder I was so smart
Frecklegirl 32 months ago
Said I graduated in 66 WRONG! Graduated in 85
leannie429 32 months ago
It was sooooo wrong! I graduated in 1974! I’m not nearly that old!
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