Can we guess your age based on your taste in snacks?

Taste buds don't lie.

If there's one thing we excel at as a people, it's snacking. The grocery store is filled with dozens of varieties of chips, crackers, cookies and cereal.

Of course, over the years, flavors and brands come and go. We're betting you are most nostalgic for the salty, sweet snacks of your youth.

So, let's see if we can guess how old you are based on the following food questions. Some people read fortunes in tea leaves. We'll use crumbs.
  1. Pick a Little Debbie snack.
  2. You can bring one bygone cereal back from the dead. Which one do you want to revive?
  3. Pick something pizza flavored.
  4. Okay, now pick a vintage flavor of Doritos.
  5. You need a sugar rush. What do you reach for to satisfy that sweet tooth?
  6. We can't talk about snacks without talking about potatoes. Pick a potato snack.
  7. You can bring back one flavor Girl Scout cookies. Which is it?
  8. A friend travels abroad and brings back a bunch of potato chips. You can not read the labels at all. Pick a bag to eat based on color alone.
  9. Pick a mascot.

Can we guess your age based on your taste in snacks?

Your Result...

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Thatzaftigbroad 41 months ago
The choices were too specific or or unknown or nasty. Fun dip? Baby bottle pops? Yuck. As for the girl scout cookie I picked the only one that looked familiar even if it had an unfamiliar name. Where are the tagalongs?
Karen 46 months ago
I didn't even recognize most of these, but you did well- 50 and I'm 52!
Nightshade1972 48 months ago
The results said I'm 50. Close--I turned 49 last month. :-)
idkwut2use 48 months ago
You insist based on all my choices that I am 59, yet I’m 33...XD
Lily 68 months ago
"You are 59 years old."

You, are wrong. I'm 29.
ndebrabant 75 months ago
You are 68 years old
Why don't they still sell potato chips in a big tin can? Those were fun to save.
Missed by 3 years. I'm 65.
Never really ate any of those they listed.
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