Can you find the Abraham Lincoln from Star Trek?

Be honest — did you find Abe on the first guess?


Two score and thirteen years ago… the Enterprise boldly went where man had gone before! Star Trek premiered in 1966. In their three seasons of exploring space, Captain Kirk and crew encountered all sorts of colorful aliens.

They also crossed paths with a historical figure or two along the way. In "The Savage Curtain," one of the later episodes, two great minds finally met when Abraham Lincoln teams with Spock (and Kirk) on the planet Excalbia. (But is it the real 16th president of the United States?)

Below, we've gathered a dozen screen depictions of Lincoln. Let's see if you can find the Abraham Lincoln from Star Trek! Keep clicking until you find him!

Oh, to even the playing field, we've made them all black-and-white.

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  1. Find the Abraham Lincoln from Star Trek!

Can you find the Abraham Lincoln from Star Trek?

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GTStang08 17 months ago
4th attempt. The most realistic looking Lincoln was Hal Holbrook.
Catman 31 months ago
Well I just kinda bumped into this quiz today. I dunno if I wasn't hanging out here 34 months ago or not ... I'm not good with time. But I got Abe on the first shot because ... Star Trek OS.
hyppymom 32 months ago
I got it right but on the 2nd try.
As for the most authentic looking Lincoln, #4 and #6 are kinda close.
Being a Lincoln fan, I judge pretty harshly.
DerekBird 61 months ago
You found the correct Lincoln!
Lee Bergere played Abraham Lincoln in that episode. Who do you think looked the most like the real Abe?
Custodes 65 months ago
No Kill I ...The Sacramento, Ca punk rock band had a member they called "Hard Drinkin' Lincoln." It was based on this episode of Star Trek.

PS: Nailed it.
EllisClevenger 65 months ago
You found the correct Lincoln!
First try.
STTOS 65 months ago
You found the correct Lincoln! - Lee Bergere played Abraham Lincoln in that episode. Who do you think looked the most like the real Abe? "The Savage Curtain", one of my favorite ST episodes.
AlbertHanson 65 months ago
You are a true Trekkie if you find this Lincoln on the first try.
DIGGER1 65 months ago
Can you find the Abraham Lincoln from Star Trek?
You found the correct Lincoln!
Lee Bergere played Abraham Lincoln in that episode. Who do you think looked the most like the real Abe?
LeeHarper 65 months ago
Only took 13 tries but i found him
Corey 65 months ago
Got the correct Abe. I'm a thinking Lincoln.
MrsPhilHarris 65 months ago
Found it on my first try. He had that Star Trek look.
Jeremy 65 months ago
I got it on the very first try too! It took me some time to finally guess it, since I've never seen the episode but that head shot just kept telling me "Star Trek." It looked like the kind of head shot that that show would use.
JDnHuntsvilleAL Jeremy 64 months ago
I picked it based on the background -- it was the only one to fit the ST episode.
Bret 65 months ago
I got it right on the 1st try!
Moody 65 months ago
I remember the episode but it still took me 4 tries to get the right Lincoln. Oh well, my memory doesn't often serve me too well these days!
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