Can you finish the classic television insult?

We'll be insulted if you don't take this quiz.


Let's face it: Some of the best one-liners, insults, and zingers are most likely stolen from your favorite television series.

We've collected the best of the best, and now it's YOUR job to fill in the blanks and finish that insult!

Watch All in the Family on MeTV!

Two full hours!

Sundays at 8 PM

*available in most MeTV markets
  1. All In The Family
  2. Cheers
  3. M*A*S*H
  4. Batman
  5. The Brady Bunch
  6. Gilligan's Island
  7. Star Trek
  8. Looney Tunes
  9. The Mary Tyler Moore Show

Can you finish the classic television insult?

Your Result...

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WGH 7 months ago
Only 7 out of 9. I feel like a meat head ... Dead from the neck up!
Wendy57 7 months ago
I’d like to think of myself as a
Filet Mignonhead thank you ! 😄👑
Runeshaper 7 months ago
5/9 Lots of guesses lol

You won, MEATHEAD!
Peter_Falk_Fan 7 months ago
6/9 Nice comeback after starting 0/3.
RobertK 7 months ago
7 of 9. I missed the shows I rarely watch. Lately it seems I couldn't even buy a correct guess!
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